I am fully responsible for myself and others.
I have to depend on myself to see that things get done.
(I often agree. Or at least when something didn't get done, I blame myself.)
Others tend to be too casual, often irresponsible, self-indulgent, or incompetent.
(yes. That's why I find it difficult to get along with even my activity partner ESTp)
It is important to do a perfect job on everything.
(unfortunately yes. Very much so.)
I need order, systems, and rules in order to get the job done properly.
(yes. I rarely "just do" anything. I have to know why and what I will be doing and in what order)
If I don't have systems, everything will fall apart.
(yes. But it does! Really.)
Any flaw or defect of performance may lead to a catastrophe.
(yes! But it's true!)
It is necessary to stick to the highest standards at all times, or things will fall apart.
(yes, because usually when the greatest plans fail, it's because someone at the bottom didn't do their job properly.)
I need to be in complete control of my emotions.
(well... depends!)
People should do things my way.
(yes, but only if I'm sure that my way is the best way. Very often it is.)
If I don't perform at the highest level, I will fail.
Flaws, defects, or mistakes are intolerable.
(yes, I HATE it when someone does a sloppy job)
Details are extremely important.
(yes, well details are only what the complete thing is made of.)
My way of doing things is generally the best way.
(Yes, often true)