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Thread: IEI-INFp and EIE-ENFj profiles - description from fuctional analysis

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    Default IEI-INFp and EIE-ENFj profiles - description from fuctional analysis

    Hi all. I am posting this information for each type. I know the information is already available to all, but from what I've seen you have to cross reference to various charts and whatnot. This will give everyone an opportunity to see a breakdown of their type's analysis without having to cross reference. What I'd like is for people to discuss how various functions manifest themselves, such as how having for a Role function would be displayed in an ENFj.


    The EGO Block (1+2) Most pronounced functions, dominant over functions 3 & 4

    1. Program function - also know as the "foundation," a person places the most confidence in this function, and molds his or her lifestyle to suit this function; a person's self-esteeme and feelings of worth are based on the usage of this function.

    2. Creative function - also know as the "realisation," some effort is required to use this function, but it comes easy. It is the base function for a person's creativity and is used in conjunction with the 1st function.

    The SUPER-EGO Block (3+4) Weak and suppressed by functions 1 & 2

    3. Role function - a person may unconsciously attempt to realize this function in order to avoid the embarrassment of having the weaknesses of other functions discovered; though usually suppressed by the 1st function, it is passive and seeks not to intrude on others. A person may be sensitive to criticism in this function, and may only implement it as an informational source to aid other functions.

    4. Vulnerable function - also known as the PoLR , a fragile function by which insecurities are realized, and usually suppressed by the 2nd function. If pressure is placed on this function from an outside source, a person may react with irritation or hostility. It often manifest itself in a state of severe immaturity. This function could be likened to a naked hungry and screaming baby, unable to take care of itself. Since the 3rd function neglects to inform and support, it often relies on the 6th function for protection and survival.

    The SUPER-ID Block (5+6) Neglected functions by which a person allows to be manipulated by outside influences, usually assists functions 3 & 4

    5. Suggestive Function - also known a "dual-seeking," this function is typically the most vulnerable to ouside influences and manipulation. It is not uncommon for a person to physically request help from another in regards to this function, as it often acts as a companion and helper to the 3rd function and indirectly to the 4th function. Sometimes a person can mistake this function for the 1st or 2nd functions.

    6. Activation Function - also know as the "Hidden-agenda," this function willfully seeks to express itself and to become energized into a state of confidence or creativity. It may attempt to compete with other functions and become dominant, deceiving many to believe it is a strong and resourceful function. In reality, it often implements itself as a disguise or a feint intended to feed, cloth, and protect other functions. It could be considered a parental function to the childish and immature 4th function. Often a person can mistake this function for the 1st or 2nd functions.

    The ID Block (7+8) Weak and unconscious functions, usually ignored or seen as intrusive. The actual existance of these functions has been questioned.

    7. Control Function - easy function for a person to spot in others and to criticise.

    8. Standard Function - a person needs guidance to realise this function, if at all.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Default INFp: an explanation of functional analysis

    Hi all. I am posting this information for each type. I know the information is already available to all, but from what I've seen you have to cross reference to various charts and whatnot. This will give everyone an opportunity to see a breakdown of their type's analysis without having to cross reference. What I'd like is for people to discuss how various functions manifest themselves, such as how having for a Role function would be displayed in an INFp.


    The EGO Block (1+2) Most pronounced functions, dominant over functions 3 & 4

    1. Program function - also know as the "foundation," a person places the most confidence in this function, and molds his or her lifestyle to suit this function; a person's self-esteeme and feelings of worth are based on the usage of this function.

    2. Creative function - also know as the "realisation," some effort is required to use this function, but it comes easy. It is the base function for a person's creativity and is used in conjunction with the 1st function.

    The SUPER-EGO Block (3+4) Weak and suppressed by functions 1 & 2

    3. Role function - a person may unconsciously attempt to realize this function in order to avoid the embarrassment of having the weaknesses of other functions discovered; though usually suppressed by the 1st function, it is passive and seeks not to intrude on others. A person may be sensitive to criticism in this function, and may only implement it as an informational source to aid other functions.

    4. Vulnerable function - also known as the PoLR , a fragile function by which insecurities are realized, and usually suppressed by the 2nd function. If pressure is placed on this function from an outside source, a person may react with irritation or hostility. It often manifest itself in a state of severe immaturity. This function could be likened to a naked hungry and screaming baby, unable to take care of itself. Since the 3rd function neglects to inform and support, it often relies on the 6th function for protection and survival.

