Quote Originally Posted by Waddlesworth View Post
I'm very afraid of being hurt. So much that I have extreme difficulties in making the first move because I'm not sure if I REALLY am reading the person's intentions or not. I think this lets girls think that they can get away with more around me and not expect anything and then "BAM!" just when i give it a shot, my worst fears come true "EW, GET OFF OF ME YOU FREAK!" it never happened but i'm worried it will. but then again, why would she be so close if she thought i was a freak... alright, next time she does the "lay next to" baby talk im goin' in for the kill! well, the love. you get the idea.

but once the wheels are in motion i'm very sexually demanding and every morning turns into a sex fest for me. I can get very annoying I'm sure.

"What, you don't want to love me? you don't want to express in the flesh your bodily love for me? why? am I ugly? you find me unnattractive? Obviously i'm not turning you on so it must be true. Well, i guess not, but still... well... not even a handjob? if you loved me you'd give me a handjob... THEN I'd shutup. if you don't give me a handjob you must think I'm gross because you will only gain by giving me one. I'll stop complaining, feel happy, AND be my normal self again. isn't that what you want? I promise I'll be quick. Maybe it'll even turn you on a little, then i promise i'll return the favor."

I've learned my lesson and probably wont do that anymore.
This grossed me out immensely. I thought i was going to learn something so i kept reading. Nope.
Are you by any chance an si valuer? Just a blind walk off a cliff (i mean blind guess)