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Thread: Possible Enneagram types of forum members

  1. #1081
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Re: 2w3 (rather than 4 in heart)

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Re: 2w3 (rather than 4 in heart)
    Intuitive impression.

  3. #1083
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    =__= @lavos

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post

    Enneagram is ridiculous. Someone needs to explain to me how 8 and 4 can even coexist in the same type (I know how it's supposed to work but in reality not in theory).

    They're so opposite that to have them both prominent in one's personality would seem almost schizo, tho I guess similar ideas work in socionics with the ego and superid.

    I guess it'd be like a flavoring. I still can't see enneagram as a legit reliable psychological trope thing.

    Actually not a bad call though @manjac
    Tritypes enable everyone to feel like a special snowflake through extensive categorisation of traits (which is in and of itself ironic), but have little basis in psychology.

    The core of Enneagram theory, however (a person's core fears, virtues, + and - feedback loops and instinctual stackings that determine how they manifest) has some merit. Claudio Naranjo in particular made an effort to harmonise the Enneagram with diagnostic criteria like the DSM-III. I consider Enneagram to be a useful tool for self improvement, provided that you actually understand the theory and don't rely on someone's descriptions of each type, which are highly subjective.

    It is difficult to Enneatype people online because of what it delves into. If you have doubts, I'd go back to the basics which I mentioned. Take notice of patterns in your own behaviour. The Enneagram can help explain why they manifest and hence provide a path to improve your psychological health.

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    @Cuivienen Completely agree. I've been into enneagram (the core theory) since I was 11 years old or so (I'm now 24). It was my gateway typology interest. I used it for self improvement at that age .. as a result since then I'd already been trying to iron out my problems associated with E8 and so it probably shows up a lot less than average now. I'd probably be a unique case in the realm of the enneagram. So yeah, I'm certain of my core type, anyway.

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    Enneagram is just desperate attempt to describe multidimensional information in one shaky progression where you should able to eliminate less prominent traits.

    It is like personality disorders. They finally came into conclusion: if there is a need for it let's just score each trait separately. Is there always a single core? Why there should be? It would be just useless dogmatism to claim so as it is hard to measure and therefore show as truth true to subjective nature of it. Furthermore it is also about falling into trap thinking that people are just like me where one instance launches them.
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    Yeah I don’t see 2 in niffer

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    @manjac The thing is so far I see my movement to 2 and 5 as much more relevant than the tritype flavourings you posted. When I read up on 864 and 846 they definitely looked like they could be a good match. But before when I read up on 825 it seemed to match up as well or more, and I also remember I related to the 'triple rejection' concept a lot. Anyway I'll look into it more.

  9. #1089
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Enneagram is just desperate attempt to describe multidimensional information in one shaky progression where you should able to eliminate less prominent traits.

    It is like personality disorders. They finally came into conclusion: if there is a need for it let's just score each trait separately. Is there always a single core? Why there should be? It would be just useless dogmatism to claim so as it is hard to measure and therefore show as truth true to subjective nature of it. Furthermore it is also about falling into trap thinking that people are just like me where one instance launches them.
    totally agree. I think if there's use in it its not to diagnose others, but to in principle see the "flaws" as cognizable phenomenon and root them out in yourself. not because you're a "type x" but because the stuff they said applies to you on a sliding scale and you know its true in that capacity to that extent, and you want to get better

    i think there's some kind of accepting/producing thing going on here where people are inclined to utilize enneagram differently

    although I will say if its a framework to improve understanding of others it can be a step up if the baseline understanding is less than what the system produces, thus adoption of the system as a way to parse other people's experience could be really useful.. like "reductive" from one point of view is an improvement from another. so in some sense it has to do with whether its used not as "diagnosis" as in terms of "this is really the case with this person" and framework that allows for people to be better understood, because its a rational framework one can adopt and place them within which the overall effect is bringing one closer to seeing the others point of view. in other words inasmuch as it doesn't subsume their point of view into the system entirely, essentially making them a determinism,but rather functions to modify one's own point of view, and moves it closer to mutual understanding and growth then it has a legit and laudible use. in other words, you can use them to see the flaws in others and not just yourself as the basis for empathy and understanding, as long as you understand the "flaws" are not real but just coordinates on a system designed to bring people in greater harmony with themselves and others
    Last edited by Bertrand; 04-01-2018 at 04:49 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Enneagram is just desperate attempt to describe multidimensional information in one shaky progression where you should able to eliminate less prominent traits.

    It is like personality disorders. They finally came into conclusion: if there is a need for it let's just score each trait separately. Is there always a single core? Why there should be? It would be just useless dogmatism to claim so as it is hard to measure and therefore show as truth true to subjective nature of it. Furthermore it is also about falling into trap thinking that people are just like me where one instance launches them.
    All these systems are desperate attempts at understanding. Socionics targets people who have struggled with relationship problems which hasn't been a huge issue for me in the grand scheme of things. It is also not immune to dogmatism. They are all tools that can be used for deepening and widening awareness of self and others. Most criticisms of any of these systems will fundamentally apply to all the systems and their limitations. It all comes down to how people interpret and use the information.


