There's an interesting article I just read in a magazine about the different roles people take in conflict/arguments/fights. I'd be interested to hear whether people think they match particular personality types and which one(s) people identify with the most. Perpetrators are ones that start arguments, victims react against perpetrators, and rescuers are usually a third person in an argument between other people. I imagine some people could take on one of the categories from all these roles, although in my case I very much matched one type which is the justifier. Anyway here they are. I'm afraid some are a bit vague:

The Lawyer has well-planned, prosecuting attacks, laden with confusing language that disorientates the victim. They are expert at laying bizarre accusations so the victim cannot explain their position logically.
The Ambusher takes their opponent by surprise and then goes on the attack. They give the illusion of understanding to catch their prey off-guard.
The Manipulator uses group situations, such as dinner parties, to discredit their opponents.
The Thug is an out-and-out bully and will use yelling, threats and exploitation of their opponents weaknesses to squash resistance.
The Smiling Assassin is often charming and caring, even complimentary. However, this type is a narcissistic egomaniac who feels threatened when those close to him achieve rewards and will find some way to burst their bubble.

The Retreater avoids conflict at all costs and then simmers with resentment.
The Blamer turns everything back onto the other person.
The Martyr is self-righteous and gains the high moral ground through their suffering, no matter how much injury they create.
The Dumping Bag feels completely powerless to defend themselves and is anxious is they are not a target. They will choose to be put down rather than risk anxiety or fantasised retribution.
The Justifier is always apologising, rightly or wrongly, for their behaviour; nevertheless they feel panicky unless others understand their view, and struggle with their right to exist.

The White Knight wants to defend others, to be a superhero. They offer leadership and support but sometimes inflame conflicts.
The Avenging Angel has unhealed wounds from the past and sees injustice everywhere. They see it as their role to avenge unfairness.
The Placator is anxious around disagreement and will try to fix impossible problems, even taking on unfair responsibility, blame and guilt.
The Preacher sees others as naive, lost and in need of guidance. Unfortunately, they are often seen as patronising.
The Diplomat is the healthiest Rescuer. They are skilled in emotional intelligence and leadership. They usually steer the discussion in less reactive, more problem-solving directions. They believe in equality and "win-win" outcomes.