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Thread: Brag about ESFps here - SEE appreciation thread!

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    if you tailgate a person while driving you are asking them to speed up.
    If I wanted you to elaborate, I would have asked, but I didn't. I pointed out the stupidity of your posts and simply passed your slow ass car on the road. There was no tailgating involved. Where would the logic be behind asking you to stretch and elaborate your stupid posts? I wanted to see less of your stupidity and not more of it.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
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    that is the problem- you really didn't point anything out. you didn't say anything other then "you're stupid". You just did it again, actually. everything i said is correct from what I can see, and i would like you to show me how i am wrong or off instead of throwing the word stupid around. that is a very easy thing to do. say something with content or shut up. you know you remind me of that guy duncleman on celebrity fit club

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post

    1: "every word is a generalization" - this means words without a context in mind do not form a coherent impression of reality, and for a sentance to have coherence it must be interpreted in light of a specific context you have in mind. So when you are "overgeneralizing", it matters little in light of the context which is being discussed. For example, if I say "LII never gets layed"... this puts you thinking into the circumstances of LII, of the act of getting layed... It is meant to guide and direct your thoughts toward what is real and what is trying to be reached: the specific circumstance.. which exists in imagination, and is contingent on more then words can express. Like if I look at a car and I say "that is a car".. unless you saw the same car, you know very little about the situation I am describing other then a car existed; and even then, what exactly qualifies as a car isn't clear. Or if I am looking at a waterfall and I say "the water never stops", this isn't true.. it will stop eventually, but at this specific circumstance it is "never stopping" ... I do not see it as being extremely important that I write a longer sentence to develop a more specific linguistic circumstance: "LII tends to get layed less then the other personality types".. the circumstance which the sentance triggers is what really matters. .. all that language should do, is guide you into thinking of a specific circumstance. Long sentances like what you are suggesting (i.e. INTj sentences) are language for its own sake, and accomplish nothing more then the previously more generalized statement accomplished.. they both guide your mind into the circumstance, and that is all that matters. Once thinking inside the circumstance, things are understood as they are conceived
    Tell me what in there doesn't make sense. If it is so stupid, it should be very easy

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    by that i meant "your sentances are unnecessarily specific" ... long refering more to an excess of content. Gammas will write forever, but say very little; only qualify alot. I can see how that would be the first interpretation of the word "long" ... this is not what I meant by it. If there are more inconsistancies you want qualified ask

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    that is the problem- you really didn't point anything out. you didn't say anything other then "you're stupid". You just did it again, actually. everything i said is correct from what I can see, and i would like you to show me how i am wrong or off instead of throwing the word stupid around. that is a very easy thing to do. say something with content or shut up. you know you remind me of that guy duncleman on celebrity fit club
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    Tell me what in there doesn't make sense. If it is so stupid, it should be very easy
    I have no problem with generalizations, as that is what Socionics is based-upon, but I do have a problem with stupid gross-generalizations which do nothing to advance Socionics but serves only to project your own issues and problems with people onto certain types. Why pick a fight with a nation when your problem is with an individual? Why piss off potential allies who may actually agree with you? As I said, liveandletlive and ScarlettLux seem to get this idea far better than you do. They do not respond with "fuck you LIIs" or "ESEs are stupid!" They go straight for the jugular: "machintruc- go eat shit and die. thanks." That sort of comment I can and did appreciate as it is correctly pointed to the source and not redirected to where there is not a problem.

    So what makes that paragraph stupid? The stupidity of the paragraph was not the content of the response, but the nature of the response. You used a hand grenade to kill a gnat. There is very little substance or material that is actually worth responding to in that paragraph. You apparently thought that I wanted to hear your thoughts on generalizations when I could care less since it misses the point of my original comment. Then there is the odd idea you seem to have that machintruc's idiocy should be responded in kind with your own set of idiotic generalities.

    Now let's point out what else you said sounded more silly and stupid.
    2, yes they are... it is the emotional stability which is disturbed. this balances it out
    The odd idea of emotional vindication, which is juvenile at best. You were emotionally disturbed by machintruc's idiocy? Most people would feel a sense of self-gratification or moral superiority by the idiocy of others. So you had to set things right how exactly? By emotionally disturbing another group? How well did that work out for you? You could learn a thing or two from your duals about learning when and how to pick your battles. Are your quarrels with types or individuals?

    3... get out of our quadra you damn birdy alphas
    Birdy alphas? Now old are you? Six? Grow up. Socionics has no room for quadra jingoists. And since when were these sub-forums exclusive clubs? I didn't realize that I had to have a membership card to post in here nor did I realize that the validity or truth of my comments were somehow dependent upon my type. I came here to learn about Gamma and to provide information when appropriate about Alpha or wherever else I see a misunderstanding. And do you speak for all of Gamma quadra? If not, then why would I get out when I enjoy contributing and participating in this sub-forum alongside the members of Gamma?

