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Thread: What's my type

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    Default What's my type

    Hey all, I'm new to this forum but have recently become very interested in socionics and have been trying to work out my type. I've narrowed it down to a couple of types, but I can't seem to get any further, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Ok so about me. I tend to think a lot, especially when by myself. Sometimes even when I'm listening to music I still have to think aloud. I can have trouble getting to sleep because my mind is still trying to think about lots of things when my body is tired. I think its one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses - it allows me to come up with lots of ideas and conclusions but it also causes me to worry about alot of things - what people thought of something I did, how I could have done something differently. All that thinking also means I often don't notice what's going on around me or crucial details. I have a good memory when I use it but what people say to me often goes in one ear and out the other.

    I tend to be quite self-absorbed. I'm usually more interested in putting my own two-cents in than what someone else has to say. I sometimes even play out imaginary conversations people I know have about me in my mind! However I don't keep a diary. I know I'm fairly good at recognising my own and others emotional states but not at guessing the reasons behind them.

    I have a couple of circles of good friends, but I have trouble getting to know and talk to new people. I greatly enjoy time with a small group of friends and can be very animated, but I am uncomfortable and reserved in large groups such as at parties. I tend to make a poor initial impression on girls in particular, but they often seem to warm to me if they get to know me better. I unintentionally try to make myself appear 'cooler' or different to what I am when meeting new people, but this persona fades quickly after meeting someone.

    I don't like physical contact (with hugs and my gf being exceptions) but at the same time I greatly appreciate smiling and laughter. I love music but quickly tire of the same songs. I go through an album like someone would read a book, listening to the songs for quite a few times then usually not touching the album again for a long time. I can often look serious - even when I think I'm smiling my gf sometimes asks what's wrong. Yet funnily enough I have a very expressive face when I want to use it and did well in drama at school.

    I tend to avoid conflict. I'll rail about politics to likeminded friends, but then simply avoid the topic, find common ground and remain friendly to people with the opposite views. I find it easier to apologise than confront someone on a personal issue. I hate gossip and bitching about people behind their backs and always avoid joining in. There aren't many people that I genuinely dislike - when there's someone in my group of friends that seems to be rubbing everyone the wrong way I'll often be scratching my head wondering what they did wrong. I get exasperated and irritated easily but rarely get angry or enraged.

    I love reading about ideas (particularly science) and often can't help reading a book in a couple of sittings - once I start I can't stop. I love learning something just for its own sake (such as a dead language) but at the same time I hate anything I regard as simply bs such as some philosophy. I like to quantify things and make lists. I can find it hard to motivate myself to do something that I want to do for myself do but work my arse off if compelled to such as with university work (I'm majoring in physics). I hate doing chores at home but when I'm forced to I do them thoroughly.

    I love writing and enjoy at coming up with ideas and plots and settings and researching them. But I have real difficulty putting pen to paper and when I do I tend to go overboard on poetic prose.

    I greatly value comfort. I love good food and appreciate a good nights sleep. I love just having days kicking back and relaxing by myself. I get overly grouchy when I'm hungry. My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it". When I went overseas with friends and was placed out of my comfort zone I got extremely annoying to others in the amount of whining and complaints I made (however I got used to it and was glad for the experience).

    I tend to get more annoyed by reading about things that seem irrational or ridiculous than things which seem inhumane or destructive (with some exceptions, particularly animal cruelty). When reading about someone getting arrested and jailed for say simply crossing the road, I would be annoyed about the flimsy evidence or the idiocy of it when other people would focus more on the ordeal such a person would have to go through. I would be more annoyed about someone who got legally executed than illegally assassinated even though its probably a more minor thing in most people's eyes, probably because I feel it's something that's within the system - something that we do and should have the power to control. Law is one of those things i'd expect to rational whereas individuals or war, etc aren't.

    I dislike the ideas of left and right in politics, believing that each issue should be analysed and concluded upon on its own merits and not in relation to some overarching moral position. I often grapple with the pros and cons of a political issue but am usually able to reach a concrete position which I then hold very strongly.