    The SUPER-ID Block (5+6) Neglected functions by which a person allows to be manipulated by outside influences, usually assists functions 3 & 4

    5. Suggestive Function - also known a "dual-seeking," this function is typically the most vulnerable to ouside influences and manipulation. It is not uncommon for a person to physically request help from another in regards to this function, as it often acts as a companion and helper to the 3rd function and indirectly to the 4th function. Sometimes a person can mistake this function for the 1st or 2nd functions.

    6. Activation Function - also know as the "Hidden-agenda," this function willfully seeks to express itself and to become energized into a state of confidence or creativity. It may attempt to compete with other functions and become dominant, deceiving many to believe it is a strong and resourceful function. In reality, it often implements itself as a disguise or a feint intended to feed, cloth, and protect other functions. It could be considered a parental function to the childish and immature 4th function. Often a person can mistake this function for the 1st or 2nd functions.

    The ID Block (7+8) Weak and unconscious functions, usually ignored or seen as intrusive. The actual existance of these functions has been questioned.

    7. Control Function - easy function for a person to spot in others and to criticise.

    8. Standard Function - a person needs guidance to realise this function, if at all.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    More on the 7th and 8th functions from

    ID Block The ID block primarily controls instinctual impulses. As a child, a person remains under the primary influence of the ID. However, Because of their nature, the functions within the ID Block cannot compete against the functions within the EGO block. Though they are typically very strong, the influence of the functions within the EGO Block may cause a person to disregard them and in result, feel that they are exceptionally weak and useless. An adult person may never really know that they have them as strength; some may even deny their very existence. However, a person is more likely to disregard the 8th function than they are to disregard the 7th function. Theoretically, This may result in that a person could have a conscious idea of the effects of their 1st function, and can discern the introverted and extroverted aspects of the function and their strengths with little effort. Yet the 2nd requires some effort, and may cloak the strengths of the 8th; it may never fully function in result. A person under strong influence of this block may appear irresponsible, uncaring, selfish, conceited, and arrogant.

    Strong, Subconscious, Accepting - 7th function - the seventh function manifests itself as an instrument of instinctual aggression, intended to serve and protect the basic interest of an individual. A person wants, and wants immediately. In result, a person under the influence of this function may subconsciously reproduce and model behaviors that appear arrogant, haughty, conceited, selfish, or inconsiderate in relation to the function involved.

    Strong, Subconscious, Producing - 8th function - Without the suppression of the second function, this function needs guidance, as it must use a concrete means to manage itself. When unrestrained, a person may realize this function chaotically and without self-control, appearing indulgent and uncanny. People under the influence of the 8th function may have no direction and no productive aims or goals besides the self-gratification of the manifested function involved.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  4. #4


    This might not be as in depth as it could be but I'm trying to show how I see the roles of the functions and their interaction in my psyche rather than their manifestation.

    is the most realised, I am aware of it as one of my strengths (probably my greatest strength provided I am relaxed) and I use it when I consciously set my mind to something.

    would come next because although I can be under-confident, I use it frequently and consciously. I see it as a tool to support , often I try to get others to manifest their emotions for the sake of "gathering more information".

    is consciously realised and I am fairly adept as long as I have a guideline. I don't mind asking for help and I can follow instructions easily but criticism is painful because I try hard.

    is a function I'm painfully aware of, especially its weakness. I don't pretend to be any good at it, relying more on my other functions. If I feel threatened I try to make it inconspicuous by "over-using" another function, is a favourite but is only really accesible while I'm in the right company, also works well. When other people use I feel uncomfortable and criticism is anything but well-received. In the instance to I do use I tend to be very aggressive about it, as if trying to scare off those who would draw attention to my weakness.

    The subconscious functions are for another day :wink:

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    Ah. How intriguing. I am thus inspired:

    , called intuition of time. Okay...let’s start with the obvious. I have an extraordinary capacity to sense the passage of time in quite a literal manner. Often my friends will ask me for the time and I will amaze them by giving them a precise description of the time, sometimes even to the exact minute, without looking at a clock and without seeing a clock for any duration of time. I simply love time in a way that defies rational explanation. If time were a tangible entity, I would reach out and give it a great big hug. Paradoxically, I refuse to keep a clock in my room (although this will undoubtedly change when I go back to college in a few days).

