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Thread: worst typology EVER (offensive)

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    Angry worst typology EVER (offensive)

    This material may shock you. Read with caution.

    It's the least ethical typology I ever seen. Even "classical" typology is better.

    It's a politically correct way to define 6 types of people :

    1. Rigid narrow-minded machines (some caricature of E1)
    2. Overly sensitive cry-babies (some caricature of E2)
    3. Superficial success-oriented winners (some caricature of E3)
    4. Autistic unassertive do-nothings (some caricature of E5)
    5. Impulsive over-stimulated retards (some caricature of E7)
    6. Aggressive pushy rednecks (some caricature of E8)

    That really sounds like discrimination. I don't even have a type here. That's totally retarded. I mean, it's a typology that measures if you're a winner or a loser.

    The relational model doesn't even work !!!

    I mean, some psychologists or other human sciencists always tell what they feel we want to hear. It's a prototypical E3 behaviour. They are conformist liars. Only the most weak-minded left-wingers people can agree with such a retarded theory. Using such retarded caricatures seriously really disgusts me.

    For example, the Management style :

    Workaholic : Democratic
    Reactor : Benevolant
    Persister : Democratic
    Rebel : Laissez faire
    Dreamer : Autocratic (receives)
    Promoter : Autocratic

    "(receives)" ??? seriously ??? All types are able to lead but the "Dreamer" !?? It's like when you say only E3's or E8's are able to lead. I really prefer when someone say it's only ENFJ's. At least they are cool people. Threes and Eights aren't.

    You see ? Even Eysenck's typology is better. PCM lacks logical consistency.

    Maybe I'll create my own model, with only two types :

    - Outgoing Type (non-ILI's) 93.75% of people
    - Shy Type (ILI's) : 6.25% of people

    At least it'd be better than this piece of s**t, because it wouldn't lack boldness or straightforwardness.

    You know, 18954217 years ago, I was a retarded fish-frog. That's basically the same thing.

    You know, I'm shy, and I can't expect love or friendship from others. I can't even expect to have a social life or a work.

    BTW, I have known a very awesome SEI +-- girl which suffered all her life because she was too weak-minded (hence, Pavlov's weak type). Don't be weak-minded. Go seek and boldly defend the truth. PRAISE CHRIST.

    EDIT: Censored unrespectful things

    EDIT2: I think Kahler was SEE.
    Last edited by machintruc; 01-19-2008 at 06:45 PM.

  2. #2


    Is there any particular reason why you interject "Praise Christ" at the end of your post?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX View Post
    Is there any particular reason why you interject "Praise Christ" at the end of your post?
    To remain on the context, because Christ and the Truth are basically the same thing.

    I said that the Truth must be sought and defended with boldness.

    You know, human beings have feelings of Truth and Lying.

    Truth : an agreeable and peaceful feeling of logical consistency. You may feel in a "contemplative" state.
    Lying : some bizarre feeling that contains frustration and voluptuousness. You may have an adrenalin rush, or even a bogus contemplative feeling.

    When you adhere to something you feel inconsistent, your body and your soul react. No matter your type. You may be a tough-minded LSI or an open-minded IEE, that's the same feeling.

    I'll explain :

    1. Voluptuousness comes from the apparent "comfort" you may find believing in lies.
    2. Frustration comes from the feeling of lacking of the truth.

    That's very simple.

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    Why are you obsessed with calling Eights 'rednecks'? I'm an Eight, and I'm not a redneck. There will be other Eights in the world who are also not rednecks.

  5. #5


    I am under the assumption that since English isn't his first language, and since he lives in France, perhaps he has a wrong perception of what rednecks actually are. Or perhaps his perception is accurate but he knows not how to properly articulate it.

    And precisely for what reason are "christ" and truth one and the same? You can't just exclaim such subjective things in the manner as if they are blatantly objective. Could you explain your reasoning?
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    That's true. I've only just begun thinking about that.