    And then lastdance opened his/her mouth to say more idiotic things, how did you respond exactly? Did you aim your gun at lastdance? No. Did you aim your gun at ENFjs? No. Did you aim your gun at Betas? No. So why did you go after the ESE? Because they were at the back of the herd? What kind of answer is that? You wanted to make yourself feel better by attacking the back of the herd? Could you not find the bus of handicapped kids with terminal diseases? Aggression is fine and dandy, but when it is unleashed and misdirected, you are just setting yourself up to invade Iraq to stop bin Laden. It is just not smart.

    Now let that guide your mind to the circumstances. Now I doubt that these answers will satisfy you since I am just an idiotic Alpha INTj, but I have decided to break my law this once and argue with the brickwall.
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    Johari Box

  6. #46
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    When I say "fuck the LIIs"... and this goes straight back to the conversation I had with ... myself.. on "generalizations"... in this circumstance, fuck the LIIs really means fuck machinstruc. The language is interpreted in light of the situation it is being applied to.
    Yep, that big old conversation didn't miss the point. The same concept applies to more of the problems you are having with what is happening... "get out alphas!" ....
    It is kind of like if you grow up in the southern USA, and live in Jackson Mississippi... you will soon find yourself saying "fuck black people" ... this does not mean you hate all black people; but it does mean you hate "black people" where black people is speaking to your immediate surroundings.

    Why did I go after ESE? Mach was also in here, and he is constantly harassing SEE.. the comment had more to do with him, and the general attitude of the forum, then with the individual. I am not threatened by an EIE.. I may of been responding to her, but I wasn't really... understand?

    Don't try and put yourself above emotional vindication.. our entire conversation thus far has been driven by it. It is a valid happening... it exists.. whether it is juvenile or not. Well, for one thing, I don't respond very well to the idea of juvenile, or the idea of social rules. Above that, i think you engage in the same behavior in a different form. Beyond that, I initially was only aiming to point out it existed... where you said something like "this is pointless"; well, it DOES have a point.. it is just an emotional point.

    More specificly for the bird comment and the ESE attack... it is humour to me. I enjoy angering people by being incredibly rude to them and watching them react. Its a little game I play sometimes. That is not to say I don't beleive in what I say- but that I let out something I think everyone has for the sake of entertaining myself... maybe even exagerating for effect. Once again, I think you engage in the same behavior in a different form... i.e., you are stupid!!! stupid!!! .... etc.
    Last edited by crazedrat; 04-01-2008 at 07:30 AM.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat View Post
    When I say "fuck the LIIs"... and this goes straight back to the conversation I had with ... myself.. on "generalizations"... in this circumstance, fuck the LIIs really means fuck machinstruc.
    I must remember that argument that when someone says that they hate black people that they really mean that they just hate some individual who happens to be black. (I should really stop being cynical.)

    The language is interpreted in light of the situation it is being applied to.
    Yep, that big old conversation didn't miss the point.
    Except the response did not seem to match the application. But I will not press the issue anymore. It would merely be counterproductive. So at this point we both walk away with a sense of self-righteousness and assurance in our correctness.

    Why did I go after ESE? Mach was also in here, and he is constantly harassing SEE.. the comment had more to do with him, and the general attitude of the forum, then with the individual. I am not threatened by an EIE.. I may of been responding to her, but I wasn't really... understand?
    The general attitude of the forum? I'm curious as to what that entails.

    Overall, this would probably be why LIIs prefer "longer" sentences. LIIs hate dancing, so they do not want to spend their time needlessly dancing around an issue just to get to the real heart of the matter when they can be more efficient with their words the first time around.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
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  8. #48
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    When I say screw you and your types and quadras, actually mean "let's hug"
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  9. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by bee View Post
    Hey Crazedrat- I fit in to your list of types you will talk to (ISFp-Fe)

    shut the fuck up!

    No, I didn't mean that, I just felt like saying it to piss you off by saying something annoying from a person who is a type you wouldn't really expect that from. In a playful way, honest. OMG I'm so sorry. Here, have some applesauce. It will make you FEEL better. <3
    You sound like me on other forums. Stop it!

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  10. #50
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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    It's all pointless. Tese guys have been in Socionics way longer than me. Can't they see this thing will find no good conclusion? LII is never going to agree with ILI, ILI is neverr going o agree with LII. Whhich is sad then, because until they have beaten each other bloody, they won't even agree to hate each other.
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  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
    I must remember that argument that when someone says that they hate black people that they really mean that they just hate some individual who happens to be black. (I should really stop being cynical.)
    Except that in a vast majority of cases, this is in fact true.

    "<optional deity,> I hate <any general class of people>," when a <member of said class> has somehow offended/angered one.

    Haven't you ever encountered such in real life? In my experience, these are common English idioms.
    XXXx <-- almost a beer

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by bee View Post
    When I say screw you and your types and quadras, actually mean "let's hug"
    You see, that is a major incompatibility.

    When I say "screw you," I expect you to answer "your place, or mine?" (assuming, of course, you are a female; with humble apologies to the gays around, I am just not aroused by males.)

    <3 (for the humor impaired)
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  14. #54
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    I have a new found respect for Logos after reading this thread. Using a hand grenade to kill a gnat.. brilliant.
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    Hahahahhahahhahahahahha! Yeah!!!!!! Simply delightful!!!!

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