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    Default What's my type

    Hey all, I'm new to this forum but have recently become very interested in socionics and have been trying to work out my type. I've narrowed it down to a couple of types, but I can't seem to get any further, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Ok so about me. I tend to think a lot, especially when by myself. Sometimes even when I'm listening to music I still have to think aloud. I can have trouble getting to sleep because my mind is still trying to think about lots of things when my body is tired. I think its one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses - it allows me to come up with lots of ideas and conclusions but it also causes me to worry about alot of things - what people thought of something I did, how I could have done something differently. All that thinking also means I often don't notice what's going on around me or crucial details. I have a good memory when I use it but what people say to me often goes in one ear and out the other.

    I tend to be quite self-absorbed. I'm usually more interested in putting my own two-cents in than what someone else has to say. I sometimes even play out imaginary conversations people I know have about me in my mind! However I don't keep a diary. I know I'm fairly good at recognising my own and others emotional states but not at guessing the reasons behind them.

    I have a couple of circles of good friends, but I have trouble getting to know and talk to new people. I greatly enjoy time with a small group of friends and can be very animated, but I am uncomfortable and reserved in large groups such as at parties. I tend to make a poor initial impression on girls in particular, but they often seem to warm to me if they get to know me better. I unintentionally try to make myself appear 'cooler' or different to what I am when meeting new people, but this persona fades quickly after meeting someone.

    I don't like physical contact (with hugs and my gf being exceptions) but at the same time I greatly appreciate smiling and laughter. I love music but quickly tire of the same songs. I go through an album like someone would read a book, listening to the songs for quite a few times then usually not touching the album again for a long time. I can often look serious - even when I think I'm smiling my gf sometimes asks what's wrong. Yet funnily enough I have a very expressive face when I want to use it and did well in drama at school.

    I tend to avoid conflict. I'll rail about politics to likeminded friends, but then simply avoid the topic, find common ground and remain friendly to people with the opposite views. I find it easier to apologise than confront someone on a personal issue. I hate gossip and bitching about people behind their backs and always avoid joining in. There aren't many people that I genuinely dislike - when there's someone in my group of friends that seems to be rubbing everyone the wrong way I'll often be scratching my head wondering what they did wrong. I get exasperated and irritated easily but rarely get angry or enraged.

    I love reading about ideas (particularly science) and often can't help reading a book in a couple of sittings - once I start I can't stop. I love learning something just for its own sake (such as a dead language) but at the same time I hate anything I regard as simply bs such as some philosophy. I like to quantify things and make lists. I can find it hard to motivate myself to do something that I want to do for myself do but work my arse off if compelled to such as with university work (I'm majoring in physics). I hate doing chores at home but when I'm forced to I do them thoroughly.

    I love writing and enjoy at coming up with ideas and plots and settings and researching them. But I have real difficulty putting pen to paper and when I do I tend to go overboard on poetic prose.

    I greatly value comfort. I love good food and appreciate a good nights sleep. I love just having days kicking back and relaxing by myself. I get overly grouchy when I'm hungry. My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it". When I went overseas with friends and was placed out of my comfort zone I got extremely annoying to others in the amount of whining and complaints I made (however I got used to it and was glad for the experience).

    I tend to get more annoyed by reading about things that seem irrational or ridiculous than things which seem inhumane or destructive (with some exceptions, particularly animal cruelty). When reading about someone getting arrested and jailed for say simply crossing the road, I would be annoyed about the flimsy evidence or the idiocy of it when other people would focus more on the ordeal such a person would have to go through. I would be more annoyed about someone who got legally executed than illegally assassinated even though its probably a more minor thing in most people's eyes, probably because I feel it's something that's within the system - something that we do and should have the power to control. Law is one of those things i'd expect to rational whereas individuals or war, etc aren't.

    I dislike the ideas of left and right in politics, believing that each issue should be analysed and concluded upon on its own merits and not in relation to some overarching moral position. I often grapple with the pros and cons of a political issue but am usually able to reach a concrete position which I then hold very strongly.

