Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
Makes sense. I think it's very much part of creative Ni because Ni sees the possible paths and all that.

But the reason I said EJ and extroversion is because of the opposite thinking.
IP, "I see that something will go terribly terrilbly wrong. How should I change myself to avoid that?"
EJ, "I see that something will go terribly terrilbly wrong. What should I change to avoid that?"
Like when my INFp sister fights with a friend, she'll try to figure out how to be okay with the friend's behavior in the future, so that they can put the differences behind them. But when I fight with a friend, I start thinking, "How can I make her see that she shouldn't act like that!". So she assumes she should change, I assume the world and the people around me should change.
uh, yeah, that's true. But I don't see that as compromising myself if that's what you mean with change. Depending on the wind I simply adjust the sails to get where I want to be. Eventually I would want my friend and I to be ourselves and to have fun again. If to get there I have to make the first step to apologise or admit I have some stupid quirks I don't expect him to put up with or something, I don't have any problem with that. Because, unless they're real jerks, people respond by admitting they did some stupid things themselves and then all is well again.

Something tells me this has to do with Process/Result, EIE being Process oriented and IEI Result. Right?

In a group setting, both INFp and ENFj observe the paths. The INFp will easily react to the group conversation paths and the energy changes by shifting their own reactions and behavior a bit. But ENFj assumes that when they do something, the world around them will change. When I see that I'm surrounded by a happy group of people and I love seeing them that way, then I don't want it to change. If I do anything, I will see how they react to it and I will see how my actions changed everything a little bit. So it's safer to just sit and observe.
Are you really worried about this sometimes or is it just a natural thing?