Original - There:

Here is the translation taken from google translator:
Boukalov AV
The dimension
Introduced the concept of dimension functions of information metabolism.
The dimension of an information metabolism is determined by the location function
A model and is described by four vectors: globality, the situations, norms and personal
experience. The notion of dimension is easy to explain the nature and specificity of intertype
relationships that are open in Socionics.
Key words: mental functions as an information
metabolic model of the psyche, the dimension function, Socionics, intertype relationships.
As you know, in the typology of Jung and Socionics in models A and B, the degree of
development of mental functions, or functions of information metabolism is not the same.
In particular, on a conscious level in models A or B stands 4 functions with decreasing
capacity: software, realizable, and contact the place of least resistance
(Junior). A similar proportion and function are located in the vital ring.
It is known that the space occupied by FIM, defines the role of the above functions. Arise
However, the following questions:
1) how the contents of the same PPM (intuition, logic, ethics, and sensory)
depending on where in the model?
2) that defines the roles of these functions in the mental and vital rings?
The author has established that the perceived space of mental function,
standing in the first place, consists of 4 measurements or coordinates. These coordinates,
submitted to mutually perpendicular vectors, the following:
1) coordinate (vector) time t
(Vector or global);
2) coordinate (vector), the momentary situation aspect of the function S
3) coordinate (vector) norms or cultural upbringing, customs and accepted in society
N 􀁇
4) coordinate (vector) I
(Or I
), Which includes self-esteem, personal experiences,
intrinsic values ​​and desires.
We emphasize that these vectors can also be arranged on the fractal
where necessary, more detailed analysis.
In the mental ring on intuitive extravert (􀀝 􀀤 (ILE)) are
the following functions:
􀀝 → 􀀤 I + → L-
􀁮 􀁰 or 􀁮 􀁰
􀀢 􀁭 􀀟 R-􀁭 F +
Turning to the notations, we can write the equation for the reduced
mental ring:
Y = aI - bL + cF - dR (4)
As we see the functions appearing in different places have different dimensions.
Similarly, we can consider all the PPM, depending on their dimensions or location
Model A. The first function contains all four vectors and is therefore most
The second function contains three vectors, excluding the time vector and globality.
Vector situation allows her to creatively and effectively operate in a momentary situation.

The third function contains only vectors of norms and personal experience, and is therefore
normalized by the corresponding aspect (in this case, strong-willed sensorics &#1048607, and
sensitive to changes in the situation or the need for a global assessment of this
The fourth function, the place of least resistance is just the vector I
relevant aspect. Therefore, it is sensitive to any unusual
If, from a physical point of view, the mental basis compared to some
space, the vital basis of the space can be mapped, which involves
mental, that is, they are in a relationship of complementarity. Now consider the general
8 (16)-dimensional basis. It each vector corresponds to the mental level of the conjugate
he vector of the vital level. Vector of global reach and complementary paired energy vector
), Which operates the body. This energy is understood as the energy of the libido (libido) or
psychic energy, in the sense that it considered the CG Jung. Vector of the situation (S
) In
consciousness of the world or the vector of the situation or condition of the human body (ES
vector of social norms (N
) Corresponds to the conjugate vector of the physiological norm
the body, limiting its capabilities and instincts as norms of behavior of the organism (EN
excessive exposure to this vector lead to autonomic manifestations in the body;
Finally: I am self-vector
) Can be associated in the minds of the analogous vector in
unconscious, which expresses the aspirations and desires of the body, in fact, in this
context, it can be called id
(It), by analogy with the term Id, introduced by Freud, but
we have found a vector is denoted with a capital letter, since it is part of the

Anouther part - I'll show you in the next massage