Hello all,

I'm new here, and fairly new to Socionics. In the Myers-Briggs scheme of things (something I've studied a lot) I'm an INFJ. I know that Socionics is a whole different system, so I'm trying to figure out where I fit there.

I have read several articles and type descriptions, and EII and IEI seem the closest, but I can't decide between those two! I know that one is and the other is , and that in Myers-Briggs terminology I would be an "Introverted Intuitive," but do those terms mean the same thing in both systems? Could I be an MB INFJ and a Socionics INFj? Or would it make me INFp? (And then there's that quadra thing....it would be Beta or Delta, right? So much to learn!)

If it helps, I am known as a very serious person, and others generally think I am quite cold when they first meet me. I do warm up substantially when I get to know someone. Even in lively social situations I remain the quiet one, if a little more relaxed than normal.

So...I'd love to hear what you all think!