    Finally I'm an intensely private person. I only reveal my true feelings to my family and my gf (and even then I can often hold back) whereas I tend to stay more on the surface with everyone else.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by akeaneau; 01-22-2008 at 02:03 AM.

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    Things that, altogether, sound like they could be a Si PoLR.
    Things that, altogether, sound like they could be Fe ego.
    Things that suggest an EJ temperament.

    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    Hey all, I'm new to this forum but have recently become very interested in socionics and have been trying to work out my type. I've narrowed it down to a couple of types, but I can't seem to get any further, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Ok so about me. I tend to think a lot, especially when by myself. Sometimes even when I'm listening to music I still have to think aloud. <-- This could be a sign of an extroverted dynamic temperament. I can have trouble getting to sleep because my mind is still trying to think about lots of things when my body is tired. I think its one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses - it allows me to come up with lots of ideas and conclusions but it also causes me to worry about alot of things - what people thought of something I did, how I could have done something differently. All that thinking also means I often don't notice what's going on around me or crucial details. I have a good memory when I use it but what people say to me often goes in one ear and out the other.

    I tend to be quite self-absorbed. I'm usually more interested in putting my own two-cents in than what someone else has to say. I sometimes even play out imaginary conversations people I know have about me in my mind! <-- could be Ni However I don't keep a diary. I know I'm fairly good at recognising my own and others emotional states <-- this is related to Fe but not at guessing the reasons behind them. <-- might be related to unvalued Fi? could be something else too though

    I have a couple of circles of good friends, but I have trouble getting to know and talk to new people. <-- this just means (s)he's not SEE lol I greatly enjoy time with a small group of friends and can be very animated, but I am uncomfortable and reserved in large groups such as at parties. <-- this is consistent with a number of EIE's I've known irl I tend to make a poor initial impression on girls in particular, but they often seem to warm to me if they get to know me better. I unintentionally try to make myself appear 'cooler' or different to what I am when meeting new people, but this persona fades quickly after meeting someone. <-- this could be related to aristocracy, valued Fe, and/or a Se hidden agenda

    I don't like physical contact (with hugs and my gf being exceptions) but at the same time I greatly appreciate smiling and laughter. <-- Fe related I love music but quickly tire of the same songs. I go through an album like someone would read a book, listening to the songs for quite a few times then usually not touching the album again for a long time. I can often look serious - even when I think I'm smiling my gf sometimes asks what's wrong. <-- this could be related to a Si PoLR Yet funnily enough I have a very expressive face when I want to use it and did well in drama at school. <-- Fe related

    I tend to avoid conflict. I'll rail about politics to likeminded friends, but then simply avoid the topic, find common ground and remain friendly to people with the opposite views. I find it easier to apologise than confront someone on a personal issue. <-- this could be a Fe > Fi thing I hate gossip and bitching about people behind their backs and always avoid joining in. There aren't many people that I genuinely dislike - when there's someone in my group of friends that seems to be rubbing everyone the wrong way I'll often be scratching my head wondering what they did wrong. I get exasperated and irritated easily but rarely get angry or enraged.

    I love reading about ideas and often can't help reading a book in a couple of sittings - once I start I can't stop. I love learning something just for its own sake (such as a dead language) but at the same time I hate anything I regard as simply bs such as some philosophy. <-- dunno? I like to quantify things and make lists. I can find it hard to motivate myself to do something that I want to do for myself do but work my arse off if compelled to such as with university work. I hate doing chores at home but when I'm forced to I do them thoroughly. <-- perhaps

    I love writing and enjoy at coming up with ideas and plots and settings <-- could be Ni/intuitive and researching them. But I have real difficulty putting pen to paper and when I do I tend to go overboard on poetic prose. <-- could be Si related

    I greatly value comfort. I love good food and appreciate a good nights sleep. I love just having days kicking back and relaxing by myself. I get overly grouchy when I'm hungry. My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it". When I went overseas with friends and was placed out of my comfort zone I got extremely annoying to others in the amount of whining and complaints I made (however I got used to it and was glad for the experience).