    But “time” in the literal manner is a very limited aspect of my Ni and of Ni in general, as I am sure that this peculiarity of thought is not common among all INFps and INTps. In a broader sense, Ni deals with the abstract perception of information, which leaves Ni types with a good sense of timing and a certain insight into various patterns in their lives. As far as the “sense of timing” part goes, this manifests itself in my life insofar as I have been told that I usually “say things at the right time.” Also, I think I have come to view my strong Ni and my weak Te as being somewhat dichotomous. For example, I may have rationalized my casual, leisurely approach to life with the fallacious notion that hard work is not necessary for me to achieve my lofty aspirations. My sense of timing (for better or for worse) lends itself to a certain degree of what I can only describe as “serendipity.” (Well, I could describe it as "luck" but "serendipity" is one of the most sublimely beautiful words in the English language.) Indeed, it is of little wonder to me that Ireland, with its fascinating cultural mythology of leprechauns and three-leaf clovers and pots of gold at the ends of rainbows, was typed as INFp. Naturally, I am in general an incredibly optimistic person, although this optimism is usually reserved for the long-term rather than the short-term.

    When I am in a more sober, realistic mood, however, my focus usually turns to the past rather than the future, which leads me back to the above-mentioned “insight into various patterns.” Even as a young child I was obsessed with patterns, and now, due to the considerable development of my intellect, I am inclined to the analysis of patterns. This inclination even manifests itself in my choice of occupation as a history teacher. Certainly, it manifests itself in my choice of hobbies, for the very fact that I am interested in socionics is a testament to this.

    And now, since I am in a particulary casual and leisurely mood, I will leave the rest of the functions for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or something of that nature.

    "Supposing the entity of the poet to be represented by the number 10, it is certain that a chemist, on analyzing it, would find it to be composed of one part interest and nine parts vanity." (Victor Hugo)

  6. #6


    AWESOME! I'm going to study this more and then reply. Alot of this is making sense. Thanks!

  7. #7


    Joy- are you sure those are in order???

    Does socionics differ from the regular cognitive process order? The one you put up makes a lot more sense to me than the other one at!

  8. #8


    But why the difference?? I don't understand.

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    Model-A= orgasmic....


    Anyway, it is different because socionics has nothing to do with MBTI. It originated in Russia about 35 yrs. ago WITH NO KNOWLEDGE OF MBTI. That is the socionic model above, and it describes the funcitons in a much clearer and logical way.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  10. #10


    The only one I do NOT agree with is Ne. Maybe I don't understand what they are meaning by Ne...but I have it. Tons of it. Always have. *shrug*

    8. Standard Function - a person needs guidance to realize this function, if at all.

    Extraverted iNtuiting involves noticing hidden meanings and interpreting them, often entertaining a wealth of possible interpretations from just one idea or interpreting what someone’s behavior really means. It also involves seeing things “as if,” with various possible representations of reality. Using this process, we can juggle many different ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and meanings in our mind at once with the possibility that they are all true. This is like weaving themes and threads together. We don’t know the weave until a thought thread appears or is drawn out in the interaction of thoughts, often brought in from other contexts. Thus a strategy or concept often emerges from the here-and-now interactions, not appearing as a whole beforehand. Using this process we can really appreciate brainstorming and trust what emerges, enjoying imaginative play with scenarios and combining possibilities, using a kind of cross-contextual thinking. Extraverted iNtuiting also can involve catalyzing people and extemporaneously shaping situations, spreading an atmosphere of change through emergent leadership.

  11. #11


    Wellllllll to be honest... I am ALWAYS TRYING to figure things out using my Ne. I don't think I completely succeed at it though. LOL. Is that what they mean then?

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    I think Model-A does ignore the 8th funciton too much when a lot of people demostrate a strong use of it (in your case, Ne).

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I think Model-A does ignore the 8th funciton too much when a lot of people demostrate a strong use of it (in your case, Ne).
    Hmmm- then what would YOU say the 8th funtion is ?? :wink:

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    Oh, but I don't think "figuring things out" has anything to do with Ne. Ne is a perceptive funciton (and an extraverted one at that).

