Quote Originally Posted by timeofurlife42 View Post
so when i first read the istp profiles i thought to myself, hrmmm, this duality stuff is a load of bullshit i have no interest in this type. however as i started to actually read istp posts on this forum you guys have won me over:-D. i find you very intriguing and exciting, cant really say why except that its like i know that if i met you at a party and we got to talking i would probably stick to you all night trying to find out more about you. basically i think i need to meet some of you in person. preferably a really sexy 20ish female, lol, but it would be cool just to identify if i know some of you already so i could evaluate the relationship and see if its naturally fallen into a duality type of thing.
Aha, but of course you find ISTp's appealing... it was only a matter of time, wasn't it? Heh, but really, I'm interested to hear your stories about ISTp's you meet/interact with in real life; that'll be quite telling....

Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
Now let's see if he calls....
Glad you met a dual... kind of bummed you're not more psyched about him, but also completely able to relate [why do we do that?] Hope he calls....