Quote Originally Posted by esper View Post
So you are saying:

J's pick the method they consider best suits the goal and stick to it
P's pick the method they feel best suits their mood and deviate from it as their mood changes
Mmm no I don't think so. It depends on what they're doing, I mean many times I do what I feel like too. It depends if there's something important, or not. If there's something important to do yeah, I tend to try to find the best method. Otherwise, no.

But see, I will give you an example of leisure of a J and P couple. J couple: Okay, tomorrow we can do this till about 6 pm, then we can go there till about 9 pm, then we can meet with X at about 11
Whereas I see the P couples as never deciding previously what to do. They may go out and look what's open and go.

This is a rough outline which is good only for statistical purposes - sometimes J couples will go somewhere without any plan, but it's not their natural mode of operation.

Btw I think that pursuing goals only when you want to is...human everybody generally does that