    Posted on September 5, 2015 by Curt Micka4 Comments

    Both the Enneagram and the Chakras are “maps” for consciousness evolution. In other words, they are broad schemes of the integral human development process. However, there are some essential differences between them, namely:

    • While the Enneagram distinguishes and describes in detail psychological features for each of nine personality “types” (ennea-types), the Chakras system is a unified system for human development, regardless of any personality style or “type”.
    • Furthermore, their respective starting-points are not the same. The Enneagram focuses principally on a psychological level, related to the “types” or personality styles; and second, it offers a spiritual or transpersonal perspective regarding the Essential qualities, the Virtues and Transcendent Ideas. But the Chakras system focuses mainly on the vital energy in the human body; and second, it reveals psychological awareness in describing the chakras.

    In the Chakras system, every human being is capable of fully developing their potential and achieving a wise life through the process of allowing the chakras to be gradually opened. This process involves overcoming certain existential “challenges” and therein gaining an increased level of maturity, detachment, generosity and open-mindedness. The existential challenges represent specific psychological obstacles that block each chakra, as follows:

    • 1st Chakra – blocked by fear.
    • 2nd Chakra – blocked by guilt.
    • 3rd Chakra – blocked by shame.
    • 4th Chakra – blocked by sadness.
    • 5th Chakra – blocked by deception.
    • 6th Chakra – blocked by illusion.
    • 7th Chakra – blocked by attachment.

    According to Eastern spiritual tradition, the practice of regular meditation focusing on each obstacle is the best way to unblock the energy of the chakras, in order to progressively eliminate the harmful influence that these obstacles have on the mind.

    The first three chakras operate on the “personal” level. The personal level involves an inner work focused on discovering and accepting oneself.
    The last three chakras belong to the “transpersonal” level. The transpersonal level involves abandoning oneself, or more precisely, detaching oneself from the self-image –the ego– and the illusion that one is actually “separated” from the all other beings. In doing so, one achieves a rising awareness of the unity and interconnectedness existing among all beings. The transpersonal level aims at a mystical kind of awareness, which only will be true if one has first worked deeply on the personal and transitional level.

    The forth chakra, the heart chakra, is the “bridge” between the personal and transpersonal levels. It corresponds to the “transitional” level. Represented by the heart chakra, the transitional level “bridges” the other two evolutionary levels. The transitional level involves, on the one hand, overcoming obstacles on the personal level (fear, guilt, shame), and a deep understanding and loving acceptance of oneself. On the other hand, it implies a willingness or sincere intention to minimize the importance of self-image, the “ego”, in order to progressively experience love for all beings and an intuitive wisdom that are qualities of the transpersonal level.

    The evolutionary map presented by the Enneagram is surprisingly linked to the seven chakras. Beyond our own personality type and instinctual subtype, the Enneagram invites everyone to know oneself and fully develop their own potential through the seven levels of the inner work that correspond to the seven chakras with each chakra pointing to specific vital aspects:

    • Self-Preservation Instinct / 1st Chakra: Physical health, personal care, money management.
    • Sexual Instinct / 2nd Chakra: Relationships, significant people, creativity.
    • Social Instinct / 3rd Chakra: Self-esteem, social image and personal achievements.
    • Passions / 4th Chakra: Deep motivations.
    • Virtues / 5th Chakra: Authentic self-expression.
    • Cognitive-Fixations / 6th Chakra: Delusions and illusions.
    • Transcendent Ideas / 7th Chakra: Attachment.

    The Enneatype identification is only the first step. But mere knowledge (or identification) of a typological “tag” is insufficient. After identifying one’s type and instinctual subtype, we have at the same time a double challenge — to continue knowing our self and, above all, to develop those aspects of the personality that are less developed.

    Personal Level

    This is the evolutionary level specially that can guide us toward greater self-knowledge. So, despite our dominant instinctual subtype, we should ask ourselves questions such as:

    1st Chakra / Self-preservation Instinct:
    How am I addressing my self-care, e.g. my physical health, body care, eating, sleeping, and hygiene? How am I managing my money? What do I need to change on these areas?

    2nd Chakra / Sexual Instinct:
    What about my significant relationships? Am I caring for them properly? Where and how am I not paying adequate attention to my ​​emotional relationships? How am I interacting with my partner and closest friends? On which activities do I expend my biggest energy and creativity? What might I improve on these areas?

    3rd Chakra / Social Instinct:
    Do I accept myself as I am, including my faults? Am I patient in facing my mistakes? Do I tend to be too rigid or too lenient with myself? How much importance do I give to what others think of me? Does my self-worth depend on my achievements and failures? Do I distinguish what I am from what I accomplish? or do I feel I “am” my accomplishments?