    Finally I'm an intensely private person. I only reveal my true feelings to my family and my gf (and even then I can often hold back) whereas I tend to stay more on the surface with everyone else.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by akeaneau; 01-22-2008 at 02:03 AM.

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    Things that, altogether, sound like they could be a Si PoLR.
    Things that, altogether, sound like they could be Fe ego.
    Things that suggest an EJ temperament.

    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    Hey all, I'm new to this forum but have recently become very interested in socionics and have been trying to work out my type. I've narrowed it down to a couple of types, but I can't seem to get any further, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Ok so about me. I tend to think a lot, especially when by myself. Sometimes even when I'm listening to music I still have to think aloud. <-- This could be a sign of an extroverted dynamic temperament. I can have trouble getting to sleep because my mind is still trying to think about lots of things when my body is tired. I think its one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses - it allows me to come up with lots of ideas and conclusions but it also causes me to worry about alot of things - what people thought of something I did, how I could have done something differently. All that thinking also means I often don't notice what's going on around me or crucial details. I have a good memory when I use it but what people say to me often goes in one ear and out the other.

    I tend to be quite self-absorbed. I'm usually more interested in putting my own two-cents in than what someone else has to say. I sometimes even play out imaginary conversations people I know have about me in my mind! <-- could be Ni However I don't keep a diary. I know I'm fairly good at recognising my own and others emotional states <-- this is related to Fe but not at guessing the reasons behind them. <-- might be related to unvalued Fi? could be something else too though

    I have a couple of circles of good friends, but I have trouble getting to know and talk to new people. <-- this just means (s)he's not SEE lol I greatly enjoy time with a small group of friends and can be very animated, but I am uncomfortable and reserved in large groups such as at parties. <-- this is consistent with a number of EIE's I've known irl I tend to make a poor initial impression on girls in particular, but they often seem to warm to me if they get to know me better. I unintentionally try to make myself appear 'cooler' or different to what I am when meeting new people, but this persona fades quickly after meeting someone. <-- this could be related to aristocracy, valued Fe, and/or a Se hidden agenda

    I don't like physical contact (with hugs and my gf being exceptions) but at the same time I greatly appreciate smiling and laughter. <-- Fe related I love music but quickly tire of the same songs. I go through an album like someone would read a book, listening to the songs for quite a few times then usually not touching the album again for a long time. I can often look serious - even when I think I'm smiling my gf sometimes asks what's wrong. <-- this could be related to a Si PoLR Yet funnily enough I have a very expressive face when I want to use it and did well in drama at school. <-- Fe related

    I tend to avoid conflict. I'll rail about politics to likeminded friends, but then simply avoid the topic, find common ground and remain friendly to people with the opposite views. I find it easier to apologise than confront someone on a personal issue. <-- this could be a Fe > Fi thing I hate gossip and bitching about people behind their backs and always avoid joining in. There aren't many people that I genuinely dislike - when there's someone in my group of friends that seems to be rubbing everyone the wrong way I'll often be scratching my head wondering what they did wrong. I get exasperated and irritated easily but rarely get angry or enraged.

    I love reading about ideas and often can't help reading a book in a couple of sittings - once I start I can't stop. I love learning something just for its own sake (such as a dead language) but at the same time I hate anything I regard as simply bs such as some philosophy. <-- dunno? I like to quantify things and make lists. I can find it hard to motivate myself to do something that I want to do for myself do but work my arse off if compelled to such as with university work. I hate doing chores at home but when I'm forced to I do them thoroughly. <-- perhaps

    I love writing and enjoy at coming up with ideas and plots and settings <-- could be Ni/intuitive and researching them. But I have real difficulty putting pen to paper and when I do I tend to go overboard on poetic prose. <-- could be Si related

    I greatly value comfort. I love good food and appreciate a good nights sleep. I love just having days kicking back and relaxing by myself. I get overly grouchy when I'm hungry. My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it". When I went overseas with friends and was placed out of my comfort zone I got extremely annoying to others in the amount of whining and complaints I made (however I got used to it and was glad for the experience).