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    There are plenty examples of typology that suck, even here within socionics.

    : /
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    To remain on the context, because Christ and the Truth are basically the same thing.

    I said that the Truth must be sought and defended with boldness.

    You know, human beings have feelings of Truth and Lying.

    Truth : an agreeable and peaceful feeling of logical consistency. You may feel in a "contemplative" state.
    Lying : some bizarre feeling that contains frustration and voluptuousness. You may have an adrenalin rush, or even a bogus contemplative feeling.

    When you adhere to something you feel inconsistent, your body and your soul react. No matter your type. You may be a tough-minded LSI or an open-minded IEE, that's the same feeling.

    I'll explain :

    1. Voluptuousness comes from the apparent "comfort" you may find believing in lies.
    2. Frustration comes from the feeling of lacking of the truth.

    That's very simple.
    Hmm... is Christ truth, or is truth Christ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Why are you obsessed with calling Eights 'rednecks'? I'm an Eight, and I'm not a redneck. There will be other Eights in the world who are also not rednecks.
    You missed the point. I'm calling Fours and Sixes so too. Aren't Mel Gibson and Zhirinovzky "rednecky" ? (both are cp6)

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg View Post
    Hmm... is Christ truth, or is truth Christ?
    Yes. Basically, Christ = Truth = Christ.

    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX View Post
    I am under the assumption that since English isn't his first language, and since he lives in France, perhaps he has a wrong perception of what rednecks actually are. Or perhaps his perception is accurate but he knows not how to properly articulate it.

    And precisely for what reason are "christ" and truth one and the same? You can't just exclaim such subjective things in the manner as if they are blatantly objective. Could you explain your reasoning?
    That's right. It's not my first language. My first language is French.

    It's easy to prove that Christ is the Truth. In a world where there's sin, Jesus didn't sin a single time. Therefore, he's not "an adherent of the Truth". He's the Truth.

    Have you ever read his teachings ? One can't seriously disagree with them, even the most reckless or obstinate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Salawa View Post
    How does lack of sin = truth?
    To sin means, using the will to take deliberate actions, speeches, or thoughts against the Truth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Salawa View Post
    How do you know they just didn't omit the sins when they wrote the gospels?
    Do you have a single example of Jesus' sins ?

    Of course, I'm not talking about those stupid hippie retarded rumours that say "Jesus has fornicated with Mary Magdalene" or such.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Salawa View Post
    Aside from the accusations of the Pharisees et al, no -- but it's beside the point. If his sins were omitted during the writing of the gospel, of course we will have no examples of them -- but that doesn't mean he didn't commit any.
    However, I can't persuade you to convert yourself to Catholicism. But I don't think you're seriously thinking on damning yourself.

    BTW, I have recently known a very tough-minded LIE with the -+0 variant. Even some pretty EIE (++0) girl couldn't persuade him to reflect to "stranger" opinions. An LSE (00+) dude said to him (the LIE) that abortion is an Adolf-like thing.

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    Machintruc has completely lost it. But this thread is hilarious. More!

    Do you have a single example of Jesus' sins ?

    Of course, I'm not talking about those stupid hippie retarded rumours that say "Jesus has fornicated with Mary Magdalene" or such.
    This is hilarious, because first we're supposed to have an example of something from a self-limiting book written by people trying to convince us that this guy is the son of god and without fault. Obviously from that book, we won't find evidence, and he lived so long ago that evidence isn't available from an objective source.

    But then, he dismisses any example we might have anyway.

    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salawa View Post
    Christ may be Truth, who knows, but I just thought your reasoning was off.
    You know, most nonbelievers adapt their reasoning to the supposed non-existence of God because they are narrow-minded. It's like adapting mathematics to the assertion that the square root of -1 is 99.

    Quote Originally Posted by Salawa View Post
    Can you remind me what the -+0 means?
    Counterphobic six.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    You missed the point. I'm calling Fours and Sixes so too. Aren't Mel Gibson and Zhirinovzky "rednecky" ? (both are cp6)
    Fours rednecky?

