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Thread: Type these people

  1. #1
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Default Type these people

    Person #1: Expects obedience. Sarcastic. Highly funny/spontaneous. More responsible than I but also less dignified (I play the straight-man in this relationship). Room/desk is a mess. Very perceptive. Very sensitive/thin-skinned (more so than I, possibly). Very stubborn. Feels the need to tone down in public due to disapproval. Capable of handling household finances. Math/Music bent (if that means anything). Definite "silly switch". Will try to make peace/resolve the situation with most people.

    Person #2: Shy but tests as an extrovert. Usually compliant but sometimes very stubborn. Melodramatic. Responsible. Nurturing. Scheduled. Mothering. Sometimes wild. Affectionate. Worries. Wants things to go right. Giving/sacrificing. Persistent. Sometimes assertive. Wants to be there on time or early (I think). Less likely to follow the crowd. Seems to stress rather easily. Room is a mess. Likes to be with friends but dislikes being around strangers.

    Person #3: Friendly. Outgoing. Definite extrovert. Persistent. Very stubborn. Tries to tell others what to do. Assertive. Sensitive to disapproval/criticism. Energetic. Likely to follow what a friend is doing. Mischievous. Affectionate. Blunt. Room is usually a mess. Likes to be with friends. Has been known to worry about what others will think (but I haven't heard it often).

    Do I need to give more info?

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    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I believe you're trying to trick us or something.

    For person #2 the first sentence just doesn't make sense. Everything else you listed was very cohesive of certain types. Then you just said they test as an extrovert? What the hell? But anyway....some sort of serious type. INFj/ISFj comes to mind. Maybe even INTj. Given everything else you mentioned they would NOT, under any circumstance, test as an extrovert - unless they were just boldly LYING and being silly.

    #1... ISFp.

    #3 ENFj/ESFp/ESTp/ENFp. Too extrovert-y vague.

  5. #5
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    For person #2 the first sentence just doesn't make sense. Everything else you listed was very cohesive of certain types. Then you just said they test as an extrovert? What the hell? But anyway....some sort of serious type. INFj/ISFj comes to mind. Maybe even INTj. Given everything else you mentioned they would NOT, under any circumstance, test as an extrovert - unless they were just boldly LYING and being silly.
    I'm telling you what the test results were. I had a hard time comprehending it myself. Then again, I don't get to see this person interact with a bunch of people. Definite F. *shrugs* She's plenty expressive and verbal at home, and she tells me she's plenty expressive when with her friends. She's definite Melancholy, almost certainly Mel/Chlor. She's tested as ENFJ/ESFJ. I was trying to see if someone could pinpoint which (though that may or may not be possible). Whatever she is, I get along wonderfully with her - although she does sometimes frustrate me with her schedules/melodrama, and I often frustrate her by laughing at her melodrama (it's just so funny). This said, if she was the dominant/authority and not me, she might drive me up a wall.

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    #3 ENFj/ESFp/ESTp/ENFp. Too extrovert-y vague.
    I honestly don't pay a lot of attention to his habits. I don't see him interacting with people either, but that's cause I'm not around when he is. Our interaction is often me attempting to correct him, cut him down to size, or both. We're a lot alike, which is why he gets on my nerves so often. He's not a J, and I'd be shocked if he was a T. Whatever he is, he likes to goof around and/or show off in class, the latter of which irks me to little end. He's some San/Chlor or Chlor/San mix, but I know those don't transfer into MBTI very well, so I don't know why they'd transfer into socionics, either.

    Anyone else wanna hazard a guess?
    Last edited by Cuddly McFluffles; 02-14-2008 at 04:28 PM.

  6. #6
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    I was honestly trying to come up with an answer--until I realized that it's impossible. You have only given disconnected adjectives and vague traits that sound like they were taken out of a Myers-Briggs test (messy room??). Think about a person's most striking characteristics instead of making an inventory.

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    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I was honestly trying to come up with an answer--until I realized that it's impossible. You have only given disconnected adjectives and vague traits that sound like they were taken out of a Myers-Briggs test (messy room??). Think about a person's most striking characteristics instead of making an inventory.
    Well...pretty much all of us at home have a messy room. I thought an inventory was how you're supposed to describe people. I'm sure taking so many of those has influenced my brain. Still...striking characteristics? I'll have to think about that one.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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  8. #8
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    OK...Let's see.

    Person #1 is very good with practical matters (she sets the budget) and would make a very good businessperson (she perceives things about people). Like I said, math and music bent. She's realistic in some ways (like being on my butt to get a job and telling me I have to keep following up, while I'm afraid I'm going to irritate them by bugging them) but dreamy in others (like wanting this really expensive house that I see as unaffordable in our current state and a total pain to have to clean). She tends to be disorganized on a large scale physically (or at least messy). I don't know what her sleep/eat ethic is, though (which relates to Si). She tends to read into people's actions/facial expressions, as she sometimes says she thinks she's offended people. She's probably more observant than I am (though that doesn't take much).

    Any better?

