1. All my life I lived like a Myersian Introvert because I couldn't connect with hostile people, and most people around me were hostile. I connect quite easily with friendly people.

2. I have low social skills, but I'm pretty outgoing and straightforward. Socially reserved behaviour was only a defence mechanism to avoid getting harmed by people (though a neurologist diagnosed me as Asperger because he's a total retard).

3. My dopamin level is low, I'm not physiologically motivated to be "outgoing" ; just cognitively.

4. Even an Intimate Seven SLE (i.e. the extrovert caricature) would act withdrawn-like as a survival mechanism.

5. Intimate Five is the "outgoing-eccentric-nonadaptive" version of Five.

6. I'm not a natural loner. I'm just ACCOMODATING to social isolation. Things may be worse whatsoever. I could be in jail or Gulag.

7. I feel the need to have impact, and to have feedback, because I'm an Asker. I think Myersian Extroversion is related to Socionic Asking.

8. I like to express myself, especially anger. I like to get angry, and to speak loud. Even my ESI-ESTJ dad does.

9. I'm want stiiiiiiiiiimulation !!! Extrovert human beings may adapt to lack of stimulation, but extrovert human beings still want it, at least distantly.

10. Normally, in situations where I can orally participate, if I master the subject, I participate even more than average extroverts.

11. I was, until recently, at a "fragility" period. I felt like I was an Introvert, but the E/I thing doesn't change over life. Therefore I'm an Extrovert.

Then, I believed for long that I was Myersian INTJ. But actually I'm ENTJ, because I'm more relevant of the Myersian E thing to the I one. I'm not the "enterprising" ENTJ (though I do have interest in leading and controlling), but rather the "analytical" ENTJ.

There's no J/P switch or such. I'm not INTP, nor am I INTJ. You can be LII and ENTJ. That's compatible.