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Thread: SLI-IEE duality discussion (ISTp and ENFp)

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  1. #18
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    SLI are pretty straight forward people. Just be authentic and interesting at the same time. SLI may not seem as though they like hearing your thoughts and opinions and words and ideas and feelings, especially towards them, but they do, in the long run.

    SLI are probably used to being projected onto, "it doesn't seem like you are having any fun, why arent you this or that...?" They are patient and forgiving people as long as you are their friend and you meet their requirements, which are often few, and which you yourself are going to have to intuite because it will be unlikely they will tell you outright "their needs".

    Potentially mate for a long time if you keep your bond strong and spice it up a little with your ammorality. They fear being forgotten and quite often are, so check in every once in awhile, this will keep their home fires burning, and yours, if you so choose. A random text message is a good start.

    Harmony comes with knowing the SLI has your back in sensing matters, and that you always have someone looking out for you. Working together is a breeze because you both intuit, often without explanation, what the other one was looking for. When he is inspired to work, do not for the love of God interfere, because their desire might not come around again for awhile. Light, somewhat snobbish, yet gentle natured teasing can be expected on Te matters. To him/ her, everyone except himself is an idiot when it comes Te. You can be forgetful, just dont make him feel responsible.

    Do not touch his favorite towel unless you want your head chewed off. This is introverted sensing territory and you should have read the signs. Her harsh words come from nowhere and disappear just as quickly. They bottle up negativity so if you are hearing a hard tone, know that things are very bad indeed. Don't be surprised of the double standard here, your flashes of emotion will be met with pale annoyance on their lighter side, and out-right scorn on the other.

    A natural disaster doesn't phase them, in fact it gives them a chance to bail you out from yet another debacle of your own creation. This gives them a chance to take care of you, which raises their sense of self esteem. Careful though, they may lord their help over you. One to many rides across town because your vehicle is broken might be the straw, especially when they are under appreciated. A mule can only carry so much weight.

    Initiative is on the IEE shoulders. An invite to an after party that may or may not include a hot tub by the SLI is a sure sign. Tell them with glee that of course you would like to go. The enthusiast's name doesn't come from nowhere. Just lay out the idea and act surprised when they fill in the details. Word to the wise, do not box them in with your expectations. When they say tomorrow, then they mean tomorrow. Strong Ips are like this. Just wait another day and in the meantime, interest yourself. They cannot be forced, however, they can be convinced, as long as your static field between each other is good to go. If the mountain was an SLI, then Muhammad would still be waiting for it to move of its own volition.

    SLI are the house cats of the socion, meaning they are low maintenance. Just water, feed, and pet. Actually, all you need to do is just pet. She knows you suck at all the rest of it and will without fuss and fanfare, take care of the rest for you both.
    Last edited by wacey; 11-21-2015 at 02:08 PM.

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