    Right, so as to avoid conflict, machintruc, give me your definition of a redneck.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Fours rednecky?

    Right, so as to avoid conflict, machintruc, give me your definition of a redneck.
    I was searching for a translation for the french word "beauf", which seems to translate to the english words "redneck" or "boor".

    Redneck is a stereotype. It may refer, for example, for the moody aggressive alcoholic retard you may encounter in bars, or to some very narrow-minded politician (think of Zhirinovsky).

    When you feel bad (physiologically, i.e. serotonin low), you may feel that you don't fit in. You may ask to yourself something like "What's wrong with me ? Why are all they so happy together ? Why am I not happy myself ?". And you'll be likely to seek some relief, by behaviours that are not limited to, but including :

    - Intimidating others (that's right - even Fours are intimidating)
    - Numb sensation seeking (like with sex, drugs, fights, food, or pain inducing)
    - Excess of competing (I remind Sarkozy when he said "I fought more than any other")
    - Reckless behaviours (breaking laws and norms)
    - Verbal recklessness (saying things that nobody wants to hear)
    - Sadism or masochism (bullying or seeking pain)
    - Conflict seeking (in order to "expand" sadness around oneself)
    - Very extravagant dressing (especially for E4, sometimes for E8)
    - Beating wife or children, in order to control them
    - Inducing emotional pain to others, as if it was some kind of "punishment"
    - Numb impact seeking (i.e. influencing others, but not making efforts to please them)
    - Non-adaptive thinking (I remind Sarkozy again, when he said "I don't give a f*** of what they'll think")
    - Egocentric thinking, taking oneself for the centre of the world (approximately 90% of Fours, 70% of Sixes, and 50% of Eights are Introtims)
    - Overly passionate patterns of intimate relationships. Manipulating comfort and discomfort, to form some kind of relational pattern.
    - Numb emotions seeking (positive or negative)
    - Seeking loneliness (even Extrotims)
    - Mistrusting others, very remote social behaviour
    - etc.

    All types can have such behaviours, but 468's more than others.

    I like to say playfully "redneck" to refer to low or average-functioning pessimistic triaders (468's). It's pretty funny. Some things in the world are really sad and you can't possibly have impact to them. Laughing is better than crying.

    EDIT: being "moody" doesn't really mean you're depressed, it means that you have a low feeling of well-being, and that by feeling "empty", you're likely to seek some relief. But those types are more capable than others to deal with difficult situations. They are habituated to depression. They can be very awesome... when high-functioning though.
    Last edited by machintruc; 01-19-2008 at 01:18 AM.

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    The thing is that redneck is also specific to a region (Appalachia) and Scots-Irish descent, so to say Zhirinovsky is a redneck just sounds weird.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    The thing is that redneck is also specific to a region (Appalachia) and Scots-Irish descent, so to say Zhirinovsky is a redneck just sounds weird.
    I was taking on rednecks as stock characters, like femme fatales or ingenues. Except that I was talking on rednecks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dee View Post
    @ machintruc: i think ENTP>>>INTJ for you due to your over the top Fe and Se.
    I'm nothing like , because I'm as pacific as a lamb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    because I'm as pacific as a lamb.
    Pacific enough to start extremely offensive threads?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    Pacific enough to start extremely offensive threads?
    my "offensive" threads aren't really "offensive", they are just playful. I feel like such jokes are like poetry.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    my "offensive" threads aren't really "offensive", they are just playful. I feel like such jokes are like poetry.
    So, in your opinion, offensive doesn't mean offensive? If these threads were playful they wouldn't offend people. You simply don't want to admit that your jokes are very hostile.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    So, in your opinion, offensive doesn't mean offensive? If these threads were playful they wouldn't offend people. You simply don't want to admit that your jokes are very hostile.
    No. They're not, you're just overly sensitive. On the most offensive threads I said that such jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously, and aren't meant to be read by sensitive or fragile people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    No. They're not, you're just overly sensitive.
    So if I understand you correctly you know admit that these threads are offensive to many people. And what was your reaction to Baby's offensive post (, were you then simply "overly sensitive".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Elf View Post
    So if I understand you correctly you know admit that these threads are offensive to many people. And what was your reaction to Baby's offensive post (, were you then simply "overly sensitive".
    I'm sensitive, that's true, but I'm not making a self-image for that. I'm a dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    The thing is that redneck is also specific to a region (Appalachia) and Scots-Irish descent, so to say Zhirinovsky is a redneck just sounds weird.
    I disagree, something Jeff Foxworthy did for the entire world, was let everyone know that their are rednecks EVERYWHERE you go.

