Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
Theory about ENFP neat-and-tidiness:

ENFPs are generally messy and disorganized. But like their rooms and clothes to reflect something, to mean something, to present a harmonic picture of something. Hate a mess because it interferes with their interior decorating. Therefore attempt to tidy up, but in a messy and disorganized or fuss-free way. Example: when expecting visitors, simply putting all the dirty dishes into the oven instead of doing the washing up. Will "tidy up" by putting everything in neat little piles. Then they'll "tidy up" the piles by putting them in a box. See? Tidy room. Lots of Te, not a lot of Si.

Other kinds of neat-and-tidiness:
Messy bedroom, but tools/motorbike/computer are tidy and clean.
Being neat and disorganized at the same: person spends ages cleaning the stovetop in an otherwise chaotic kitchen.
Sound familiar, anyone?
HA! you kill me. Im not that bad. For example I can let dishes pile up for one day then I HAVE to wash them. Even when Im cooking I clean as I go so as not to leave a big mess. Once the dishes are washed I'll let them air dry cause I dont feel like putting them away. I wipe the counters and the stove and then I feel like a million bucks.
I clean in fits and starts. Sometimes I'll let things go for a day or two then suddenly I get the urge to clean it all up. I start with one surface, like my desk. I might make neat little piles but I clean it and arrange it so it looks nice. Then I move to my couch which also functions as a catch-all. I remove all the jackets, socks, books- whatever has fallen into its engulfing cushions. I move throughout the room (I live in a studio) until its all done. Usually I have a box with all the things I dont know what to do with or should review right away, usually bills and paperwork. Sometimes (often) I get distracted by some book or article and can spend an hour or two re-reading something that inspired me. Then I get mad at myself. Over all, since my place is small I can have it sparkling in about an hour and that includes vacuuming and dusting (yes, I even dust) I figure, Ive always wanted to live in a nice place but guess what? Its not going to get that way on its own, and I cant afford a housekeeper so I have to do it.
call me a chauvanist pig but, Id love to marry one of those old fashioned girls who dont mind this stuff *sigh*