In the relations of benefit module found on Sergei Genins site, the beneficiary seems to attempt to take advantage of the Benefactor. I would gather that the beneficiary in the module holds the Benefactor in contempt.
Well I would not put it quite like that. What happens in these relations is that the Beneficiary is, at least in theory, likely to admire the Benefactor much more than vice versa. At the level of the functions this would be because the Benefactor's second function (creative or spontaneous expression) is received very favourably by the Beneficiarys fifth function (duality-seeking function, which accepts almost anything) whereas the Beneficiary's first function (base or lead function) is received more critically by the Benefactors sixth function (hidden agenda, which requires carefully balanced creative support). See the functions here:

Both parties do however get support for their subconscious functions so these relations can usually be quite pleasant for both parties, and at least on a casual level make good friends. In a close relationships this kind of relations can inspire either totally "one-way love" in which case they may even turn out abusive, or alternatively these relations may inspire the most intense devotion if the Beneficiary feels that the Benefactor accepts his/her love and loves in return even when the Beneficiary does not consider him/herself worthy of the love. Well this sounds convulated and even crazy but I am highly confident that this was the case for example with John Lennon INTP and Yoko Ono ISTJ (I know she is far from the stereotypical version, but type is not about behaviour etc.. INTP Lennon and ESFP Paul McCartney made a highly efficient Duality pair, but if you want someone to worship you choose you Benafactor not your Dual,
just take it from a one who has been there and done that.)

Theoretically you could seek out your Beneficiary, confidently play out your second function and watch with objective detachment as he/she falls head over heels in love with you. And report the results to this Forum! :wink:

Notworthy examples being Iago / Othello or Bill / Hilary Clinton.
There is lots of disagreement about Bill Clinton's type among the experts, but here are the two main views. David Keirsey says that he's an ESFP, evidenced by his love of being the center of attention, love of entertaining, and wily pragmatic negotiation style. There is a rumor that he took the MBTI and came out ENFP (and Hillary came out INTJ). ENFP seems to be the most popular guess for Clinton's type. Remember, no two people use quite the same definitions for the four-letter codes.

I do not know about the Clinton's, do you know what their types were supposed to be? This ENFP & INTJ compo would make them an asymmetrical supervison/controll relationship which could very well explain the stormy nature of their relationship. Bill trying to wriggle out of Hillary's control, Hillary reining in Bill etc...