    I tend to get more annoyed by reading about things that seem irrational or ridiculous than things which seem inhumane or destructive (with some exceptions, particularly animal cruelty). When reading about someone getting arrested and jailed for say simply crossing the road, I would be annoyed about the flimsy evidence or the idiocy of it when other people would focus more on the ordeal such a person would have to go through. <-- could be a lot of things, but Ti valuing came to mind I would be more annoyed about someone who got legally executed than illegally assassinated even though its probably a more minor thing in most people's eyes, probably because I feel it's something that's within the system - something that we do and should have the power to control. Law is one of those things i'd expect to rational whereas individuals or war, etc aren't. <-- could be a lot of things, but Ti valuing came to mind

    I dislike the ideas of left and right in politics, believing that each issue should be analysed and concluded upon on its own merits and not in relation to some overarching moral position. I often grapple with the pros and cons of a political issue but am usually able to reach a concrete position which I then hold very strongly. <-- could be a lot of things, but Ti valuing came to mind

    Finally I'm an intensely private person. I only reveal my true feelings to my family and my gf (and even then I can often hold back) whereas I tend to stay more on the surface with everyone else. <-- sounds mostly human to me lol

    Thanks in advance!

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    IEI isn't a crazy suggestion by any means. Alpha SF wouldn't be either, but I think EIE fits the whole picture best.

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    Sounds almost exactly like my INFp friend.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    Things that, altogether, sound like they could be a Si PoLR.
    Things that, altogether, sound like they could be Fe ego.
    Things that suggest an EJ temperament.
    You're a disgrace Joy. You outlined one thing for Fe ego and assume she's an EIE. How do you know she's not an LIE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied View Post
    so do you think Se polr is somehow more adaptable?
    That's a good point. I'm not sure, but I do think that they're less likely to complain, generally speaking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    You're a disgrace Joy. You outlined one thing for Fe ego and assume she's an EIE. How do you know she's not an LIE?
    You didn't read the bolded notes, apparently.

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    No, fuck that. I will now read it and formulate my own opinion, free of prejudice (i.e. "I'm an SLE so this new person can't be!").

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    (i.e. "I'm an SLE so this new person can't be!").
    What are you talking about?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    You're a disgrace Joy. You outlined one thing for Fe ego and assume she's an EIE. How do you know she's not an LIE?
    I'm actually a he, but from the descriptions I'm definitely not an LIE!

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    I greatly value comfort. I love good food and appreciate a good nights sleep. I love just having days kicking back and relaxing by myself. I get overly grouchy when I'm hungry. My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it". When I went overseas with friends and was placed out of my comfort zone I got extremely annoying to others in the amount of whining and complaints I made (however I got used to it and was glad for the experience).
    Joy, how is this Si PoLR? sounds like valued Si to me

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    I tend to think a lot, especially when by myself. Sometimes even when I'm listening to music I still have to think aloud. I can have trouble getting to sleep because my mind is still trying to think about lots of things when my body is tired. I think its one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses - it allows me to come up with lots of ideas and conclusions but it also causes me to worry about alot of things - what people thought of something I did, how I could have done something differently. All that thinking also means I often don't notice what's going on around me or crucial details. I have a good memory when I use it but what people say to me often goes in one ear and out the other.
    Indicative of Ti, I believe, although it depends on what you're thinking about.

    I tend to be quite self-absorbed. I'm usually more interested in putting my own two-cents in than what someone else has to say. I sometimes even play out imaginary conversations people I know have about me in my mind! However I don't keep a diary. I know I'm fairly good at recognising my own and others emotional states but not at guessing the reasons behind them.
    Okay, now I see where Joy gets the Fe from. Still, I will retain the possibility of this being Fe HA or fifth function. Not indicative of a Fe type.

