Quote Originally Posted by ENFpChick
QUESTION: Other Myers-Briggs sites say that ENFPs get along well with INFJs or INTJs and that the "N" similarity is so key. This "theory" seems to contradict the socionic idea of ENFP-ISTP duality. What are people "experience" with this?
Myer-Briggs is full of crap when it start to talk about type relations. I once read an MBTI ENTp description somewhere that said the natural partner for the ENTp is the ISFJ, which is total bullcrap considering that the one ISFj girl I tried to have a relationship turned almost overnight into an obsessive color-matching and nagging bitch.

Of course, the description probably ment ISFj as in socionic's ISFp , but I still think Myer-Briggs is full of crap regardless. My mother is socionic's ISFp and I get along with her great.