Quote Originally Posted by Petter View Post
Okay, so you are saying that confirmed extroverts sometimes test as INTJ, INFJ or ISFJ etc. But you are not saying that a confirmed extrovert can actually have Ni as the dominant function in MBTI, or a Leading white information aspect in Socionics, right?
Well, I think MBTI is nonsense but if it weren't, then no, and the same goes for introverts testing as ENTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ etc. since in socionics (as well as even recent statistics outside of socionics) there are a lot more introverts and "extraverted until proven otherwise" is a bad idea. As to the latter, that's a logical contradiction, since socionics introversion and extraversion are defined by the leading function, not by how socially extraverted someone acts. There are a lot of IEE social introverts and SLI social extraverts, for example, and even social ambiverts (there seem to be a lot of EIE social ambiverts here, for instance).

Also this: http://www.sociotype.com/tools/statistics/