Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post

I find this topic extremely offensive for some reason, and I am shocked that there are not more replies going against the OP & the posters that have agreed to the OP's "sense" of evil in others based on first impressions.

I really, really disagree with the statement B&D made about how there are people out there who are truly evil. Call me overly childish, silly, anything ... but I just can't bring myself to believe that there does not lie Good in everyone, even a tiny bit. No matter how obscured or hidden, Good is still there.

This view of thinking people are "evil" and then staying away from them without giving them any chance at all - wow... uh, are you serious? All it does is breed hatred. No matter WHAT my first impression of ANYONE is, I will always be glad to retract it. I am not discounting the validity of first impressions themselves, or the fact that we have them.

I am merely saying that I do not believe that these sentiments can be true all of the time, especially in the context of considering a certain person "evil."

Oh EDIT: I figured out why I am so offended. It is because a lot of people in real life have had totally wrong first impressions about me, and I just hate, hate, hate pre-judgement of anyone or anything. Yeah, it happens, but PLEASE try to limit it! This is where stereotypes come from, it's like a breeding ground for intolerance.
^ The above poster obviously does not have the evil vibe sensing function. Too bad. It could have saved her life. ^