    Transitional Level

    At the second evolutionary level, we will work on the dominant passions. Usually, they operate as deep, unconscious motivations. Here, we focus on the heart chakra, the fourth chakra. According to ancient traditions of both Eastern and Western wisdom, the “heart” is the passion’s seat, which man must know and master to not be dominated by them. This is the time for people to work on their dominant passion. And such work certainly takes many years as one explores self-observation and self-reform.

    As we said, the heart chakra is the “bridge” to the higher evolutionary level of consciousness. It corresponds to the transpersonal level. But the human heart must face its own passions. We all have within us, potentially active and operative, the nine passions noted in the Enneagram system: (1) Anger, (2) Pride, (3) Vanity, (4) Envy, (5) Greed, (6) Cowardice, (7) Gluttony, (8) Lust, and (9) Laziness.

    One of these is necessarily our own dominant passion, our “Achilles heel”. It is essential to work extensively with the passions –with both our dominant passion and the others, before we can move to the next evolutionary level. At this point, we might ask ourselves:

    Do I know and accept my dominant passion? What passion is next for me in terms of intensity? Can I distinguish on a day-by-day basis when my dominant passion is “working” me (even if other people do not notice it)? Can I identify how and how much my dominant passion has affected my life and relationships? On a scale from 1 to 10, how much am I attached to my dominant passion, as if it were the “core” of my own personal identity? What am I doing to make that my dominant passion have less of a harmful influence on my life?

    Transpersonal Level

    Third, after working deeply and steadily with the passions, we can move to work over other spiritual aspects such as our fixations, virtues, and the “holy” or transcendent ideas. The virtues and the transcendent ideas operate on the level of Essence or Being, as opposed to the level of Ego, including its passions and cognitive-fixations. (Note: While the fixations strictly relate to the Ego’s level, traditionally the fixations have being worked jointly with the transcendent ideas, since the latter are the “antidotes” for the fixations. This is the reason why in this case the cognitive-fixations are placed in the first transpersonal-level footstep, at the 5th chakra).

    The 5th Chakra is related to authentic self-expression. While the Ego is a “false self”, which we have identified with during the formation of our personality, behind the ego, behind the “mask” that is our personality type (from the Latin, “persona” = mask), is our Essence, our authentic self, our essential self.

    From the Enneagram spiritual-perspective, the virtues are Essential qualities. So, they are not the result of human “effort” to become oneself “virtuous”, but they manifest themselves spontaneously in a person’s life while their internal barriers being removed. That is, while a person is becoming more and more self-conscious, working to be less and less dominated by the passions, one becomes more able to love all beings without distinction.

    The virtues operate as profound spiritual, altruistic motivations rooted in universal love. They are opposed to the “deficiency-motivation” that are the passions, whose roots are fear, ignorance and attachment.

    Working on the 5th chakra involves removing the obstacles (passions) that prevent the expression of our Essential qualities, the 9 virtues; namely,

    1. Serenity (as opposed to Anger) – “Anger is not necessary; I accept things as they are.”
    2. Humility (as opposed to Pride) – “I have needs too, and I need help.”
    3. Authenticity (as opposed to Vanity) – “I am as just I am, with virtues and defects.”
    4. Equanimity (as opposed to Envy) – “Let it flow; everything comes and goes, and I accept it.”
    5. Generosity (as opposed to Greed) – “I give and receive; I share what I have and what I am.”
    6. Courage (as opposed to Cowardice) – “I can do it!; I trust myself, and I trust the universe.”
    7. Temperance (as opposed to Gluttony) – “I enjoy everything, every moment; I live in the present.”
    8. Compassion (as opposed to Lust) – “There is more strength in resisting than in attacking; I forgive you.”
    9. Diligence (as opposed to laziness) – “I do not evade myself in the inertia; I am aware and loving, here and now.”

    The 6th Chakra is related to the mind’s functioning –both conscious and unconscious– including intuition. So to achieve a clear mind and an objective view of things, it is necessary to purify the mind as far as we can from prejudices and cognitive-mistakes. The Enneagram refers to “cognitive-fixations” rather than specific implicit-cognitive-mistakes. Cognitive-fixations necessarily correlate to the passions. (Note: There is no consensus about the name of cognitive-fixations, even some authors point to several fixations correspond to each passion). To wit:

    1. Criticism – “Always there is a mistake in anything. I know how things should be done.”
    2. Seduction – “I can give you what you need. You need me.”
    3. Deception – “I am what I accomplish. I am what I look like. I am the best one.”
    4. Dissatisfaction – “Only it matters the worst from the present and the best from the absent”.
    5. Stinginess – “I don’t have enough. Don’t ask me so much. So many demands bother me.”
    6. Doubt – “I cannot trust anyone nor anything. There is a danger anywhere.”
    7. Planning – “There is always a plan B. Why settle for what has already been done?.”
    8. Revenge – “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Showing weakness is unacceptable.”
    9. Indolence – “Ok, it’s all good. By adapting myself, I avoid conflicts.”