    I tend to get more annoyed by reading about things that seem irrational or ridiculous than things which seem inhumane or destructive (with some exceptions, particularly animal cruelty). When reading about someone getting arrested and jailed for say simply crossing the road, I would be annoyed about the flimsy evidence or the idiocy of it when other people would focus more on the ordeal such a person would have to go through. <-- could be a lot of things, but Ti valuing came to mind I would be more annoyed about someone who got legally executed than illegally assassinated even though its probably a more minor thing in most people's eyes, probably because I feel it's something that's within the system - something that we do and should have the power to control. Law is one of those things i'd expect to rational whereas individuals or war, etc aren't. <-- could be a lot of things, but Ti valuing came to mind

    I dislike the ideas of left and right in politics, believing that each issue should be analysed and concluded upon on its own merits and not in relation to some overarching moral position. I often grapple with the pros and cons of a political issue but am usually able to reach a concrete position which I then hold very strongly. <-- could be a lot of things, but Ti valuing came to mind

    Finally I'm an intensely private person. I only reveal my true feelings to my family and my gf (and even then I can often hold back) whereas I tend to stay more on the surface with everyone else. <-- sounds mostly human to me lol

    Thanks in advance!

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    IEI isn't a crazy suggestion by any means. Alpha SF wouldn't be either, but I think EIE fits the whole picture best.

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    Sounds almost exactly like my INFp friend.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

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    akeaneau, which describes your temperament better:

    proactive, restless, work til you exhaust yourself and then need time to recharge, feel restless even while trying to relax


    relaxed, go with the flow, conserve energy whenever possible

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    Hey thanks for all your input, especially to joy for going through and highlighting the various sections - that kind of quantifying of things does appeal to my personality type

    Quote Originally Posted by Hostage_Child View Post
    How are your general organizational skills. Would you consider yourself apt to a lot of socialization when around people who are not friends or close aquaintances?

    I believe 'you' are the best expert as to what type you are. It's really not rocket science, IMO.
    I'm kind of both organised and not...I can often leave my room in a mess and don't write in a diary and can forget to tell people someone called. But I always turn up (usually punctually) for meetups. At university, I always hand in assignments on time and make the effort to learn things consistently rather than just cramming (you have to with physics and maths!) However I prefer to learn at home, and whilst always going to tutorials, will usually skip optional things such as lectures. I'm doing well at uni however

    I am not apt to socialisation when around a group of people i dont know very well. I can be quite withdrawn. I will only fire up if they get onto a topic im interested in or know quite abit about. I'm more comfortable with groups of people i know. However, i am very good at and enjoy chatting to someone i dont know very well one-on-one - if there are no other people.

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    I say EIE over IEI. Sounds a lot like an EIE friend of mine too. More like her than me (IEI).

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    akeaneau, which describes your temperament better:

    proactive, restless, work til you exhaust yourself and then need time to recharge, feel restless even while trying to relax


    relaxed, go with the flow, conserve energy whenever possible
    Normally i'd say the second, but I am prone to and capable of working til i exhuast myself when something such as upcoming uni exams calls for it

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    I greatly value comfort. I love good food and appreciate a good nights sleep. I love just having days kicking back and relaxing by myself. I get overly grouchy when I'm hungry. My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it". When I went overseas with friends and was placed out of my comfort zone I got extremely annoying to others in the amount of whining and complaints I made (however I got used to it and was glad for the experience).
    Joy, how is this Si PoLR? sounds like valued Si to me

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    Are you fairly organized in your work habits and do you get things done as you plan them to? I noticed you said you turn in assignments on time.

    Or would you say you are a hopeless procastinator?

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    i think Fe/Ti valuing is clear at least

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittmont View Post
    Are you fairly organized in your work habits and do you get things done as you plan them to? I noticed you said you turn in assignments on time.

