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Thread: Do ISFjs prefer to date "bad boys"?

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  1. #11
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    Actually, I was wondering if ISFjs sometimes can seem masochistic in that they become overly dutiful and take everything upon themselves. Then if others don't appreciate this, and take it for granted, it becomes somewhat sad.

    Someone who I know who I think is ISFj said "I'll go around the world and back for you, I'll do anything for you, if you ask me nicely." This same person would probably do that anyway for people she's loyal to even if they didn't ask her nicely. When she describes her family situation, I get the feeling she secretly feels rather under appreciated, or simply is rather under appreciated.

    I wonder if I have her type wrong. Maybe this is being confused with the Myersian ISFJ (which she incidentally tests as).

    And of course most people would be willing to do just about anything for someone they're strongly devoted to... it was the "if you ask me nicely" part that seemed particularly striking to me.

    she sounds more ISFP.

    what I have in mind is the type of girl that goes to have an orgy, or the one who dates a gangster, the trophy wife, that sort of ting.
    Last edited by Dioklecian; 03-12-2008 at 10:06 PM.
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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