I agree that EIE seems very probable. It's interesting that one should bring up the comparison with ****** -- one thing I noticed in that video, the same as in ******'s speeches, is that MLK never once smiled. Even when the crowd was cheering or laughing, he resisted the urge to smile -- as someone else once pointed out, this is actually a sign of strong and deliberate use of Fe. By not showing levity, he's keeping the tone of his speech serious and therefore more moving. Furthermore, the effect of the contrast between the cheering crowd and him remaining serious and focused creates a rather heroic mood.

All in all, MLK showed an impressive command of Fe in that speech. He skillfully crafted an atmosphere of unity of purpose among the crowd, and instilled the whole group with emotions of hope, pride, determination, and nobility. It was an excellent, textbook demonstration of the ability of EIE to stir people's passions using grand ideas and a "big picture" perspective.

Also note the flow of metaphors he uses, moving from image to image, not connected by any central metaphor like an Ne type might do. He also shows a strong focus on the future and the past, tying the present to the words and deeds of history, and "prophesying" the course of future events ("I have a dream that one day...").

While an SEE might be adept at influencing people's emotions, he would be more likely to see the amount of emphasis MLK places on it to be overkill, and possibly even kind of silly (Demonstrative Fe). Furthermore, an SEE would be more likely to focus on what needs to be done now, rather than this sort of past-and-future oriented speech.