I think it is essential for her to know that your emotional coldness has nothing to do with her. That is one of the hardest things for an ENFp to understand. Reassurance![/quote]

What do you imagine the ISTp's coldness has to do with?
ISTps are very difficult for anyone including ENFps to deal with at least initially.

I am sure you can readily see that implied's partner is truly an ISTp and so can I.
So many things need to be right for dual relationships to work that I think the chances of finding one that works in this lifetime for a non-professional relationship is extremely slender. ISTps want to love I truly believe that, they just do not know or have the energy to do so in many cases. Love is not effortless not even in duality. Duality is not the cure for lazy unloving tendencies. Perhaps the way to an ENFps heart is to learn in a methodical albeit unromantic way how to really love and give of oneself unselfishly.