    Or would you say you are a hopeless procastinator?
    It kind of waxes and wanes. I'll have periods where I won't do much at all for a week, and then the next week I'll be very disciplined and concentrate on doing work without doing anything else. I can sometimes procrastinate on assignments and material...but I catch up on what I know well before exam time

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    100&#37; IEI by every account.

    joy, this is really a case of you seeing something that isn't there. 100% of this betrays an Ni IP perspective.

    a couple of points:
    I tend to think a lot, especially when by myself. Sometimes even when I'm listening to music I still have to think aloud. I can have trouble getting to sleep because my mind is still trying to think about lots of things when my body is tired. I think its one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses - it allows me to come up with lots of ideas and conclusions but it also causes me to worry about alot of things - what people thought of something I did, how I could have done something differently. All that thinking also means I often don't notice what's going on around me or crucial details. I have a good memory when I use it but what people say to me often goes in one ear and out the other.
    = the epitome of Ni leading

    I tend to be quite self-absorbed. I'm usually more interested in putting my own two-cents in than what someone else has to say.

    My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it".

    Finally I'm an intensely private person. I only reveal my true feelings to my family and my gf (and even then I can often hold back) whereas I tend to stay more on the surface with everyone else.
    Ti-seeking EIE? you be the judge.

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    akeaneau, how do you feel about people pushing/telling you to do things?

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    I don't mind being told to do things at work or uni, but if I'm being told to do something by my friends I may not like it if (a) it seems stupid or nonsensical to me or (b) im just plain tired

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    I suspect you have a EJ temperament rather than IP.

    I lean towards EIE since you seem more disciplined and focused than an IP temperament, which points to a j temperament rather than p. You seem quite effective and organized, at least in comparison to me heh.

    Also you don't seem as easygoing as an IP eg I wouldn't dream of whining to my friends and make myself a nuisance in that way heh. I would make my feelings known and leave it at that and then go off by myself to sulk for a bit lol. Also you say you would rather have your say than listen to others which I don't see as an INFp point of view. I am a good listener rather than talker.

    But maybe this is just me being an extreme IP temperament, which skews my point of view.

    "I can find it hard to motivate myself to do something that I want to do for myself do but work my arse off if compelled to such as with university work (I'm majoring in physics)."

    Again to me this points to an EJ temperament over an IP one. Is there an INFp alive that finds it hard to motivate themselves to do things that interest them? I have no motivational problems like that at all lol.

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittmont View Post
    I suspect you have a EJ temperament rather than IP.

    I lean towards EIE since you seem more disciplined and focused than an IP temperament, which points to a j temperament rather than p. You seem quite effective and organized, at least in comparison to me heh.
    How about IJ temperament then?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittmont View Post

    Also you don't seem as easygoing as an IP eg I wouldn't dream of whining to my friends and make myself a nuisance in that way heh.
    This is interesting because whilst I regard myself as a bit nervy, others regard me as easygoing and relaxed. It's only when I'm taken out of my comfort zone such as when I'm hungry or overseas that my friends see much of that side of me

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    Quote Originally Posted by hellothere View Post
    How about IJ temperament then?
    Slow and methodical? That would make him delta or alpha. I think there is too much Ni there for that to be the case. Ni definitely seems to be the leading or creative function, which points to beta.

    My INTj sister in law just crunches steadily along rather than hopping from this to that if she can avoid it. I get a more energetic "all or nothing" vibe from akeaneau.

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittmont View Post

    "I can find it hard to motivate myself to do something that I want to do for myself do but work my arse off if compelled to such as with university work (I'm majoring in physics)."

    Again to me this points to an EJ temperament over an IP one. Is there an INFp alive that finds it hard to motivate themselves to do things that interest them? I have no motivational problems like that at all lol.
    I think I should clarify this. I can end up spending ages reading things that interest me or looking up stuff on the web which interest me, but I find it harder to keep up hobbies on a day-to-day basis such as writing, playing bass, learning Spanish

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    This is interesting because whilst I regard myself as a bit nervy, others regard me as easygoing and relaxed. It's only when I'm taken out of my comfort zone such as when I'm hungry or overseas that my friends see much of that side of me
    Heh are you picky about your food? I just grab something that is at hand if I get hungry. (That may have nothing to do with type tho.)