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ChristiRB
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I think Model-A does ignore the 8th funciton too much when a lot of people demostrate a strong use of it (in your case, Ne).
    Hmmm- then what would YOU say the 8th funtion is ?? :wink:
    The 8th funciton is a "subconcious" strength; you don't use it directly, but it is still strong. That would mean that you are using Ni, but then using Ni automatically turns into Ne which you can project out.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  16. #16


    Really? Then what would you say Ne is???

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by ChristiRB
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I think Model-A does ignore the 8th funciton too much when a lot of people demostrate a strong use of it (in your case, Ne).
    Hmmm- then what would YOU say the 8th funtion is ?? :wink:
    The 8th funciton is a "subconcious" strength; you don't use it directly, but it is still strong. That would mean that you are using Ni, but then using Ni automatically turns into Ne which you can project out.
    Oh nice! Okay- back to studying this model then! ^_^

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    Ne is more about "exploring the possibilites", or even emulating different things/people. Since Ne is perceptive, it is more about the "collecting" part than the reasoning part. Reasoning are judging functions.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Ne is more about "exploring the possibilites", or even emulating different things/people. Since Ne is perceptive, it is more about the "collecting" part than the reasoning part. Reasoning are judging functions.
    Hmm....I DO do that sunconsciously. ^_^ Thanks.

    I think I worded "figuring things out" wrong. But that's okay! I get it!

  20. #20
    six turnin', four burnin' stevENTj's Avatar
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    My Ne is strong and I do consider possibilities a lot, but it's a subconscious process and it happens without me even realizing it. If you realize it's happening you'll turn out strong on tests, but you don't always realize it in which case you'd turn out weak. I think that's what it means when it says you don't always realize this as a function.

    ID Block The ID block primarily controls instinctual impulses. As a child, a person remains under the primary influence of the ID. However, Because of their nature, the functions within the ID Block cannot compete against the functions within the EGO block. Though they are typically very strong, the influence of the functions within the EGO Block may cause a person to disregard them and in result, feel that they are exceptionally weak and useless. An adult person may never really know that they have them as strength; some may even deny their very existence. However, a person is more likely to disregard the 8th function than they are to disregard the 7th function. Theoretically, This may result in that a person could have a conscious idea of the effects of their 1st function, and can discern the introverted and extroverted aspects of the function and their strengths with little effort. Yet the 2nd requires some effort, and may cloak the strengths of the 8th; it may never fully function in result. A person under strong influence of this block may appear irresponsible, uncaring, selfish, conceited, and arrogant.
    Te-INTp/ILI, my wife: Fi-ISFj/ESI, with laser beam death rays for ESTp/SLEs, lol
    16 years of bliss in an Activity relationship

  21. #21
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    More on the 7th and 8th functions from

    ID Block The ID block primarily controls instinctual impulses. As a child, a person remains under the primary influence of the ID. However, Because of their nature, the functions within the ID Block cannot compete against the functions within the EGO block. Though they are typically very strong, the influence of the functions within the EGO Block may cause a person to disregard them and in result, feel that they are exceptionally weak and useless. An adult person may never really know that they have them as strength; some may even deny their very existence. However, a person is more likely to disregard the 8th function than they are to disregard the 7th function. Theoretically, This may result in that a person could have a conscious idea of the effects of their 1st function, and can discern the introverted and extroverted aspects of the function and their strengths with little effort. Yet the 2nd requires some effort, and may cloak the strengths of the 8th; it may never fully function in result. A person under strong influence of this block may appear irresponsible, uncaring, selfish, conceited, and arrogant.

    Strong, Subconscious, Accepting - 7th function - the seventh function manifests itself as an instrument of instinctual aggression, intended to serve and protect the basic interest of an individual. A person wants, and wants immediately. In result, a person under the influence of this function may subconsciously reproduce and model behaviors that appear arrogant, haughty, conceited, selfish, or inconsiderate in relation to the function involved.

    Strong, Subconscious, Producing - 8th function - Without the suppression of the second function, this function needs guidance, as it must use a concrete means to manage itself. When unrestrained, a person may realize this function chaotically and without self-control, appearing indulgent and uncanny. People under the influence of the 8th function may have no direction and no productive aims or goals besides the self-gratification of the manifested function involved.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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