Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
Varies. Inconsistent. Depends on mood:

When I was in my teens I felt ugly, physically clumsy and awkward, badly dressed, physically weak, slow, and unlikely to be listened to or taken serious. When I'm down I still feel like that a bit. In my 20s all that changed. My life improved no end, so I wasn't depressed any more. I lost weight and that made me feel better about myself. (Low self-esteem makes your movements tense and awkward; having a positive self-image changes that almost automatically.) The rest was over-compensation finally giving off results. After another few years I even realized that what I had come to think of myself was no longer true.
I can relate to this very well and I do tend feel like I am ugly and that I could look a lot better if I give some effort. I felt inadequate as a person and ashamed when I couldn't achieve the goal. My friend would then make fun of my tense ackward movements and it actually made my self-esteem worse and I tried to fix it, but it makes it more tense.

Though, when I feel that I'm at my best OR I really don't care about the way I look, I tend to be very confident and on top of the world. Then to my surprise, I get told that I was very well liked and appeared confident when I get told this. I really wish I act like this all the time, I think I got to train myself to do it or let it flow, it will come with time...