I just realized that I have been with an ENTp. We were together for prolly about 10 months. I'm gonna try to find a pic.
I just realized that I have been with an ENTp. We were together for prolly about 10 months. I'm gonna try to find a pic.
I've gone out with:
And almost and ENTj/ESTj
And almost an ISFp
The ESFp was a total bitch.
The INFp was not romantically compatible with me (they require far too much attention).
The ENFj was way too emotional and sentimental.
The ENTj/ESTj was smart, but really annoying after a while, because she was so judgmental.
And the ISFp, well, she was the one who never was. I moved before things could develope.
I am pretty good at typing people, I think. Although I do so intuitively, I am confident that I am correct about the types of these people.
I am aware I hijacked the thread, but it's not really about anything anyway.
Found it. It's a crappy pic but it's the only one I have.
The reason for the title of the thread is because the thought hadn't occured to me until today.
Awwww...cute! You are both ADORABLE! ENTPs usually are. ^_^
I have been with:
ESFP: totally selfish and rude...almost married him too! I broke up with him when he said I was last on his priority list.
INTP: We almost married too. We were together 3 years...buuuut.... he had no desire for *cough*. And there's no way I can live the rest of my life dry.
ENTP: TOTALLY opposite of the INTP...we could talk about anything and everything and he loved *cough*...but...he was the worst bf I ever had. Totally didn't want to marry him. We broke up and got back together about 10 times in a year and a half.
Been single for 5 years and am currently in love with my friend who is an INTJ.
This ENTp and I broke up and got back together twice! He's the only one who's ever been able to do that! I'm generally not one to change my mind once I decide not to be with someone anymore.
Yeah ... they like to break up and go back out.... again and again
What?!!INTP: We almost married too. We were together 3 years...buuuut.... he had no desire for *cough*. And there's no way I can live the rest of my life dry.
Oh oooops.. maybe it's just male ENTPs
Yeah...odd isn't it? And we were compatible in EVERY other way too! I was really bummed.Originally Posted by Sycophant
are you sure he was INTp and not schizoid?
Huh?Originally Posted by Joy
Look up Schizoid Personality Disorder.
I know what it is......but he was just lazyOriginally Posted by Joy
lol nm
Okay, I'm gonna leave out the guys that aren't important.
1) Mike- ISxp, prolly ISTp? I could be wrong... lol... he's #6 in my VI thread
2) Joel- ISFp. I can't find my pic of him! I have already written about what happened here
3) Kevin- ESxj, prolly ESFj... he's #1... that didn't work out for a variety of reasons, mainly control issues
4) Ryan- xNTx let's not talk about him
5) Glen- ENTp, he's the one in the pic. The first 5 months were heaven, and then he was having problems at home and he moved in with me. I think it was too much freedom for him because he developed a drinking habit and was in many ways the hugest dumbass ever in the history of the universe regardless of the drinking. The second time we broke up was kind of funny... I had just had sinus surgery and was down for the count. He was no where to be found because he was with my ESTj friend (who was my arch nemisis at the time). I laid there all drugged up and miserable for a week before I finally wrote out what I had to say to him and took it to the ESTj's house to give it to him... and he had written out a letter that was almost identical to the one I had written! Some of the sentences even read nearly word for word. LOL
6) Josh- INTp...