    I have a couple of circles of good friends, but I have trouble getting to know and talk to new people. I greatly enjoy time with a small group of friends and can be very animated, but I am uncomfortable and reserved in large groups such as at parties. I tend to make a poor initial impression on girls in particular, but they often seem to warm to me if they get to know me better. I unintentionally try to make myself appear 'cooler' or different to what I am when meeting new people, but this persona fades quickly after meeting someone.
    Sounds like Ti again.

    I don't like physical contact (with hugs and my gf being exceptions) but at the same time I greatly appreciate smiling and laughter. I love music but quickly tire of the same songs. I go through an album like someone would read a book, listening to the songs for quite a few times then usually not touching the album again for a long time. I can often look serious - even when I think I'm smiling my gf sometimes asks what's wrong. Yet funnily enough I have a very expressive face when I want to use it and did well in drama at school.
    Joy, you're a fucking idiot. What Fe leading doesn't like physical contact?

    I tend to avoid conflict. I'll rail about politics to likeminded friends, but then simply avoid the topic, find common ground and remain friendly to people with the opposite views. I find it easier to apologise than confront someone on a personal issue. I hate gossip and bitching about people behind their backs and always avoid joining in. There aren't many people that I genuinely dislike - when there's someone in my group of friends that seems to be rubbing everyone the wrong way I'll often be scratching my head wondering what they did wrong. I get exasperated and irritated easily but rarely get angry or enraged.
    More evidence for emotional reservation. Not Fe.

    I love reading about ideas (particularly science) and often can't help reading a book in a couple of sittings - once I start I can't stop. I love learning something just for its own sake (such as a dead language) but at the same time I hate anything I regard as simply bs such as some philosophy. I like to quantify things and make lists. I can find it hard to motivate myself to do something that I want to do for myself do but work my arse off if compelled to such as with university work (I'm majoring in physics). I hate doing chores at home but when I'm forced to I do them thoroughly.
    Ti is practically confirmed now.

    I greatly value comfort. I love good food and appreciate a good nights sleep. I love just having days kicking back and relaxing by myself. I get overly grouchy when I'm hungry. My friends are amused how I often ask "when's lunch" or ask "what's for dinner?" when talking with my parents. They are perplexed when I say I don't want to go out for no reason other than "I don't feel like it". When I went overseas with friends and was placed out of my comfort zone I got extremely annoying to others in the amount of whining and complaints I made (however I got used to it and was glad for the experience).
    Si valuing. Ti valuing. This can only mean one thing.

    I tend to get more annoyed by reading about things that seem irrational or ridiculous than things which seem inhumane or destructive (with some exceptions, particularly animal cruelty). When reading about someone getting arrested and jailed for say simply crossing the road, I would be annoyed about the flimsy evidence or the idiocy of it when other people would focus more on the ordeal such a person would have to go through. I would be more annoyed about someone who got legally executed than illegally assassinated even though its probably a more minor thing in most people's eyes, probably because I feel it's something that's within the system - something that we do and should have the power to control. Law is one of those things i'd expect to rational whereas individuals or war, etc aren't.

    I dislike the ideas of left and right in politics, believing that each issue should be analysed and concluded upon on its own merits and not in relation to some overarching moral position. I often grapple with the pros and cons of a political issue but am usually able to reach a concrete position which I then hold very strongly.

    Finally I'm an intensely private person. I only reveal my true feelings to my family and my gf (and even then I can often hold back) whereas I tend to stay more on the surface with everyone else.
    This is further blatent back up for Ti.

    akeaneau, I think you're an LII. Spend some time reading this page, and then tell me what you think. Also, this is one of the better socionics descriptions on this page (many are unreliable, too specific about trivial things (all LIEs like alpinism? What bullshit), and just plain shit). My LII friend identified with most, if not all of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post

    I tend to get more annoyed by reading about things that seem irrational or ridiculous than things which seem inhumane or destructive (with some exceptions, particularly animal cruelty). When reading about someone getting arrested and jailed for say simply crossing the road, I would be annoyed about the flimsy evidence or the idiocy of it when other people would focus more on the ordeal such a person would have to go through. I would be more annoyed about someone who got legally executed than illegally assassinated even though its probably a more minor thing in most people's eyes, probably because I feel it's something that's within the system - something that we do and should have the power to control. Law is one of those things i'd expect to rational whereas individuals or war, etc aren't.

