The person can appear kind of dry, but at the same time not so much. More like, the person lacks concern for other people. And yet at the same time I'm not sure. They don't seem to take other people's opinions on things into consideration, but you could equally claim they do it out of consideration. It's things like random praise or critique. Well, perhaps it isn't random, it's more like the person has a tendency to give an estimate of things and is not prone to sugarcoating it. This behavior I'm not sure how to interpret properly. I can't really see if it is concern, or lack of concern. Or any personal sentiment at all. It's almost robot like in it's nature. Depersonalized.

The person gets motivated by work. Like an assignment, deadline, responsibility is something that can bring them out of a depression. They seem to set their feeling, problems aside in order to "perform adequately". Which I find so odd. Primarily because they're lazy as hell and work ethics is not something you'd associate with them. The contrary really. But now that I think about it, the results beg to differ. But somehow it always seems like they invest little to no effort. And they are always bitching about how they are lazy, how they should be doing something, how they have some sort of "responsibility" to do. However, if it is such a problem for them how come they keep going on and on about it. How come they present it as if they need a "way out" of it. I think they like it, the work, responsibility, despite the claims of opposite personal sentiments.

Thinking about it, it does make sense, And also if they are so lazy how come the results disagree completely. The college they attend is not easy and they make it "sound" easy. I guess you could say it's natural talent, but it was the same in high school. Always had the results. They were never the best, but they never fell behind.

Actually, now that I think about it, I've never actually seen them fail. They do enough to be considered successful in whatever they are doing but not enough to be consumed by performance, achievement. Like they have a balance in such things. And when they underachieve on things they set out to do, break the balance, they respond by doubling, no, quadrupling their efforts.

And that's another thing, they set out to do things. Like when performing a task, they'll say they need to do this, and this, and this in order to get it done, kind of really break apart the task. They also kind of set these markers, indicators that let them know how they are doing. And like I said if they miss them they do everything in their power to get back on track as quickly as possible. And they also bitch about them as well. Like I need to get such and such result from such and such thing. And they set limitation, boundaries, make criteria for things. I have to do this by tomorrow, I will do it by the end of the week, and so on. I know it sounds everyday when say it, but when you hear them you definitely get the feeling of self maintenance, self steering, self control, as if they absolutly have to do it by then. However, sometimes they don't do it, but there is always an explanation on why they judged they could "allow" themselves to do that, on why that has gained a "lower priority" and "can wait".

However, sometimes I get the feeling like they arrange their priorities on a personal basis, as in who they like and don't like. Like as if for some people they would go out on a limb while for others they wouldn't lift a finger. But only sometimes. As they seem the kind of person that would, once they do give you their word, would stick to it. And nothing has ever contradicted this impression in any way. In fact, if they think they cannot do something, despite your wishes they would be frank about it. Actually, it's like they won't pep talk you when things get bad, won't lie to you about what they can or cannot do, but they would help carry you through it, they would help you deal with things to the best of their ability. But still, sometimes I get the impression they don't really care for some people and are just being professional with them. Which sounds odd as I'm not speaking of dealing with business partners but of going out on a saturday night. Like they don't like certain people but maintain good relations with them. Well, at least in public. I seriously doubt they have any contact in private.