Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
Vladimir Zhirinovsky doesn't fit that stereotype. It isn't a generic "people who are boorish" stereotype. It is something very specific - cheap beer, NASCAR, rifle rack in the back of the pick-up truck, country-western music, pro wrestling, trailer park, car up on blocks in the front yard, monster trucks, mullets, "Git R Dun", that kind of thing. And it isn't a particularly fair stereotype or a nice stereotype because part of it is an assumption of stupidity and racism and other kinds of ignorance, and not all people who like country-western music and have mullets are like that, but it is a very specific stereotype.
That's what I meant when I wrote "redneck" : "boorish people". If you have a low serotonin level, i.e. persistent bad mood, you're likely to have this kind of behaviour, and to relate to this stereotype, like 33% of people do. Such people can't really help being moody. I can't seriously hate them. I like everybody, and I'm as pacific as a lamb.