    I dislike the ideas of left and right in politics, believing that each issue should be analysed and concluded upon on its own merits and not in relation to some overarching moral position. I often grapple with the pros and cons of a political issue but am usually able to reach a concrete position which I then hold very strongly.
    This is one of the reasons why I consider myself strongly Ti valuing. Alot of your rebuttals to Ezra's arguments make sense, but I honestly cannot fathom how you dismiss the above as not Ti valuing.

    I am capable of and sometimes quite enjoy connecting a wide range of sources together into an argument when doing essays. I would have also thought doing physics and maths as a major would require a good dose of
    Last edited by akeaneau; 01-25-2008 at 10:00 AM.

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    note though: Ti is IEI's hidden agenda, so it is valued for them too.

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    Ahh, interesting. I guess this might be a moot point then. Interesting actually, according to the filatova description, IEI's can make good mathematicians, which sounds abit weird to me

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    I thought it might be helpful to go through some of the filatova descriptions for LII and IEI and highlight what I agree/disagree and hopefully get an idea which one fits me better from that. So in the next posts:
    Black=not sure/depends/haven't been in that situation

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    Descriptions of the strong functions:
    Introverted Intuition: Primary Function

    Ni – Introverted intuition, in the IEI, dictates that his consciousness is submerged in modeling time-related processes. He sails and flows, going both forward and backwards in time. His consciousness, in contrast to the ILI, is focused on ethics. He therefore focuses less on problems concerning the material world and production, preferring instead the development, in time, of human emotions and relations between people.

    Internally he observes that everything is in constant motion: the children run, the adults work, behaviors display patterns, rivers flow, the heavenly bodies move in the sky… time has an identifiable essence about it. A dreamer and romantic, the IEI is easily separated from reality and taken away, by his thoughts, into the vastness of his dreams where he scoops up happiness and ponders the meaning of his existence. He’s often drawn towards novels containing fantasy and adventure. In these he participates with imaginary heroes in their adventures. The IEI loves to give himself up, for long periods, to dreaming. His dreams, as a rule, focus on beautiful and elegant things: i.e. a round-the-world journey aboard a lavish ocean liner alongside a refined public, the luxurious cottage with a fireplace and white piano, the excellent love…

    However, the IEI also knows how to sense the ripening of events, to catch the barely noticeable fluidity and dynamics of moods within society. He precisely senses the moment, in time, in which he must act; he especially senses the approximation of crisis situations and danger, at which time he will appear visibly disturbed.

    He quite successfully catches on to other people’s characteristics, abilities and potentials. Thus he is sometimes drawn to people with the purpose of using them. In respect to his own abilities and talents there is an internal, frequently secret, conviction that he exceeds others in his spiritual aristocratism, considering himself as a member of an elite. However, as a rule he tries not to demonstrate this conviction.

    Introverted intuition, as the primary function, impedes others from observing the IEI. It is difficult to analyze his behavior and he is inclined to justify himself in everything. His tendency to ignore reality, and his difficulty in self-appraisal, may lead him to egocentrism and an excessive indulgence in his own imagined world.

    [edit] Extroverted Ethics: Creative Function

    Fe – After having interpreted the dynamics of a situation the IEI attempts, emotionally, to influence the surrounding people and to push them towards appropriate activities. He knows how to manipulate people through moods, to incite the necessary reaction and feeling; he does not accomplish this through force but with persuasion; frequently through an emotional surge that signals to others that he will perish as a brittle, delicate entity if help does not arrive and his requests are not fulfilled! He finds that activities relating to business bring hardship upon him; therefore he tries to dispose of such work to people nearby. The IEI is easily inspired by a favorable climate, but is also very easy to offend: a sufficient negative intonation is all it takes to throw him into a state of despondency for the whole day.

