Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
He wants to be fed every day but he has no particular expectations about how that should happen.
Wouldn't that be a thing that an SLI is perfectly capable of doing himself? I would have expected HIM to take care of dinner

Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
I don't think that's *all* the attractiveness or even necessarily most of it, but it is true that I like that. Or at least not being like that that repels me.
Perhaps 'attractiveness' is not the right word, maybe I should have used 'appeal' instead, and then in a more subconscious meaning of the word as well. BTW, I assume here that you are talking about type-related aspects of the attraction/appeal, because of course they must be things in your husband that you like but aren't type related.

Feel free to elaborate what it is in SLIs that works for you. What I'm actually looking for, is an understanding of IEE-SLI duality, and only those aspects that are type related.