    The fixations can be worked in two ways: directly, from self-observation, by sharpening the eyes to see the fixations acting daily in life, almost autonomously, i.e., when we work through them without a conscious propose. In fact, the fixations –attachment to the passions– operate from our “automatic pilot”, i.e., they work like emotional-cognitive patterns on which we rarely put attention, but they are underlying our usual thinking, feeling, acting and reacting to daily events. Moreover, some people propose to work on the fixations indirectly, i.e., through meditation practice, focusing on the transcendent ideas, the “antidotes” for the fixations.

    The 7th Chakra is the “gateway” to connect our self with the transcendental level of essence, with the universe as a transcendental whole. The transcendent ideas (also called “holy” ideas) are precisely that. They work in the human mind as different approaches to the universe in its ultimate unity, integrating the whole diversity in the unity. So whoever fully opens the 7th Chakra also achieves a transcendent perspective from the holy ideas, and perceives the illusory nature of the both ​​separation and disconnectedness, which are the typical ways the ego sees itself and everything.

    In other words, the ego has a fundamental illusion believing that all things are “separate” from one another; that every person, everything is something “discrete”, separate from everything else. Hence, the ego’s basic orientation is “Every man for himself”. That is exactly the meaning we give to the term “egoism”, the idea that everyone should look out for himself and worse, that individual actions have no impact on the other people, nor on everything else. “Everyone — the ego thinks — must do what one wants,” as if this doesn’t have consequences, as if each ego is an “isolated entity” having an own universe. But it’s not, we all are in the same universe. The actions of each one impacts one or another, visibly or imperceptibly, at all times. But this is very difficult to perceive unless we have a mind detached from any kind of selfishness.

    In short, the nine holy ideas are objective perspectives on the transcendent unity of the universe. We could synthesize them as follows:

    1. Perfection – “Everything is made from being.
    2. Will – “In the world there always are tendencies and initiatives.”
    3. Consistency – “In the diversity underlies harmony.”
    4. Origin – “All things refer to the same origin.”
    5. Connection – “Everything is connected.”
    6. Faith – “I can trust the being, because the being is.”
    7. Plan – “Behind the change underlies a sense, an order, a why.”
    8. Truth – “Truth means unity; the separation is just an illusion.”
    9. Love – “To love is to do good.”

    We are made whole by our journey along this evolutionary “double entry” map. As we can see, both the Enneagram and the Chakras are systems aimed at raising the level of consciousness, to integrate different existential learning that leads a person to achieve a widening, wiser mind, a more loving, detached attitude, and a less selfish being.

    To emphasize it once again, nothing good arises from the simple knowledge of our personality type. That is only the “first step” in the process of the consciousness evolution and the full development of our potential. The work of self-knowledge, self-observation and meditation can extend our inner-freedom range, so that we can gradually escape from the automatic passions and cognitive-fixations. In summary, we need:

    – Knowledge of our instinctive subtype, identifying and working on the predominant one among them.
    – Identifying our dominant passion and working on its influence in our decisions and actions.
    – Growing the virtues.
    – Dismantling the fixations.
    – Meditation on the transcendent ideas.

    All of these healthy actions fit, as we saw, in the gradual unblocking of the seven Chakras that leads us to the goal of a waking, generous, wise and loving consciousness.

    Marcelo Aguirre
    Do you see what I see above?

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    All these systems are desperate attempts at understanding.
    Yes, but it is just funny how one makes one dimensional projection with discreet types out of multidimensional stuff. Maybe it just corresponds to highest frequency of traits.

    I have said this many times: someone should start to put electrodes under people's armpits.

    Anyways, there are plenty of failing systems in hard sciences. Start with chemistry and then try some nuclear physics.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    I have said this many times: someone should start to put electrodes under people's armpits.
    Smelly electrodes
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    Socionics targets people who have struggled with relationship problems
    Who want to find relations better with additional knowledge. Many young people are such - they seek for own pair and had no serious struggles there still.
    + people which do not feel satisfaction with what (or how) they do in the life or try to find what to do then (like youngs)
    Socionics is for occupation + relations.
    Jung would not like the idea to use it for occupation. But it may show stronger/weaker regions and values, what is useful.
    If Jung was extravert mb he'd thought about group therapy and then IR. But to use types for relations he could be also against, as seems some Jungians thought that people with complementing your inferior/suggestive function will prevent you from developing in that region. Socionics says - duals may help you to develop there, to teach and stimulate you to grow closer to them.
    I may add - this positive process needs love/friendship between those people, when they introject each other deeply. In other case it may work like those Jungians thought - you'll forget about that region as other one will care about it and then you may accentuate in your type.

