Wow Ann thats so bittersweet. Thanks for re-sharing that. It reminds me of a friend I had in grade school. We actually met in pre-school and he was bawling his head off because he had never been away from home. I felt so sorry for him I forgot about my own apprehensions. So I befriended him and we were best friends throughout elementary. When we got to Jr. High he and I were seperated because we didnt have any classes together. Eventually we made different friends and he sort of dissapeard into the background. Recently I found him again after many years, working in a supermarket. I had not thought about it much until I saw him again. Then it all fell into place. He is ISTP. I'm almost certain of it. I wish we couldve kept in touch but it was really not possible given who we were. The missing element was that he was very into the physical world of technique and process (He loved matial arts and anything like that) and I was much more interested in academic/intellectual things. So much of what we had in common had been washed away by time and experience.