Quote Originally Posted by Five
What do these fictional and non-fictional ISTjs have in common. What do you look for?

I don't want to comment too much on those fictional characters you listed because I don't know most of them well enough.

This is what usually tips me off about ISTjs:

- logical in their arguments, not ethical or emotional
- strong willed, but not in an aggressive way - they are walls, not battering rams
- socially self-confident, not shy, but not overly talkative and tending to be quiet
- tend to be physical and sporty, and in touch with their surroundings
- stubborn in their ways and ideas, prefer to stick to methods and ideas they know, dislike experimenting with change in those
- good in analysis of facts and data, bad in proposing novel ideas using those.
- prefer to use their analyses to confirm what they already believe, rather than question it in order to find alternatives
- set in their ways
- orderly and methodical