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    yeah saying "Socionics targets people who have struggled with relationship problems" is assuming socionics targets anyone. I assume socionics is aimed at the whole world, but I could be wrong. in any case saying socionics is for people with relationship problems is like saying money making seminars are for people with money problems. half the people there probably have less money problems than the average person, theyre probably just there because they want to make more money and in that particular way. in that sense socionics attracts people 1) that want to improve their relationships regardless of their baseline status 2) are into psychological, specifically personality theories (which is actually a form of personal development and not necessarily other directed at all)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    in that sense socionics attracts people
    Targets and attracts now on practice - is not the same.
    Socionics can be used widely. But at now most people on socionics forums and which visit typers may to be with difficult relations or had such and now want better ones. If not mistyping problem - they'd had a good chance indeed. But for average forum's dude is better to forget about choosing pair not by instincts and heart, but also with types. Even the ones who teach others and type for money for years - sometimes mistake in own types. While in type or a pretty girl which you see several hours or even monthes, without good typing experience - to mistake is a lot easier. If you'll be lucky you'll get 3/16 of good IR for relations, but higher chance mistyping will lead to worse choice than did by instincts/feelings only.

    I think I'd was not interested in Socionics if got good relations, instead of painful catastrophe.

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    yes that's all true. psychology is more popular in general with people who have encountered psychological issues
    Last edited by Bertrand; 04-03-2018 at 01:04 PM.

  17. #1097
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    instinct stackings are very real

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    My enneagram journey has taken a new direction. Many years ago I started with the core type and focused on understanding mine. Later I looked into trifix theory which lead me to tritype which, imo, is more about marketing another's (Ichazo) ideas in a watered down form of enneagram that is more appealing to the masses. It is like a quick fix for those looking for a label more than understanding. I have a copy of their book. Not saying the Fauvre's are doing anything wrong by watering things down since it is just another tool to narrow down options from 9 to 3 within the system. There is so much variation within each core type that I no longer feel it neccessary for me to explore. If you see me giving a trytype from now on it is safe to assume I am considering 3 types for the person.
    I can see how tritype could be a way to narrow down the types. I've generally dismissed it completely, but that is one use for it that could be quite helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen
    I guess what I am saying is I have come full circle. There is nothing in the "tritype" of 458/9 that cannot be explained by core type, wing, integration/disintegration and instinct stacking. Both "The Scholar" and "The Contemplative" descriptions can work since they are short and kind of generic. I am not a "core" 5, 8 or 9. 8 is certainly more fitting than 9 over a lifetime. I checked out type 6 since a lot of people who think they have an 8 fix are 6s but none of 6 fits me at my core or even surface.

    What I see now is that 4w5 sx/sp covers all the tritype stuff. I have spent weeks reading the books of all the enneagram teachers I feel are important to understanding the whole system. There is still much more to read. It can be overwhelming as I need time to process in between.

    There isn't a lot to any of the descriptions on official "tritype". It just dilutes everything, imo, and is useful mostly to gain clarity on one's enneagram type when undecided between types. I was not undecided since I had already put a lot of work into this before. I was mostly interested in seeing how the idea of tritype was actually any different for me. When my sisters visited I got to explore this further. My EII sister is a 9w1 sp/sx but she got 946 or 964 (don't have it handy) on her tritype quiz. Although the description is rather fitting it just didn't matter since I was able to see how the core, wing, integration/disintegration and instincts explained her more fully than a tritype.

    I am not saying tritype is worthless. Like I said, it can be used to narrow down when undecided between types. I feel I have a deeper understanding having investigated it and seeing how it all fit. I suppose some of you had already figured this out but had no desire to interfere with another's exploration of the self. I don't want to interfere either as I find enneagram a valuable tool when used as intended. Now for the synch in this, I remember you saying something similar to what I have concluded? It triggered something (an insight) in me awhile back. Regardless if you actually posted something, or I am imagining it now, it seems fitting I reveal all this in response to you.
    I agree very much, and you're right that I've said similar things before. You weren't imagining it. I think that exploring the health levels and integration/disintegration has been the most useful for me. The instincts were also personally useful to me. The sx enneagram 1 gets to who I am in a way that nothing else has, and in a way that the so and sp 1s, even though the same core type almost seem foreign in how much further removed they are from what drives me. Tritypes when I've looked at them have seemed shallow and general in comparison, without really explaining anything about a person, but admittedly I haven't spent much time on them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    4 and 8's are similar in many aspects. Both are hostile sometimes, and tend to feel strong emotions (reactive types). The main difference is that 4's tend to be more vulnerable than 8's (but there are many other differences). 4's with an 8 fix can seem 8's, especially when Sx primary. This would be a four that packs a punch; more than the usual 4's (but still a 4) Think of crazedrat.
    Lol crazedrat doesn't pack a punch

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol crazedrat doesn't pack a punch
    Not sure. Somebody here nicknamed him "the slayer".

