Sheldon did this in the past, and later it have proved to be completely wrong, and I cannot see any reason this should be right.

Should I for one, be an INTP just because I look like one of the celebrities typed INTP. Nope, it's nonsense if you ask me, like astrology, driven by intellectual mono mania.

I should also ask, are there really 16 types. A thing I have noticed is that people get sucked in to beliving in it because of their intellectual vanity, after they find a description that appeal to them, and they can identify with.

This just leads to not finding your true preferences.

Also this function stuff, are simply taken to far. All people have different brains, and if someone think that someone they perceive to be extroverted intuitive should suck at sports, or be impractical because Extroverted sensation should be a weak function, I think are simply missing the point, because it does not happen that way, not in the real world. Things cant be taken so word for word (as most people do), that is a very S thing, by the way

My guess is that most people who indentify themselves as intuitives are mostly not, but again within each person it can be a split, not black/white, that is why this function stuff, really do suck, because the system try to be more accurate, than it really can be in the real world, with real people.

My hint, would be for people to start with observation, then make theories, not trying to pin your theories upon observation.