    I'm supposed to be studying for a test, so I'll probably do more later.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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  9. #9
    machintruc's Avatar
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    I think

    #1 : LSE
    #2 : EIE
    #3 : SEE

  10. #10
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    I actually think ENTj is more likely for #1. The "dreaminess" sounds like Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    Person #1: Expects obedience. Sarcastic. Highly funny/spontaneous. More responsible than I but also less dignified (I play the straight-man in this relationship). Room/desk is a mess. Very perceptive. Very sensitive/thin-skinned (more so than I, possibly). Very stubborn. Feels the need to tone down in public due to disapproval. Capable of handling household finances. Math/Music bent (if that means anything). Definite "silly switch". Will try to make peace/resolve the situation with most people. maybe ENTP

    Person #2: Shy but tests as an extrovert. Usually compliant but sometimes very stubborn. Melodramatic. Responsible. Nurturing. Scheduled. Mothering. Sometimes wild. Affectionate. Worries. Wants things to go right. Giving/sacrificing. Persistent. Sometimes assertive. Wants to be there on time or early (I think). Less likely to follow the crowd. Seems to stress rather easily. Room is a mess. Likes to be with friends but dislikes being around strangers. maybe ISFJ

    Person #3: Friendly. Outgoing. Definite extrovert. Persistent. Very stubborn. Tries to tell others what to do. Assertive. Sensitive to disapproval/criticism. Energetic. Likely to follow what a friend is doing. Mischievous. Affectionate. Blunt. Room is usually a mess. Likes to be with friends. Has been known to worry about what others will think (but I haven't heard it often). maybe decisive T type.

    Do I need to give more info?
    ILE's finance-oriented and sarcastic ?

    ESI's shy ? You were probably thinking of an ENFP EII phobic 6 or something, because types can't be "shy".

    #3 : maybe you were thinking of a friendly SLE-7...

  12. #12
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post

    Person #2: Shy but tests as an extrovert. Usually compliant but sometimes very stubborn. Melodramatic. Responsible. Nurturing. Scheduled. Mothering. Sometimes wild. Affectionate. Worries. Wants things to go right. Giving/sacrificing. Persistent. Sometimes assertive. Wants to be there on time or early (I think). Less likely to follow the crowd. Seems to stress rather easily. Room is a mess. Likes to be with friends but dislikes being around strangers. maybe ISFJ
    I believe I've already mentioned it, but #2 and I get along wonderfully. She's sweet and obliging, and she considers others. She rarely tries to push me, but she doesn't get anywhere when she does. Illustration: at church once, she tried to get me to go talk to a guy I like. I told her no. She started pushing me over there (she's a foot shorter than I), so I sat down in the floor and refused to move. After unsuccessfully trying to pull me, she became exasperated and kicked me (not too hard). So I lunged for her and she backed off. Still, she doesn't do such to me often.

    Anyway, I thought our interaction might help you guys along. *reads first two ISFJ functions* You may very well be right. My sister is very fashionable, and she's much better about standing up for her beliefs than I am. She also is/was less imaginative; I haven't payed attention to whether she's changed.

    Also, #1 is my mother. We're a lot alike. That said, I didn't inherit her fiscal responsibility. Her sense of humor is different than mine, too. I'm naturally mouthy (and probably naturally antagonistic, too) but had to develop my sarcasm. Hers has flowed free since childhood. As far as my father goes, he's a (socially) extroverted feeler/judger. She used to get really upset at his being too merciful with people and therefore getting the short end of the stick. She also hates that he often thinks he's right and refuses to budge (I have the same problem with him). She and I have trouble shutting up when talking back to him.

    #3 is my little brother. He's apparently a carbon copy of his San/Chlor (or Chlor/San) grandfather (for those who don't know that terminology, he's either I/D or D/I). He and I are more alike than I like to admit. He tends to lack focus, and he doesn't care for chores/household work. As for our interaction: a lot of it is me getting onto him for tormenting his sister (but also at times for him saying something I feel is absolutely stupid). I tend to bear down hard on him in an attempt to "get through his thick head", as I see it. I think he's convinced I don't love him; at the very least, he doesn't feel I approve of him, which is greatly correct. *shrugs* He's OK, but he has a tendency to drive me nuts. We do get along, believe it or not after all that. ^.^; He's just...forceful and overbearing at times - like wanting to fly at me and hug me or otherwise be rough with affection (my mother does it, too). I can do the same thing, but I don't receive it well (I want to be approached calmly).

    And there you have interaction in my house. No, none of us see a therapist. -_-;

    EDIT: I was looking at pics of my little brother from a trip almost two years ago. He looks mischievous in a good amount of the pictures. My mother had that look on her face in one of her baby pics - and in one a few years back.
    Last edited by Cuddly McFluffles; 02-22-2008 at 11:14 PM.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

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  13. #13
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    yeah, #1 i think is ISFJ, #2 is ENTP, #3 is ESTP.
    I think that'd be
    1 - ENTP
    2 - ISFJ
    3 - ESTP

    Just so as not to confuse people. I agree with the ISFj one. I'd have to run ENTp by my mother (she usually tests EN- or ESFP on MB). As for ESTp...*shrugs* Mebbe. I don't pay enough attention to his behavior as a whole. I'd be kinda surprised if he was T. He testes ENFP on MB, but he's not horribly old, so Mom wasn't sure whether it'd turn out right. He strikes me as a feeling type, but I could be mistaken.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  14. #14
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    good luck with these. see what they value: Ni+Se or Ne+Si and Ti+Fe or Fe+Te...
    How would I find this out?

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  15. #15
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    reinin dichotomies:

    judicious: values Si+Ne: alpha, delta
    decisive: values Se+Ni: beta, gamma
    merry: values Ti+Fe: alpha, beta
    serious: values Te+Fi: gamma, delta
    OK. Thanks a bunch!

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

  16. #16
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    Person #1 is ESFj. Person #2 is ISFj. I have no idea about #3.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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