Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
An inability to address the question of "why" when asked for proof or reasoning. Believing something to be a fact by mere proclamation of it being a fact.
I have told you what to read in order to see what every serious socionist agrees on. What I have said about IP and IJ temperament in this thread can't be disputed. Ask others if you are skeptical of my assertions.

Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
Gross and incredibly inaccurate generalizations of types.
They are not inaccurate.

Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
Stubbornness of your opinion in the face of overwhelming counter evidence.
If there is overwhelming counter evidence, why don't you present it? What I have seen so far is much weaker than my arguments. And you are definitely wrong about what you have said about the IP and IJ temperaments. Give yourself some time to consider the possibility that you have misunderstood them instead of insisting that you are right in this case.

Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
Philosophical categorical errors.
Such as?

Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
An overwhelming reluctance and refusal to admit your error when it is present.
I will admit my error if I can see it. So please show me exactly where my mistake is.

Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
Frequent debates of semantics.
I would gladly avoid them if they were not a necessary consequence of people's misuse and misunderstanding of the important concepts. When it comes to philosophical concepts I really am an expert, so people could really learn how to use them correctly if they listened to me on that.

And you say that you want to focus on Baruch Spinoza. That's fine, but you haven't presented any counter arguments against what I have said about his philosophy. Why do you disagree?