    I watched a program the other night where he was talked about.

    He was in a comedy club in Wisconsin somewhere, and someone had mentioned to him that there were no rednecks in Wisconsin.
    He took the time to say
    "Well, I'm standing here in a Bar that's attached to a bowling alley that has valet parking. If that's not redneck, we may just have to figure it out." Then came his "you might be a redneck if..." stuff and he's now the richest comedian in the world... just because he found a way to relate everyone to "rednecks" in some way or another. He actually turned what has always been a slandering word into one that most people can relate someone they know to.

    In many ways though, I'd consider myself somewhat of a redneck... none of which are listed in that little offensive description above.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    I'm sensitive, that's true
    Right, and so are other people. My point is that you lack objective self-criticism. You see nothing wrong in offending others, but obviously dislike very much being offended yourself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    lol, it's funny how people get offended at threads that he warned would be offensive, but complain about it anyway. actually, it's even funnier how they take him seriously in the first place.

    machintruc, you are hilarious!

    praise christ? :wink:
    You don't know the retarded fish-frog theory ? It's in the episode "Go God Go" from South Park. It's a parody of the evolution theory. I find evolution theory retarded personally.

    Those ILI Dreamers... Was Kahler right ? If he though only on ILI's, I agree with him. Sorry Mr Kahler, you're just plain awesome.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    I disagree, something Jeff Foxworthy did for the entire world, was let everyone know that their are rednecks EVERYWHERE you go.

    I watched a program the other night where he was talked about.

    He was in a comedy club in Wisconsin somewhere, and someone had mentioned to him that there were no rednecks in Wisconsin.
    He took the time to say
    "Well, I'm standing here in a Bar that's attached to a bowling alley that has valet parking. If that's not redneck, we may just have to figure it out." Then came his "you might be a redneck if..." stuff and he's now the richest comedian in the world... just because he found a way to relate everyone to "rednecks" in some way or another. He actually turned what has always been a slandering word into one that most people can relate someone they know to.

    In many ways though, I'd consider myself somewhat of a redneck... none of which are listed in that little offensive description above.
    Oh, trust me, we have rednecks in Michigan. Still, many of them are of Scots-Irish descent, many of their grandparents lived in Tennessee or some such place. Anyway, that's where the stereotype of rednecks, hillbillies, whatever you want to call them started, and to be a redneck or hillbilly you have to act like that. And rednecks here in Michigan and in Wisconsin are probably more accurately called "hicks" or something.

    Vladimir Zhirinovsky doesn't fit that stereotype. It isn't a generic "people who are boorish" stereotype. It is something very specific - cheap beer, NASCAR, rifle rack in the back of the pick-up truck, country-western music, pro wrestling, trailer park, car up on blocks in the front yard, monster trucks, mullets, "Git R Dun", that kind of thing. And it isn't a particularly fair stereotype or a nice stereotype because part of it is an assumption of stupidity and racism and other kinds of ignorance, and not all people who like country-western music and have mullets are like that, but it is a very specific stereotype.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    I should add that my husband drag races. I see hicks/rednecks/hillbillies on a pretty regular basis. Some of them are quite proud to call themselves that.

