Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian View Post
I don't have in mind being taken advantage off. I mean being treated roughly, hard, mean,

They invest a lot on their spouses and expect a lot from them. They also pick spouses that have a good social standing. But not really nice boys. They often go for powerful and respected/feared guys. If they think you are a wimp, you are out.

ENTjs also like it rough. But they want to be the boss.

also, the iSFJ will notice your needs and go out of their to fulfill them. the opposite with ENTjs, they do not notice your needs and see no reason to fulifill them. they will hawever do almost anything to fulfil their own needs, so you can hook them up that way.
That's a good example of someone approaching socionics without ever really bothering to understand socionics in its own terms.

I think that that view of ENTjs and ISFjs only makes any -- sense if based on some Keirsey and MBTI description of ENTJ and ISFJ.