Quote Originally Posted by XcaliburGirl
Unfortunately as a result the main purpose of a romantic relationship -- which is being one another's playful partners is lacking. It turns into a marriage of convenience based on complimentary talents and weaknesses...
Interesting. What makes you say that? Could you elaborate?
Oh christ almighty...XcaliburGirl, LK is not an INTj so he does not know what it is like to be an INTj, and has never experienced an INTj-ESFj relationship firsthand. I have, several times, and LK's observations go against all of my first hand experience.

Playing around like little kids with my first ESFj girlfriend was a major attraction to her, and well, it was really fun. She mentioned to me that she thought it would be romantic to go to the beach, so I took her there, and the look in her eyes I knew she was happy. It was dark, slightly rainy, and dreary, but we played around goofing around on the beach for a while. _Close_ INTjs and ESFjs typically have a very playful nature to them, at least at the infatuation stage. Another ESFj I've been friends with for a little over a month, we had a deep conversation about love and being in love, and the next day we flirted around throwing things at each other and laughing.

(there is nothing like first hand experience)