Quiet, good student, read and wrote incessantly, created fictional worlds and storylines, fancied myself a strategist on a grand stage or a martyred do-gooder. Naive, foolish, lonely, a poetic soul, alienated but bearing a smile. Compromiser, mediator, inefficient, sensitive, desiring good intentions and good hearts. Misunderstood, melancholic, but with an ear to what others needed to hear. Sincere, honest, easily hurt, isolated except for my creative impulses. Family oriented, loyal, betrayed, silent, letting nothing out that was too dangerous or unacceptable or could be taken advantage of, self-contained, playing it safe. Good speaker, terse, empathetic, sympathetic, self-conscious, masochistic yet trying to spare others pain, always a child, self-effacing, humble, weak. Lost, seeking meaning everywhere, directionless, taking suggestions later to be judged 'not me', exploring, desiring peace or the piece that was missing. Sojourner.