Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
The whining. I'm Fe ignoring and even I can tell when eii Fi droning on and whining kills the Fe vibe in the room. It's much worse if they are in a high status position because then they can almost force everyone to sit and listen to their whining.

Wife has an acquaintance EII and she dumps her feeling world views on the world like there is no tomorrow, and in deep monologues. It is processing emotions and needing to vent, but body language and reading everyone is just not there, if you can see only yourself and then you are the main only character.

Her kids always used to say, i feel sorry for dad, because he has to listen to that all the time, where we can create excuses and leave the scene.

It just seems every event is a 10 out 10 on the Richter scale. She's healthy but anytime there is social media posting she injects something contrary to the trajectory not acknowledging anyone else, even one iota.

It's like autism in a way in the centerdness of it.