    My husband made me go to a tractor pull once because he was curious what it would be like. It was at the county fair. People were really getting into it, too. "MAN did you SEE THAT? A full pull!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!" He made me go to a monster truck rally once too. He fits absolutely none of the redneck stereotypes - he isn't even American - but he likes anything with an engine so he does like to go to those kinds of things.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    Vladimir Zhirinovsky doesn't fit that stereotype. It isn't a generic "people who are boorish" stereotype. It is something very specific - cheap beer, NASCAR, rifle rack in the back of the pick-up truck, country-western music, pro wrestling, trailer park, car up on blocks in the front yard, monster trucks, mullets, "Git R Dun", that kind of thing. And it isn't a particularly fair stereotype or a nice stereotype because part of it is an assumption of stupidity and racism and other kinds of ignorance, and not all people who like country-western music and have mullets are like that, but it is a very specific stereotype.
    That's what I meant when I wrote "redneck" : "boorish people". If you have a low serotonin level, i.e. persistent bad mood, you're likely to have this kind of behaviour, and to relate to this stereotype, like 33% of people do. Such people can't really help being moody. I can't seriously hate them. I like everybody, and I'm as pacific as a lamb.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    That's what I meant when I wrote "redneck". If you have a low serotonin level, i.e. persistent bad mood, you're likely to have this kind of behaviour, and to relate to this stereotype, like 33% of people do.
    If you have a persistent bad mood, you will want to listen to country-western music and wear a mullet?

    You obviously don't know any rednecks. They can be a pretty happy bunch. Their happiness level is probably roughly the same as anyone else's.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    If you have a persistent bad mood, you will want to listen to country-western music and wear a mullet?

    You obviously don't know any rednecks. They can be a pretty happy bunch. Their happiness level is probably roughly the same as anyone else's.
    Nobody is really or purely a "redneck" or a "boorish dude/girl" ; that's a stereotype.

    Saying that moody types (low serotonin) are all boorish is like saying that tough-minded types (moderate serotonin) are all machines. I'm not a machine.

    But in fact, most 468's I encountered in class liked to play boorish dudes/girls. Mainly, there was an ILI-4 dude that liked to create or get involved to random conflicts. Yes. For some time interval, the "bully" of that school was actually E4. No joke. I mean, if you have a bad mood, you're likely to overcompensate a low drive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    Nobody is really or purely a "redneck" or a "boorish dude/girl" ; that's a stereotype.

    I disagree, there are people that are as redneck as you could

    Most of my younger years were in the hills of Tennessee, it is a fact that there are many people exactly like what you posted. Then again, it's also a fact that many of the people that would be considered "redneck" are also great people... many of whom like moster trucks, tractor pulls, rodeos, and drinkin beer and driving around

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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka View Post
    I disagree, there are people that are as redneck as you could

    Most of my younger years were in the hills of Tennessee, it is a fact that there are many people exactly like what you posted. Then again, it's also a fact that many of the people that would be considered "redneck" are also great people... many of whom like moster trucks, tractor pulls, rodeos, and drinkin beer and driving around
    At least, they're cool when they're drunk, when their serotonin level raises up °.-) lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    Vladimir Zhirinovsky doesn't fit that stereotype. It isn't a generic "people who are boorish" stereotype. It is something very specific - cheap beer, NASCAR, rifle rack in the back of the pick-up truck, country-western music, pro wrestling, trailer park, car up on blocks in the front yard, monster trucks, mullets, "Git R Dun", that kind of thing. And it isn't a particularly fair stereotype or a nice stereotype because part of it is an assumption of stupidity and racism and other kinds of ignorance, and not all people who like country-western music and have mullets are like that, but it is a very specific stereotype.
    THANK YOU. This is what I know to be a redneck, machintruc. So perhaps you can find another word. I don't like the connotations this one has.

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