Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
I wish I had pictures of my coolest creation that I made in college. When I was in my last quarter at ITT, I actually made an entire town "function" on one microprocessor chip, complete with railroad around it that stopped at two stations and stop lights for the traffic when the train came through. It was a pretty cool project when all was said and done. I had streetlights (LED's) that lit up at a certain time, I even had one part where a car ran a red light at the train crossing that caused the train to stop instead of hitting it (which wouldn't happen in real life... I know ). I made sure to build in a "God" button, which was an EMO switch (not emo as it's used here, but an emergency machine off button) that made everything stop and caused life in that little town to exist. I even labeled it "God Button" on the corner of the board that I had everything on. I had pictures of it but lost them somewhere in the past 8 years...lol. but it was, by far, the coolest thing I'd ever "made."
Try and find the pictures, that sounds really cool.