Psyche has three levels. They differ from classical levels. I'll call them :

1. Immediate Psyche : the immediate or "live" experience - i.e. now
2. Soft Psyche : short-term memory - contains "working" data ; easy to forget
3. Hard Psyche : long-term memory - contains permanent or semi-permanent data and algorithms ; hard to forget

I suggest the psyche has four Information Processing Components :

Input : the process of information movement from Immediate Psyche to Soft Psyche.
Output : the process of information movement from Soft Psyche to Immediate Psyche.
Storage : the process of information movement from Soft Psyche to Hard Psyche.
Processing : the process of information movement from Hard Psyche to Soft Psyche.

We're calling them I, O, P and S. They relate to the W, X, Y, and Z processes of Model C.

An approximate example to illustrate them :

Inputting : "2 + 3 = _" is on your immediate psyche, and you're transfering it on your soft psyche.

Storage : "2 + 3 = _" is now on your soft psyche. Communication with hard psyche is established and the "2 + 3 = _" string is processed by hard psyche in a semi-deterministic manner.

Processing : "2 + 3 = _" is transformed into "2 + 3 = 5" or simply "5" and the information goes to the soft psyche. There's a risk of forgetting at this moment.

Output : "5" is definitely accepted as output, and the human being usually responds by the physical process of writing "5".

Each component is caracterised by two parameters :

- Strength : quantitative aspect of doing it, i.e. doing it with large amounts of information
- Flexibility : qualitative aspect of doing it, i.e. doing it in an appropriate or compliant manner

Each component may be :

1. Strong and Rigid
2. Strong and Flexible
3. Weak and Flexible
4. Weak and Rigid

For example, I have this information processing component pattern :

Input : Weak and Rigid
Output : Strong and Rigid
Storage : Weak and Flexible
Processing : Strong and Flexible

Rules for such patterns :

1. Each component has a different property pair. One process is Strong-Rigid, one is Strong-Flexible, one is Weak-Flexible, and the last is Weak-Rigid. Components are ordered like that. For example, my component 1 is Output, my component 2 is Processing, and so on. (This rule would reduce possible patterns from 256 to 24)

2. Socionic types may have different information processing component patterns. For example :

- SEI -0+ tends to have S1 I2 O3 P4, and SEI --- tends to have I1 S2 P3 O4.
- LSI --+ tends to have O1 S2 P3 I4, and LSI 0-0 tends to have S1 O2 I3 P4.

I don't know how much the viable patterns are (are they 24 ? 16 ? less ?). Besides, I don't know how they are correlated to Sociotypes or Phitypes.

This is not a model yet. It will emerge soon with your help.