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittmont View Post
    Heh are you picky about your food? I just grab something that is at hand if I get hungry. (That may have nothing to do with type tho.)
    I'll make do with fast food if I have to without complaint, but I've been brought up a foodie. I enjoy all kinds of food- indian, french, italian, thai, mexican...I'm always up for trying anything new - I've had everything from kangaroo to guinea pig

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    I think I should clarify this. I can end up spending ages reading things that interest me or looking up stuff on the web which interest me, but I find it harder to keep up hobbies on a day-to-day basis such as writing, playing bass, learning Spanish
    Ah ok, I too have problems keeping a regular schedule going for stuff like that.

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    Sleepy time for me. Others can continue the grilling though and we can see where things stand tomorrow

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wittmont View Post
    My INTj sister in law just crunches steadily along rather than hopping from this to that if she can avoid it. I get a more energetic "all or nothing" vibe from akeaneau.
    how accurate is this vibe akeaneau?

  27. #27
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    why is this guy not a Si-valuer?
    6w5 sx
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    "I think a lot."

    Wow. Fucking insightful. I've never quite understood people saying this or asking:

    "Do you think a lot?"

    How the fuck should I know if I think a lot? Do people ever stop thinking?

    I've only ever experienced my own brain.
    Voted best beach in the world by yahoo 728 times!

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    Well at first it sounded like you were INTj or some kind of introverted ENTp from the description, but then I tried to do some Reinin matching and you came as ENFp. ENFp can tend to be a quiet extrovert.

    First this - "I tend to be quite self-absorbed. I'm usually more interested in putting my own two-cents in than what someone else has to say. I sometimes even play out imaginary conversations people I know have about me in my mind!" Suggests you are Declaring, or you have a tendency to monologue.

    Then - "I greatly enjoy time with a small group of friends and can be very animated, but I am uncomfortable and reserved in large groups such as at parties." This matches up with Rightist.

    "I unintentionally try to make myself appear 'cooler' or different to what I am when meeting new people, but this persona fades quickly after meeting someone." Sometimes when ENFp's become playful, people can tend to think that those are their real feelings towards a person. I don't know what function. Maybe Fi with Te hidden agenda.

    Could you look at the reinin dichotomies some are at and see which match up with you?

    But maybe you could be other types that match up with the same dichotomies. Anyway I think that's it for now I might edit later bec. I'm tired right now so it's hard for me to re-read what you wrote so i can expand my case. My eyes keep swimming around the paragraphs.
    Last edited by lkjhgfdsa; 01-22-2008 at 07:38 AM.

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    ENTp or INTj. Seems to make a point of the lack of Se, makes bad first impressions, avoid conflict at all costs, appearing cooler when uncomfortable (Se Role) etc.

    Makes himself appear small, unimportant and almost childish (not a big wig running around telling everybody what to do).

    Not ethical, talks about not being very emotionally expressive, quanitifying things and making lists (not directly linked with being logical), not very sentimental (political matters) etc.

    Some Si dual seeking like behaviour.

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    why is this guy not a Si-valuer?
    why is he? the only thing i see is that one pretty innocuous paragraph about good food and laziness. it does kind of point to Si, but the overall focus is clearly on Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Garmonbozia View Post
    "I think a lot."

    Wow. Fucking insightful. I've never quite understood people saying this or asking:

    "Do you think a lot?"

    How the fuck should I know if I think a lot? Do people ever stop thinking?

    I've only ever experienced my own brain.
    I think it's quite a valid thing to say. Some people can tune out easier than others and get on with things. Some people can just read. I have to sit and think about what I've read. Some people can concentrate on a conversation in a group. I find myself thinking alot and sometimes drifting off. Of course everyone thinks, but for some people it starts to get in the way of other things. I don't know much about socionics at the moment, so if I'm talking outta my arse here fair enough, but I wonder if you don't get what I say because you're sensing not intuitive, which is one thing I'm sure about myself?

