Quote Originally Posted by idolatrie View Post
SLI: I don't plan to live to 80
IEE: Don't tell me you plan to die at 36, that's such a cliche
SLI: Nah, somewhere between 40 and 50
IEE: But then your children will not have you around right when they go into their teens - imagine the drugs and ...drinking they will fall into
SLI: Oh, I'll train them well early on so that won't happen
I shit you not my ISTp friend has said exactly the same thing to me. Hes told me more than once that he can see himself dying early (he can feel it). All i can say is that i think hes nuts. Unless ISTp's have some innate death sense that ive never heard of?? What is with that, like weak Ni or something lol.