View Poll Results: Mike Rowe's type?

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Thread: Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs

  1. #41
    yeves's Avatar
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  2. #42
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    LSE sx/so 3w4

    this doesn't really appeal to be Fe

    Mike Rowe: "Most of the things I do brand wise are both missionary and mercenary in their position, and that's really important to me; that's one of the first things I look at when I say: does it make sense to do a deal?"

    "Your happiness with your job has very little to do with the work itself."

    "I've heard the same story from hundreds of professionals and skilled tradesmen, who followed opportunity—not passion—and prospered as a result."

  3. #43

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    I've always felt there was something very "off" about the suggestion of an LSE typing for Mike Rowe, but I didn't know much about him. So I started reading about him and watching his show, and then it became clear to me - SEE.

    This would explain why some people are suggesting EIE and ESE as typings. It's because he has strong 4D Fe, but it isn't valued.

    Se-lead function: I think it's strange people are typing Mike Rowe as LSE when he clearly is not concerned with working in conditions that are safe, harmonious, and comfortable (as an Si-valuing type would). Harmony of his surroundings and working in optimal conditions is obviously not something he is interested in (Si-ignoring). says Si-valuers have "an awareness of internal tangible physical states and how various physical fluctuations or substances are directly transferred between objects, such as motion, temperature, or dirtiness. The awareness of these tangible physical processes consequently leads to an awareness of health, or an optimum balance with one's environment." The awareness of motion, temperature, or dirtiness leads Si types to make adjustments to avoid the unpleasantness of experiencing them.

    Mike Rowe does the complete opposite of this, deliberately putting himself in uncomfortable, unsafe, challenging environments. Many of Mike Rowe's jobs are not only "dirty", but also dangerous. He seems to enjoy putting himself in risky situations, and likes working dangerous jobs that pose a challenge. For example, rattlesnake catcher, hazardous waste remover, high rise window cleaner - all of these jobs contain an element of risk, of danger. He is drawn to that, and has mentioned that he considers it fun. He speaks out against "safe spaces" and encourages people to seek out challenges, to make themselves uncomfortable and push themselves. He is very pragmatic and not a dreamer, emphasizing the real world and following the market to fill roles that are needed in reality. He also places a lot of emphasis on being "engaging" and in interacting with the real world.

    Prior to Dirty Jobs, Rowe admits he was aimless and didn't really know what to do for work. So he tried things out. He faked his credentials to get into the Baltimore Opera, then stayed with it because he liked it. He went to college for communications and then did work as a singer, narrator, host, and many other assorted jobs. All this alone would be very strange for LSE, but is typical of SEE, who likes to grab opportunities as they come. He's a natural entertainer and likes singing and performing. On Dirty Jobs, he is drawn to jobs that provide an unusual sensory experience. He seeks out these new experiences. He is impulsive and mentions that the only reason he ended up working at QVC is because a friend dared him to.

    Another important aspect to note is that the entire show of Dirty Jobs is about Mike Rowe learning how to do jobs. He isn't the one teaching other people the best or most efficient work methods - he is the one learning it from others! The description for Dirty Jobs describes him as a "fearless apprentice". And what is an apprentice? "A person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer." This fits extremely well with SEEs, who want to be competent and have the desire to learn practical skills. In contrast, types with lead Te like LSE often do not like to be told how to work from others, and can become irritated if other people are teaching them how to do something. Types with low level valued Te, however (ESI, SEE, EII, IEE), appreciate this. Mike Rowe readily learns from others. He enjoys learning about jobs and work methods from other people. He says Dirty Jobs was inspired by his grandfather, who was a master handyman and tradesman by age 30. He admits that he himself, however, is not good at practical handy works and jokes that "the handy gene is recessive."

    Te is his activating function, something he values, understands, and promotes. But it is not his natural strength. Instead, his natural strength and abilities seem to lie in the realm of action and people (Se-Fi). He understands people, knows what they want. He talked recently about how people found it offensive to be labeled "non-essential" workers. He mentioned that this kind of language alienates people. He has mentioned that the most rewarding part of his work is his ability to help people achieve through his foundation and scholarship programs. He also stresses an individualized approach to people, believing that every person has different abilities and that college is not for everyone. He also says, "Happiness does not come from a job. It comes from knowing what you truly value, and behaving in a way that's consistent with those beliefs. Many people today resent the suggestion that they're in charge of the way they feel." Fi in the creative position allows him to put aside likes and dislikes in favor of opportunities in the moment. He frequently encourages people to put aside their rigid standards and to just take action when possible.

    Weak but valued Ni-suggestive can also be seen. Mike Rowe talks often of "opportunity" and advises people to seize opportunities rather than follow their passion. He encourages people to act right away, to take the first job that comes along (Se, weak Ni), as long as it is needed in the real world. He believes if one takes an opportunity, it may later develop into something they like. This is what he himself did, taking on his show without knowing for certain where it would lead him, but believing things would unfold naturally over time. This kind of thinking is typical for Gamma, who values time (Ni) over possibilities (Ne). For Gamma types, the best way to save time is to just choose something (decisive Quadra) and become competent in it. No need to look at the possibilities. Exploring possibilities wastes time that could be spent building competency - the ultimate Gamma sin. However, this kind of thinking is not valued in Delta. In Delta Quadra, exploration of possibilities and then maximizing abilities in many areas is greatly respected.

    Finally, vulnerable Ti is also evident. He speaks out against the idea of putting people in boxes, and of applying one concept or framework to the entire population. "When did it make sense to say one size fits everybody? It never ever ever made sense to do that, and yet we're still selling education the same way we sold it when you and I were in high school." He also says that people who have too many "rules" or are set too many boundaries are limiting themselves from the mass amount of opportunities that exist. For example, when describing a woman who has had trouble dating, he says "She complains about being alone, even though her rules have more or less guaranteed she'll stay that way. She has built a wall between herself and her goal. A wall made of conditions and expectations." To SEEs, rules are simply a wall that get in the way of present moment opportunities. He also dislikes the idea of labeling people, as was mentioned earlier.

    Gamma Quadra, more than any other quadra, is preoccupied with work. Stratiyevskaya describes them as the Quadra who fears "tied hands". In Gamma, the most important thing is that you are working, regardless of the kind of work it is. As a democratic quadra, they also do not like to make a distinction of certain groups or professions being better or higher than others. Rowe acknowledges this when he says, "The flaw in our character is our insistence on separating blue-collar jobs from white-collar jobs, and encouraging one form of education over another." This kind of mentality is in contrast to aristocratic quadras like Delta. For example, describes aristocratic quadras (Beta/Delta) as saying, "I separate people based on their professional capabilities. First: to what social and economic status the person belongs to. Second: is he a professional or not, the way he conducts himself, his individual qualities." Mike Rowe does not have this kind of mentality. He is a democratic type.

    So there you have it, my argument for why Mike Rowe is SEE.
    Thanks for reading, I have a tendency to get carried away with these typings but I really enjoy it and I think it's more important to provide evidence for every typing.
    Last edited by LJDL; 07-02-2020 at 06:31 PM.

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