In the vital basis of differentiation and reduction of dimension functions
is similar to the mental.
Consider all the FIM, standing at different places in the vital ring ILE:
􀀡 → 􀀠 E6 → S5
􀁮 􀁰 or 􀁮 􀁰
􀀞 􀁭 􀀣 T7 􀁭 P8
Thus, the equation for the unconscious part of the vital ring 􀀝 􀀤 (ILE)
can be written as follows:
Z = fS - kE + lT-mP4
At the same time the most powerful of the vital function of the model is the eighth, but the most
weak (and therefore suggestive) - the fifth function.
It may seem that there is a contradiction, due to the fact that in our model
B1 [2] direction of the flow of information vital to the ring is similar to
mental ring of the most powerful features of the weakest, but in the opposite direction,
compared to model A. This is consistent with already being found
units of consciousness and unconscious on a scale of rationality-irrationality. However,
marked patterns hold when considering the circulation of information
unconscious functions of the conscious aspects of the installation or described in Model A,
and, as the movement of information in the mind and the unconscious is defined
compensatory principle, then the apparent circulation of conscious attitudes in
vital ring looks back true, vital circulation. Thus,
there is a more general model B, which includes the Model A and B1 as private
aspects. Its features include:
1) B contains a folded model as model A, 8 FIM, but it is not flat, and 3 -
dimensional. Given the character, function, detailed model B consists of 16 FIM and constructed in
4-dimensional space;