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Not sure. Somebody here nicknamed him "the slayer".
    Lol some people have too much imagination

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol some people have too much imagination
    I recall him pointing out how you like focus on a moot point while debating, and how useless it is to interact with you in general. So he was close; the only reason you were not completely slain by him, was because he was banned.
    Last edited by lavos; 04-26-2018 at 02:30 AM.

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    Crazedrat is not an Ethical type and hence not E4 either.

    I remember having a long, highly abstract discussion with him about the nature of society and how it could be improved. We constantly talked past each other, as I found him incoherent, repetitive and scattered. He would frequently make irrational comparisons (for example he compared skiing to Julius Caesar and then to the origin of the universe), and would always neglect to articulate his reasoning for doing so, when confronted. Nonetheless he demonstrated wide knowledge of the subject matter, which made a serious debate possible, at least for a little while. I cannot agree with the IEI-Ni typing he often gets given. I think he was an ILE-Ne and probably a cp6 core which would explain the tendencies he has to react angrily.

    Remember that anyone can be a big man on the internet. Just because someone talks tough, doesn't mean they are an 8 or Se-valuing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Crazedrat is not an Ethical type and hence not E4 either.
    If not a 4, what else could he be? Also, only ethical types can be 4's in your opinion? Are you sure?

    I think he was an ILE-Ne and probably a cp6 core which would explain the tendencies he has to react angrily.
    Well, 6-fix for him is a given, but you sure it is his main type?

    Remember that anyone can be a big man on the internet. Just because someone talks tough, doesn't mean they are an 8 or Se-valuing.
    You truly belive he has a 9 or a 1 fix?

    I remember having a long, highly abstract discussion with him about the nature of society and how it could be improved. We constantly talked past each other, as I found him incoherent, repetitive and scattered. He would frequently make irrational comparisons (for example he compared skiing to Julius Caesar and then to the origin of the universe), and would always neglect to articulate his reasoning for doing so, when confronted. Nonetheless he demonstrated wide knowledge of the subject matter, which made a serious debate possible, at least for a little while.
    Regardless of this, he is very on point sometimes.

  25. #1105
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    If not a 4, what else could he be? Also, only ethical types can be 4's in your opinion? Are you sure?
    OK you have asked me two questions here. Only the first one is related to Rat, and the second question deserves its own thread, but I'll briefly touch on it before returning to Rat.

    4s have a tendency to amplify their emotions and they're the Enneatype most likely to romanticise their own sadness, forming a unique emotional world. The cognitive structure required to perform these leaps precludes Logicals from being E4s in my opinion. Preliminary evidence from surveys also suggests a strong correlation between high Fe/Fi and E4.

    Now, I am sure that Rat is a reactive type (4, 6, 8) and that these three types form his tritype. The question, then, becomes in what order. I noticed a lot more head energy from him than heart energy. Again refer back to my account of the dialogue with him, where cp6 neuroses are apparent.

    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Well, 6-fix for him is a given, but you sure it is his main type?
    All online typings are rather speculative. If we were expected to be 100% sure before making a decision, and/or expected to elaborate about why in some detail, nobody would be able to discuss typology on a forum. My view is that Rat is most likely a 6 based on his tendencies to be reactive, second guess his own ideas and generally bounce around the place randomly. He does not have the purposeful, solid anger that you'll notice in an 8.

    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    You truly belive he has a 9 or a 1 fix?
    I never suggested that.

    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Regardless of this, he is very on point sometimes.
    Well, even a broken clock is right once a day

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Crazedrat is not an Ethical type and hence not E4 either.

    I remember having a long, highly abstract discussion with him about the nature of society and how it could be improved. We constantly talked past each other, as I found him incoherent, repetitive and scattered. He would frequently make irrational comparisons (for example he compared skiing to Julius Caesar and then to the origin of the universe), and would always neglect to articulate his reasoning for doing so, when confronted. Nonetheless he demonstrated wide knowledge of the subject matter, which made a serious debate possible, at least for a little while. I cannot agree with the IEI-Ni typing he often gets given. I think he was an ILE-Ne and probably a cp6 core which would explain the tendencies he has to react angrily.

    Remember that anyone can be a big man on the internet. Just because someone talks tough, doesn't mean they are an 8 or Se-valuing.
    I actually agree on 6 for crazedrat making sense.

    His irrational comparisons are his Ni lead. Ni is even more creative and subjective than Ne with far-flung stuff heh. More than that, ILEs are able to articulate their reasoning. IEI fits crazedrat pretty well.

    I don't find he talks truly tough, he just talks trolly and weird and bullshits.

    PS: Maybe you being LIE was the problem, too? With your convos.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    I recall him pointing out how you like focus on a moot point while debating, and how useless it is to interact with you in general. So he was close; the only reason you were not completely slain by him, was because he was banned.
    You are really lost in your own fantasy. He couldn't have slain me, lol, thanks for making me have a good laugh here over this absurd idea though.

