I took the trouble if watching some of his videos, and he's definitively not IEE, not by my standards, not by comparison to what I seen people here regard as IEEs. I can not however, exclude the possibility of LIE, but I still see to much of an adherance to 'laws' (Ti) and a natural commanding presence (Se).

As to Ne: he adds nothing new to whatever philosophy he's talking about at the time (compare this to e.g. Expat, an LIE who is able to come up with 'new' stuff out of the blue), also, his approach does not deal with multiple possibilities, exceptions to the rules etc.etc., especially for a guy of his age: an ILE or IEE of his age and his experience would have a much more complex understanding and try to communicate that. I can't see Ne as an 1st, 2nd or 8th function. Not in his book, not in the videos.

Also, his Fe switches on and off a bit too consciously I think.