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    I think it's quite a valid thing to say. Some people can tune out easier than others and get on with things. Some people can just read. I have to sit and think about what I've read. Some people can concentrate on a conversation in a group. I find myself thinking alot and sometimes drifting off. Of course everyone thinks, but for some people it starts to get in the way of other things. I don't know much about socionics at the moment, so if I'm talking outta my arse here fair enough, but I wonder if you don't get what I say because you're sensing not intuitive, which is one thing I'm sure about myself?

    lol her sig is a joke . she apparently hates socionics and doesn't believe in typing herself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hkkmr View Post
    I'm trying to guess the couple of types you've narrowed down to. I would say you've narrowed yourself down to something like ENTp/INTj. Or ENTp/INTp. How right am I?
    You're pretty spot on. I was tossing up between LII, ILI and EII. Until I started this thread my money was on LII-Ne subtype...I had never really considered IEI before, which is the one most people seem to think I might be, but reading the description I'm realising how much I match IEI as well. Now I'm more confused than ever! It could be I think I'm LII because I value Ti and Ne although a real-life friend whos also interested in socionics thought I was LII too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    You're pretty spot on. I was tossing up between LII, ILI and EII. Until I started this thread my money was on LII-Ne subtype...I had never really considered IEI before, which is the one most people seem to think I might be, but reading the description I'm realising how much I match IEI as well. Now I'm more confused than ever! It could be I think I'm LII because I value Ti and Ne although a real-life friend whos also interested in socionics thought I was LII too.

    welcome to my world 'akeaneau'

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkjhgfdsa View Post

    Could you look at the reinin dichotomies some are at and see which match up with you?
    I did the dichotomy test b4 and the results pointed strongly to LII:
    -Couldn't decide between leftist & rightist: i have elements of both

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    @akeaneau: Wow, your first post in this thread really reminds me of myself. What do you think of Delta NF as a possibility? I am leaning towards INFj Intuitive subtype.

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    Quote Originally Posted by electric View Post
    ENTp or INTj. Seems to make a point of the lack of Se, makes bad first impressions, avoid conflict at all costs, appearing cooler when uncomfortable (Se Role) etc.

    Makes himself appear small, unimportant and almost childish (not a big wig running around telling everybody what to do).

    Not ethical, talks about not being very emotionally expressive, quanitifying things and making lists (not directly linked with being logical), not very sentimental (political matters) etc.

    Some Si dual seeking like behaviour.
    that sounds about like what i was thinking. i don't think a Se valuer would put forth such an effort to come across as a very mild-mannered person who avoids conflict so much. i don't think avoiding conflict should be solely attributed to being Fe-ego.
    Last edited by implied; 01-22-2008 at 03:41 PM.
    6w5 sx
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    ILI might not be impossible, but i noted IEI as far more likely because the massive post at the start of this thread seems to naturally drift towards focus on the emotional states associated with and preoccupations with dealing with others.

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    This is a "finished" translation of Stratievskaya's description of Si in LIE's. A Si PoLR manifests differently in EIE's than it does in LIE's, so not all of it will fit perfectly, but I'll bold the parts that I thought of when I read akeaneau's initial post.

    People of this type frequently experience the sensation of discomfort with themselves and with their surroundings. They become irritated when they experience discomfort because it shames them. They do not understand why, for example, they can have a high tolerance for pain and discomfort in more extreme situations, yet in their day to day lives they are easily bothered by such trifles.

    They are not good at measuring and judging sensations. This is why it is helpful for them to have a partner who knows their tastes and habits better than they do, and who will remember which things have caused them discomfort in the past. Their ideal partner will also be farsighted enough to help them prevent burn out. They're not good at taking time out of their schedule for rest and leisure. They generally don't take the time to rest until they have to because they've worn themselves out. During these periods of down time, they usually watch TV or spend time online. Even then, they may be resting, but they are not relaxing. During these periods of "forced hibernation" they feel a strong sense of uneasiness and stress.

