Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
And then there are the J/P couples (like me and lots of others I know) where they're on vacation and the J will say "let's have a plan for the day" and the P rolls their eyes and says "can't we just explore and see what happens?" So the compromise is: they plan one or two things that they know they want to do. The rest of the time is go with the flow.
When my little sister (whom I think is ENTp) and I traveled to Australia & New Zealand, she didn't want to do any of the planning - but she *wanted* to have an itinerary. I mainly wanted to roam and get a feel for things, but I knew she'd be bored off her ass and eventually turn to abusing me for it. So I did a bunch of research on the internet, came up with way more than we could possibly do in a stay thrice as long, and told her to pick her favorites. Then, according to the location & expected amount of time we'd spend on each activity, I chose likely hostels to stay in.
When we actually got there, we'd pick what we wanted to do that day from off the list - we also tried to choose according to several things that were close to one another. There were several times when we found something along the way that hadn't come up in the internet research (naturally), and so we vetoed the plan in favor of the unknown. We were traveling in the off-season, so it was always easy to book a hostel with little or no advance notice (also, OZ & NZ have a huge backpacking industry and fairly cater to tourists, even in smaller towns), and in NZ we bought a bus pass that allowed us to hop a ride with as little as two hours' notice (we traveled to five diff cities that way!).
All in all, I feel like I had to plan more intensively than I would have preferred, but our trip went incredibly smoothly, and Sarah only got truly bitchy one time when I booked a hostel that turned out to be a further walk from the bus station than we initially thought. There were tons of things that we didn't get to do, but we knew it'd be that way anyway ... and we both enjoyed deviating from the plan when an opportunity presented itself.
Ironically, trying to make sure Sarah was pleased & occupied probably kept me a little more motivated to do more, too ...