Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
I've known a few enfp's (or at least I think i have) and many are turned off by my apparent 'lack of interest'. They seem to poke and prod to get me to open up but it just puts me off even more. Then when they comment on how cold they think i am, I become so self conscious that I'm not being 'good enough', that I put on an act. Sometimes I manage to get lost in who i really am and who I think i should be. I have issues when it comes to showing affection... I wish more were understanding and didn't take it so personally. That's why i think I'm more compatible with T types although I find them cold and distant, aha, the irony.
Jessica if its not prying for me to ask, is there an approach that would get you to open up to another person or do you perfer them to just take you at face value and not attmept to find out more about you? I dont know of any enfps that would tell a person directly that they are cold. That sounds rather harsh. Even if I thought that about a person I dont think I would say it to them. Do you take initiative in approaching others? How would you proceed in an intimate relationship or even a close friendship?
Personally I like easy relationships (doesnt everybody) The kind that are easy to start without a lot of pressure to be anything.
Finally, what kinds of issues do you have with showing affection? I know Im asking a lot of you and Im sorry. However, understanding of anothers position doesnt come out of the blue. It comes from talking about things. Otherwise the person is just left to their imagination about why a person acts a certain way.