I dont think Rosie is off the mark. This is a real concern for enfps. One of the things that can turn someone from just anybody into someone special to me is if they are willing to be physically close to me. Not neccessarily sexual but just close. If someone is constantly pulling away or does not like to be touched even in a friendly way, I may like them ok but I could never have deep feelings for them, esp not to the point of commitment.
Ive met women who were stunningly beautiful but so cool and detached that I just didnt know how to break the ice. On the other hand Ive known some rather plain girls who have sparked my interest just because they grabbed my arm and laughed with me, or gave me a peck on the cheek. It works like magic, Im telling you. If you ever want an enfp to fall in love with you, you will have to accept and even initiate some affection. Otherwise, you should go looking for another T type. :wink: