Quote Originally Posted by Loki
I think Js tend to like to add structure or have a structure, whereas Ps tend to want things less structured and more spontaneous. I think this is where conflicts can arise to some extent... Js can get frustrated by Ps lack of structure or since they operate better with structure they resist efforts to make things more malleable and less structured (that would be too chaotic). Ps can get frustrated if they feel that someone else is trying to impose a particular strucuture upon them because this can feel imprisoning, or "rigid." I don't know if routines have anything to do with it. I tend to think Js can feel more comfortable with routines... but that may be a lot of nonsense.
this isn't the crux. the reason why J's appear structured is because they are idealists, in the sense of focusing on the intellect instead of the way things are. wanting reality to be in tune with your ideals typically produces a structured attitude. P's are entwined with nature as it is, which is why they seem spontaneous.

Quote Originally Posted by esper
They have a SENSE of control, but don't they also have a NEED for control?

I wonder if, in the same sense, P's NEED to be able to follow their flow?

What if two P's flow different ways?

Or if two J's have different ideas of preferrable control or arrangement of things?

Would that make the two Ps or two Js clash or conflict?

Or do two Ps or two Js generally mold to eachother?
like I said, it's an idealistic vs. naturalistic attitude. anyone can have a need for control in any context. the rest of your post makes no sense.

Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops
J's tend to put structures or plans in place to avoid problems, P's tend to be able to just skirt round them without the forward planning, I think.

It looks like j's make a path and steer in the current, p's are able to make the tide work with them.
the first part is generic. anyone with a brain will want to avoid problems. anyone can be forward planning...you think INTp's arent? the second part is a perfect metaphor.