    He is confident of his correctness and if those that surround him fail to follow through with the necessary activities his indignation and emotionalism can reach such a degree that, for a long period, he cannot be quieted, as he continues, with fervor, to prove his position to all.

    He loves to be the center of attention when in the company of familiar people. He knows how to direct himself towards others – to smile at someone, to support another’s remark, to be civil and conformal.

    The IEI frequently suffers from bouts of melancholy and disappointment, followed by periods of isolation. When such periods come to a close he will once again emerge bright and alert, with positive expectations directed towards the changes in his life. When he finds himself in a loving and understanding atmosphere his best qualities are revealed: the ability to melt tension and lend morale support. He understands the moods of those that he cares about and attempts to improve them; is ready to provide warmth and sympathy.

    Possessing high emotionalism, the IEI sensitively responds to all forms of art. He especially loves music
    and poetry; he frequently creates his own. He often attends concerts and develops a natural literary gift.(imho )

    [edit] Descriptions of the weak functions:

    [edit] Extroverted Logic: Place of Least Resistance

    Te – The IEI is focused within the domain of his dreams and dreams help him to hide from reality, which sometimes proves to be too rough and severe for his tastes.

    His activity in business is unpredictable, since his fitness depends exclusively on his mood: short flash-assaults alternate with periods of prolonged inaction. He generally possesses a low energy drive, and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. The inherence of asthenia – rapid enervation and low activity – is frequently compensated for by the need for a prolonged night sleep. For this very reason, without the necessary morale support, he frequently finds himself at a lower social position than would correspond with his abilities. Thus the IEI is prone to regard energetic people, whom hold a higher social status, with a secret sense of envy, to consider that life has wronged him and, involuntarily trying to justify himself, he seeks those on whom it is possible to fault for his own failures.Meanwhile he comforts himself in the fact that his high principles, brittleness and refinement of psyche do not permit him to act by the same methods as others. Thus he justifies his passivity by placing himself morally above those that surround him, thereby protecting his psychologically weak areas. He finds it difficult to accept personal responsibility. He prefers to lay responsibility on others, especially if work goes badly. Routine work is rarely assumed in any form and he will try, by all means, to avoid such or to carry it out negligently.

    [edit] Introverted Sensing: Role Function

    Si – In regards to everything that concerns health and his exterior image the IEI tries not to appear worse than others, to adhere to the same standards that exist in society. Here his innate elegance should be noted, his ability to appear refined, to dress with great taste, even should his financial situation be modest.

    The IEI finds it difficult to manage finances; he does not take heed of his balance before purchasing beautiful and elegant things, even if such purchases lack utilitarian properties and his finances do not suffice. It is difficult for him to think about this prose as money, and it is desirable to amuse himself by any means possible.

    The IEI is not the leader, but always the slave. Favorable conditions for activity must be, as much as possible, creative. He finds it difficult to manifest initiative, to clash with his environment, thus he often abides by the norms and principles dictated by the society in which he lives.
    Last edited by akeaneau; 01-25-2008 at 11:36 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by akeaneau View Post
    I would have also thought doing physics and maths as a major would require a good dose of

    not really, because non-Ti types can be very proficient at using Ti for specific purposes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
    not really, because non-Ti types can be very proficient at using Ti for specific purposes.
    For all I know this is true, but I am getting the impression that people are cherrypicking to some extent - emphasising what matches their pov whilst quickly dismissing or explaining away what doesn't

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    Quote Originally Posted by Akeaneau
    I am getting the impression that people are cherrypicking to some extent - emphasising what matches their pov whilst quickly dismissing or explaining away what doesn't

    Have you read any of these things?

    Maybe some of them could give ideas?

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    Thanks for the links, Loki, I'll have a look.

    hkkmr, I think that's great advice - I've probably got as much out of this discussion as I'm going to get. For now I'll just accept that it's been narrowed down to LII and IEI and hopefully sort out which in my own time.

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