    Bottomline: sure he may have tried to slung personal insults at me, means fuck all coming from a crazy person like he is.

    Also, to fix your slandering and distortions of facts: we stopped talking/arguing way before he was banned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I actually agree on 6 for crazedrat making sense.

    His irrational comparisons are his Ni lead. Ni is even more creative and subjective than Ne with far-flung stuff heh. More than that, ILEs are able to articulate their reasoning. IEI fits crazedrat pretty well.

    I don't find he talks truly tough, he just talks trolly and weird and bullshits.
    Rat is quite melodramatic, yes, but tries to affect a persona of strength through his use of crude, hostile language.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    PS: Maybe you being LIE was the problem, too? With your convos.
    As you know, I dislike people who can't articulate an evolution of their logic in a way that can be easily followed and reproduced later. Perhaps this is a Te-lead qualm. I have also observed that Rat will regularly miss the key points of a discussion, and go off on tangents. He didn't wish to entertain a single idea for very long, let alone elaborate upon it and that is why I believe he has Ne in his ego. Ne cannot select between and eliminate potentialities, which makes it annoying from an LIEs perspective (as it is ever present, suggesting alternative ideas just when you want to eliminate them and develop the train of thought which you have already started on).

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    selecting between potentialities is the domain of rational functions anyway

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuivienen View Post
    Rat is quite melodramatic, yes, but tries to affect a persona of strength through his use of crude, hostile language.
    It's a pretty poor imitation. I've observed this 1D Se DS issue in many IEI males. The ones I've known that don't try to do this seem to be generally more healthy and more successful in life.

    As you know, I dislike people who can't articulate an evolution of their logic in a way that can be easily followed and reproduced later. Perhaps this is a Te-lead qualm. I have also observed that Rat will regularly miss the key points of a discussion, and go off on tangents. He didn't wish to entertain a single idea for very long, let alone elaborate upon it and that is why I believe he has Ne in his ego. Ne cannot select between and eliminate potentialities, which makes it annoying from an LIEs perspective (as it is ever present, suggesting alternative ideas just when you want to eliminate them and develop the train of thought which you have already started on).
    @Bertrand happens to be correct here. Neither Ne nor Ni will really choose between the potentialities without the help of Rationality.

    And yeah, Te-lead qualm.

    Your feeling like he was missing the key points could be seeing his Te PoLR which is why I mentioned your type may play a role here in your perception of him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    Not sure. Somebody here nicknamed him "the slayer".
    Who's gonna tell them...
    That the term has origins in LGBT/homosexual slang It just says someone's really good at being glamorous unless used in some LoTR sword context. It's not fitting for him

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    6w7 for Xaiviay. I know first-hand of a 6w7 that considers themselves to be positive-minded but is anything but to onlookers including myself. Her/his energy does seem a bit 7-ish as well but she/he seems to think they are a 9 because of misinformation from a newb that can't even type himself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by malignantwench View Post
    6w7 for Xaiviay. I know first-hand of a 6w7 that considers themselves to be positive-minded but is anything but to onlookers including myself. Her/his energy does seem a bit 7-ish as well but she/he seems to think they are a 9 because of misinformation from a newb that can't even type himself.
    Bolded typeface is actually harder to read than unbolded.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    1 or 7. Whichever type doesn't have a fatal flaw and just solves problems and enjoys things. Screw all the 4s (though they probably like that.)

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    New Additions: Vers

    Let me preface this by noting that these are well beyond the possible enneagram typings for each member and even more than just their probable enneagram types. These are each member's actual enneagram types. As the world's leading authority on identifying the enneagram character types, I would never sell the board short by just dictating in terms of possibility. As Hyman Roth said, "I want you all to enjoy your cake, so...enjoy."

    2w1 so/sp: Eliza Thomason
    2w1 sx/so:
    2w1 sx/sp: Sapphire
    2w1 sp/so: Timmy, Jack Oliver Aaron/echidna (wss)
    2w1 sp/sx: Maritsa
    2w1 so/sx: Emmym

    2w3 sx/so: N1cole
    2w3 sx/sp: Mercer
    2w3 so/sp: Yaaroslav
    2w3 so/sx: Limitless
    2w3 sp/so: VogueParis
    2w3 sp/sx: Kim, Wacey

    3w2 sx/so: Transkar
    3w2 sx/sp:
    3w2 sp/so: William
    3w2 sp/sx:
    3w2 so/sp: Reuben
    3w2 so/sx: Ezra

    3w4 sx/so: Darya, Gilly
    3w4 sx/sp: Starfall/Fox, Cuivienin
    3w4 sp/so: Suedehead, Olimpia
    3w4 sp/sx: UDP, Adam Strange
    3w4 so/sp: Lucas, Xerx
    3w4 so/sx: JMC, Forever

