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Thread: For your VI'ing pleasure -

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    I don't think they're that hot...

    a few seemed very alpha though

  2. #2
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    1) SEE
    2) SEE
    3) SEE
    4) SEE

    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    This is the most intelligent thing you've ever said in your time here.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post

    1) SEE
    2) SEE
    3) SEE
    4) SEE

    This is the most intelligent thing you've ever said in your time here.

    You sure are witty there pal.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

  4. #4

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    A: dunno
    B: ExE
    C: IEI
    D: SEI

    just guesses. IMO
    Last edited by Mea; 03-16-2008 at 05:43 AM.

  5. #5

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    A: ESI
    B: LIE
    C: Hardest for me to guess - EIE perhaps?
    D: SEE

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

  6. #6



  7. #7
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    Okay, some minute descriptions from my perspective -

    A is pretty calm and steady, but smiley, too. I've seen her sad, but not really grumpy ever. When working with her, I could always count on her. We never seemed to have any problems communicating and she seemed fine with not talking about frivolous stuff but focussing on the necessary things, though from what I remember she does do frivolous better than I do. She is kind and considerate; not exactly initiative taking, but if she sees a problem she's more than willing to help.

    B often comes across as flighty and a bit excitable to me. I've known her for a long time and seen her really grow and mature. I can count on her, too, to be responsible. She moves and fidgets around in an expressive manner a lot more than A, though, and is more emotionally volatile, though she has calmed down in the last few years. She is also a lot more physical in showing affection, i.e. hugs and cuddling. Out of the four, I get along best with her, though I find it hard to keep up with her. I'm too serious and it holds her back, I think (of course, I feel like that about the rest of the world...). She is good at helping me have fun, though. I often have to push myself, but it's not nearly as impossible as it is with lots of people. Each of us likes and is accepting of the other. Part of it may come from just knowing each other for so long, though.

    Like I said, I don't know C as well as A or B because I haven't worked directly with her for any significant amount of time. But I do respect and like her. She's capable and confident and very responsible. She can do the whole, um, "OMG!" thing, but it's definitely not her priority. Compared to A and B she's much more likely to voice any contradictory opinions she has and be firm in those opinions. She doesn't rabble rouse or have radical ideas, but she doesn't necessarily back down either. It's more of a, "I have my own opinion and I'll just follow it, whether or not people come along with me." (Not sure if it's socionically relevant, but while I think all of them have better senses of style than I do, C's got them topped in terms of actual confidence - she looks good, stylish, with seeming effortlessness.)

    D is the most different from them. She seems a bit more fake, to me. Not that she is fake, just that... She's more focussed on her appearance and on what people think, it seems. On the other hand, she can also be a bit more caustic, a bit more snippy. Like C she has her own opinions on things, but I think they're a little more... self-centered, though not always in a bad way. I get along just fine with her, never had any problems with disagreements or miscommunication. But sometimes it's like I get a blank on her, if that makes sense. The connection doesn't go wrong, just doesn't happen at all, sometimes. Out of the four, I've had the least experience with her.

    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    Okay, one explanation is that they're all Gammas, that D is SEE (not SEI) and A is ESI (not SEE), what puts you off is the "collective Se" and above all D's Se. I think LIE for B and ILI for C rounds it up nicely.
    So, a complete quadra, huh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Garmonbozia View Post
    I blame it on modern porno.

    These girls look... uh... flamboyant.

    Like young hookers.
    Flamboyant is a semi-accurate word, I'd say.

    But they're more like nuns than hookers.

    Quote Originally Posted by jessica129 View Post
    They're so....expressive. I would find them difficult to be around. But they're kids so what can you expect.
    Yes, expressive.

    By the way, as far as I know they're all 18 or older and in college.

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    As a group they'd be too much imo. Too many "OMG! Check this out! Hey!" etc. But I've gotten old and tired, hehe. I'd like A and B the best out of those. They seem the calmest, least exuberantly expressive. If I were their age again and one of them - I would probably be the B of the group, and A would be my closest friend of the bunch.
    It's interesting that you find A and B most appealing... I think you might like C, though, too. And, yes, I find them - especially A and B - easier to be comfortable with one-on-one as opposed to in a group.

    Also, I'll add that this only happens to be four who went on a trip together. There's actually more of their particular set who like to hang out together and have gelled especially well.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    I wonder if others agree on these temperaments given the descriptions:

    A - IJ
    B - EP
    C - EJ
    D - EP or IP

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Okay, some minute descriptions from my perspective -

    A is pretty calm and steady, but smiley, too. I've seen her sad, but not really grumpy ever. When working with her, I could always count on her. We never seemed to have any problems communicating and she seemed fine with not talking about frivolous stuff but focussing on the necessary things, though from what I remember she does do frivolous better than I do. She is kind and considerate; not exactly initiative taking, but if she sees a problem she's more than willing to help.
    It's consistent with ESI anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    B often comes across as flighty and a bit excitable to me. I've known her for a long time and seen her really grow and mature. I can count on her, too, to be responsible. She moves and fidgets around in an expressive manner a lot more than A, though, and is more emotionally volatile, though she has calmed down in the last few years. She is also a lot more physical in showing affection, i.e. hugs and cuddling. Out of the four, I get along best with her, though I find it hard to keep up with her. I'm too serious and it holds her back, I think (of course, I feel like that about the rest of the world...). She is good at helping me have fun, though. I often have to push myself, but it's not nearly as impossible as it is with lots of people. Each of us likes and is accepting of the other. Part of it may come from just knowing each other for so long, though.
    Sounds like an extrovert, EJ I guess, but here you make her sound more like ESE or something. I wouldn't discard LIE though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    Like I said, I don't know C as well as A or B because I haven't worked directly with her for any significant amount of time. But I do respect and like her. She's capable and confident and very responsible. She can do the whole, um, "OMG!" thing, but it's definitely not her priority. Compared to A and B she's much more likely to voice any contradictory opinions she has and be firm in those opinions. She doesn't rabble rouse or have radical ideas, but she doesn't necessarily back down either. It's more of a, "I have my own opinion and I'll just follow it, whether or not people come along with me." (Not sure if it's socionically relevant, but while I think all of them have better senses of style than I do, C's got them topped in terms of actual confidence - she looks good, stylish, with seeming effortlessness.)
    Hmmm. SLI rather than ILI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    D is the most different from them. She seems a bit more fake, to me. Not that she is fake, just that... She's more focussed on her appearance and on what people think, it seems. On the other hand, she can also be a bit more caustic, a bit more snippy. Like C she has her own opinions on things, but I think they're a little more... self-centered, though not always in a bad way. I get along just fine with her, never had any problems with disagreements or miscommunication. But sometimes it's like I get a blank on her, if that makes sense. The connection doesn't go wrong, just doesn't happen at all, sometimes. Out of the four, I've had the least experience with her.
    Perhaps SEE really.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  10. #10



  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    As a group they'd be too much imo. Too many "OMG! Check this out! Hey!" etc. But I've gotten old and tired, hehe. I'd like A and B the best out of those. They seem the calmest, least exuberantly expressive. If I were their age again and one of them - I would probably be the B of the group, and A would be my closest friend of the bunch.

    lol I've crossed that point too. Younger people are just too loud these days... *shakes cane in air*

  12. #12
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    B's a cutie.

    i really don't know their types. the description of D makes me think Se dominant. focused on appearance, caustic comments about superficial things-- although i've met loads of Se types who aren't like this at all.

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