    It's important to understand that they dislike taking time away from accomplishing things, so if they're at the point where they are willing to actually take time out and rest, it's because they have to, and it's not a good idea to pressure them to do things or be more active. When they're resting, it greatly irritates them if they're asked to run errands or do chores. It may also be difficult to get or hold their attention when trying to communicate with them during their down time. They may even stop answering the phone. (However, under normal circumstances, they tend to do a few different things at the same time.)

    They don't usually worry about their physical needs and comfort when they're working or trying to get something accomplished. In their mind, it only slows them down. Similarly, they can get by without much at home, as they are very unpretentious and do not see a need to concern themselves with aesthetics and comfort. However, when they're in a caring relationship, they will anticipate that their partner is going to help them relax. In that situation, they will react strongly to even minor discomforts (they are not comfortable simply asking for help). To them, the ideal partner is someone who takes initiative and responsibility for things like dinner and household chores because they find it very stressful to deal with such matters, and having to worry about those things makes it even more difficult for them to relax (so they can in turn get more accomplished).

    People of this type are very unwillingly occupied with housework, and they don't usually notice the unattractive state of their surroundings. It's not until putting off chores creates enough disorganization to interfere with something that they're trying to accomplish that they are bothered by untidiness in their personal space. It is extremely rare for them to be stay-at-home spouses. Because women are often expected to be responsible for domestic duties, a female of this type often finds herself very irritated by a feeling of being torn between business/work and household responsibilities. She may try to get dinner ready and put away groceries while she's taking care of an important business call. If she finds herself having to spend time at home to care for her children during times when childcare is not available, it's likely that she'll try to get work done from home. When having children, she's likely to try to time it so that she gives birth and takes care of her infant during a slow time in her business, and she will still try to make use of the time she has off of work by teaching herself a foreign language or learning something that will help her in her profession.

    People of this type don't generally have much confidence in their own aesthetic taste and appearance. They aren't always successful in picking out attractive clothes for themselves. Women of this type don't often wear make up (and they usually look better without it). People of this type often consider themselves plain in appearance, even when such is not the case. The way they carry themselves may appear constrained, angular, tense, or awkward. They tend to doubt their ability to attract others, and may be self-conscious as a result. They feel awkward when attention is drawn to their appearance. Because people of this type tend to think they are less attractive than they actually are, it's not uncommon to see them in relationships or friendships with people who are not equally matched with them in terms of physical attractiveness or social status.

    While people of this type may feel reasonably comfortable wearing business attire when it's appropriate, they very much dislike being expected to dress up for and attend festive or ceremonial social occasions. They are uncomfortable being in situations which require them to take part in creating a warm or celebratory atmosphere for the sake of a holiday, event, or tradition. They prefer situations which aren't intended to be particularly warm and festive, but rather allow people to behave naturally and wear their everyday clothes.

    They frequently lack aesthetic sense in what they wear. They may wear something which is inappropriate for the occasion, impractical for what they're going to be doing (such as shoes that aren't water proof when they're going to be walking through wet grass), mismatches the style of something else that they're wearing, doesn't fit them properly, or is no longer in style or season. Knowing this, they feel uncomfortable wearing styles that are trendy and dislike taking "fashion risks", as they lack confidence in their sense of taste in such matters. In an attempt to avoid receiving attention or criticism, they often stick to simple and familiar styles of clothing that they feel comfortable in and that won't stand out. Their ideal partner does not comment on their deficiencies in appearance and clothing.

    Instead of offering criticism or asking if they want help with the weak areas described here, their ideal partner will take the initiative toward a implementing a solution. People of this type feel that this is the expression of a good relationship and will only entrust and properly relax around such a partner.
    I may have misinterpretted what akeaneau was saying, but like I said, the parts of akeaneau's initial post that I mentioned in relation to a Si PoLR were things that reminded me of this description, as well as some things kristiina has said. I think being too fussy about Si stuff is more of a sign of weak Si than strong Si. An ESE, for example, will put a large focus on eating food they enjoy or make sure their bed is comfortable and whatnot, but they're able to ignore that sort of thing when it's appropriate to do so, such as when camping or traveling. Someone with weak Si may not be as adaptable when they should be.

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