I spot Se PoLR the strongest. It makes me want to encourage the person to raise their voice at me so that they see I can handle it. So in the future they can openly show as much Se as they want without worrying about seeming too harsh. (this assumes they're actually Se-creatives behaving too politely).

I do spot Fe PoLR every now and then, but mostly due to their inability to react to my playful comments.

Ne PoLR never bothered me really. There's this ISTj who never likes to try new food and she hasn't tried some of the most basic things... and we keep convincing her to try some things. It doesn't bother me and she often agrees at the end. But it annoys me how she makes a sour face at ANYTHING new that she tries, including tiramisu and other yummy good things. So I guess what I'm saying is that it's fun to talk Ne PoLR people into new thing, but being so stubborn can cause them to have some annoying traits that will never go away. Otherwise, I barely notice Ne PoLR.