    4w3 sx/so: BnD
    4w3 sx/sp: Dolphin
    4w3 sp/sx: Mactheknife
    4w3 sp/so: Grain of Song
    4w3 so/sp: LucyintheSky
    4w3 so/sx: Silverchris, Summerprincess, Cassandra

    4w5 sx/so: ian rust/rat1, Megane, Wasp
    4w5 sx/sp: aivonaima
    4w5 sp/so: golden, penny dreadful
    4w5 sp/sx: newbornstar
    4w5 so/sp: ammonius hermaie/quote unquote
    4w5 so/sx: holon

    5w4 sx/so: Scapegrace
    5w4 so/sx: Kimuchi/Early Sunset/etc
    5w4 sp/sx: Strrrng
    5w4 so/sp: Marie
    5w4 sp/so: Glam
    5w4 sx/sp: Velvet,

    5w6 sx/so: Korpsey
    5w6 sx/sp: Reactance
    5w6 sp/so: Eyeseecold, Cpig, Unary
    5w6 sp/sx: Krieger, Muddytextures
    5w6 so/sp: Noki
    5w6 so/sx: Aestrivex

    6w5 so/sx: Finale, RME83, pmj, villageidiot
    6w5 sx/so: Airman
    6w5 sx/sp: Pookie, The Whole English, May, Maithilli, MisterNi
    6w5 sp/sx: Lungs, Aixelsyd, Tenefix, Radio, Ouronis, Radio, Amber, Niffer
    6w5 sp/so: Joy, Menssupermateriam, Soupman, Anndelise, Hacim
    6w5 so/sp: InvisibleJim, PeteronFiree, LuchoisLurking, DJ Arendee, Number 9 Large

    6w7 sx/so: JetCityWoman, Pinoline
    6w7 sx/sp: Absurd
    6w7 so/sx: Scarlettlux, Lim, Contra
    6w7 sp/sx: Geneiouws, Nondescript
    6w7 so/sp: Danali, Lapa , BurningIce, Owl
    6w7 sp/so: Jessica, ChrisCorey, Tela/Arachne

    7w6 sx/so: Jadae
    7w6 sx/sp: discojoe
    7w6 sp/so: Anglas, Troll NR 007
    7w6 sp/sx: Hitta, Moonraker
    7w6 so/sp: Cubazoan
    7w6 so/sx: Mega

    7w8 sx/so: Lagerdemon, Handjob
    7w8 sx/sp: Ashton
    7w8 so/sx: Bain
    7w8 sp/sx: Gummi
    7w8 so/sp: Myst
    7w8 sp/so: Ineffable

    8w7 sx/so: Deestructor/InvisibleHim
    8w7 sx/sp: FDG
    8w7 so/sp: Kill4me
    8w7 sp/so:
    8w7 sp/sx: Mercutio/Satan
    8w7 so/sx: Words

    8w9 sx/so: Agee
    8w9 so/sx: Narc
    8w9 sx/sp: Ananke
    8w9 sp/sx: Expat
    8w9 so/sp: Smilingeyes
    8w9 sp/so: Laurie’s Crusader

    9w8 sx/sp: Allie
    9w8 sp/sx: Spider, Stray
    9w8 sx/so: Aquagraph
    9w8 sp/so: Ollie
    9w8 so/sp: Elina, Rocky, Scarper
    9w8 so/sx: Woof, Idontgiveaf

    9w1 sx/so: Aylen, c3vu
    9w1 sx/sp: Pink
    9w1 sp/so: Subteigh , Bluebird
    9w1 sp/sx: Inumbra, Minde, Rogue, Singu, Ronin, Bertrand
    9w1 so/sp: Chips N Underwear, Chem
    9w1 so/sx: Suz, Enoch, Chryssie, Flutteringshyx

    1w9 sx/so: Kore
    1w9 sx/sp: Hkkmr
    1w9 sp/so: Esaman, Krig the Viking
    1w9 sp/sx: Parkster
    1w9 so/sp: RedVillain, MikeMex, HotelAmbush
    1w9 so/sx: JohannesBloem, Jeremy

    1w2 sx/so: MissBabyDoll
    1w2 sx/sp: Agarina
    1w2 so/sp: Silke, Nanashi
    1w2 sp/so: Sol, Director Abbie, Neon
    1w2 so/sx: Trevor
    1w2 sp/sx: Birdie, Ellonwy

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    ... proclaims (s)he on an anonymous forum.


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    @Kill4Me I am not a 1 lol. The only types that remotely make sense for me are 9 and 5. 5 is closer though.

    Some other ones seem off too...Jack as a 2? Myst as a 7???

  38. #1118
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    Olimpia so/sp maybe 9

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    I miss a lot of the older members ):
    Everything interests me but nothing holds me.

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    A suggestion for my Enneagram type, or what E-types I'm most likely not. Anybody?

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